My Cs for this week

in CCC4 years ago (edited)

In the past weeks, I mainly struggled with my car.
The new one I bought. The Clio I gave to my daughter. It had some issues too (noises) the car service said better not to repair. It passed the annual test and turned out to be fine. Just needs 2 tires but I have them (4 actually). While my daughter has fun with her car (loud music and those noises can't be heard) mine turns out to be a lemon. Twice it ended up at a car service and we had to do without.
No car means 5.5 hours traveling for the children which means they are close to a breakdown but they managed to do it. The school wasn't really worth the trouble. The teaching is below level, one class plus all teachers are in quarantine because of the coronavirus before the first week was oner. The school of the youngest suddenly decided to change the lessons in something I did not sign my child in for! A big BUH to that school.

Summer is over and Autumn is on its way.
I didn't come to mowing, finishing the garden because I have other things to worry about, my health to start with. Perhaps I make it before the winter starts.

Three more months to go and it looks like I cannot achieve the goals I set in December 2020. See my #hasil2020 posts.
True or does it just feel that way?
Goals set

  • Retirement - if I save on and manage to fill up the amount I used yesterday to pay for my car I will.
  • Credit card - I think I will make it if I save on.
  • Car - I bought and had the money for it. No debts but no savings either. Let's hope a bit again at the end of 2020.
  • Weight - I lost weight but gained some too although it's the first weight I had set (goal achieved) but I decided more is needed (not achieved yet). The scales are needed, plus drinking more, way more.

I hope tomorrow finally a life with fewer problems will start. One I can have some extra rest and sleep longer.

This is my entry to the contest What does CCC mean to you 3.15 hosted by @team-ccc

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