DRAGON SLAYING ...How to find and undo those hidden beliefs that prevent you from succeeding.

in #beliefs7 years ago

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Each of us can do better at whatever we are doing. It is as if we were driving along in a high-powered car with one foot on the accelerator but with the other on the brakes. We are moving ahead but would go much faster without braking while we accelerate. What holds our foot to the brakes are beliefs contrary to whatever it is that we want to do. Thought is the gasoline that drives action.

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Try lifting your hand without getting the idea to do so. It doesn't happen. Now try doing something you have never done before. If you get that far, what are the thoughts that pop up? Perhaps, "This is silly?" Or, " Why should I do this?" Or, any number of other thoughts that either stopped you from doing it or that you had to ignore just to do this new thing. Any one of them is based on a belief that you have. "This is silly" is something that you truly believe regarding the frivolousness of my request. "Why should I do this?", is a question to yourself that reveals your belief that things are fine the way they are. You truly believe that or you wouldn't bring into question such a simple request that you take an action you have never taken before. To be rational about it, what harm could there be in trying something new? You can decide how simple a task it is. For example, you can simply decide to wear your wallet in a different pocket for an hour. Try to do something more extreme and you will experience heavier amounts of force in the beliefs that come up that deter you from whatever task it is.

A rational series of steps developed for safety reasons can becomes irrational when followed blindly. For example a rule for an industrial area might be "always wear a hat if you have long hair and tuck in any loose clothing." Eventually, these rules become the normal "how things are done" and may result a counterproductive dress code for the sales staff.

A child grows up in a religious family that goes to church every Sunday. Before the child can speak he is surrounded with ideas that, for him, with no experience in the world, are rules to live by that his authorities foist on him to control him into praying before sleeping and eating and reserving Sunday for worship. Most of public schooling results in indoctrination and watching television the rest of the time is having brand names foisted upon him to control him into buying that brand only. The belief that smoking Marlborough cigarettes was the way you knew you were a "he-man" is one I grew up with. By the time we are adults we are highly brainwashed unless we have done something to reverse the condition. We have beliefs about racial or gender superiority, brand names, religion, country, politics neighborhood sports teams etc. These beliefs have infiltrated every nook and cranny of our lives and serve one purpose which is to get us to do the bidding of our masters. Our masters are those who we work for and we are controlled by beliefs.

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Add to our beliefs a heavier version resulting from trauma; a kid gets hit by a car while skateboarding and is knocked unconscious. The ambulance arrives with a siren going full blast and he wakes up in the hospital. The nurse in a white outfit says to the doctor, "I don't think he'll make it". Years later the man is going for a job interview. This particular day he had a slight case of the flu and wasn't feeling so good but still had to get that job interview so he heads to the new job office. Traffic is heavy and a car screeches to a halt at the crosswalk and he feels a bit unnerved. He continues and hears in the distance the siren of a fire truck. A slight headache starts up. He arrives at the interview and the receptionist in a white outfit is there to greet him and the thought goes through his head, " I don't feel good and I probably won't get the job anyway," and he turns around and leaves. He truly believes the nurse's phrase about not making it. He might return home and his wife tries to get him to go back for the job interview but he feels worse and doesn't. Here is a case where an amount of force in the form of pain in his head is activated in response to a fully triggered, buried event. This occurs without his consciously remembering the pain of being hit by the car. The more the content of his experience matches in some way the content in the memory recording, the more the ideas and the pain impinges on him.

We can understand better how this works if we look at how recordings are made. In the old days, there was a magnetic tape that recorded sound as in your tape recorder. Just as in your TV screen, there are little units of positive or negative charge called pixels that are grouped together in a way that an image can be reproduced. Along with the group of ones and zeros that determine the visual reproduction, there is also audio. Again ones and zeros grouped in a certain way can bring back a sound that was recorded. We are now getting into virtual reality machines and the only difference is that the recording tape or whatever form it takes such as computer chip or CD or DVD, will just have more groupings of ones and zeros to represent the recording of other sensations. We know that the sense of touch is a system where nerve sensors receive a pattern and this pattern is transferred along the nerves and interpreted by the brain giving a sense of touch. This can be digitalized and recorded as can be the other senses. Virtual reality recordings may be a good model of how the mind records and replays memories.

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Many therapies have been developed over the years to undo the irrational effects of such programming. Freud's talking therapy may have been the first of the modern techniques that addressed this issue and there have since been many approaches to healing irrationality based on these principals. The key to all of them is bringing into the rational that which was below the awareness threshold. I call these programmed beliefs "Dragons" or some other derogatory name that identifies them as dangerous as they interfere with our full capability to solve the problems of existence.

We can now proceed to a discussion of creativity of which each of us is capable but few embrace. Self-consciousness is the main culprit which is made up of every imaginable belief relating to one's unworthiness. We pick them up from parents, playmates, teachers, and myriads of authorities. Although I have been working in the field of fine arts for many years, writing is a new venture for me and I find that I am not exempt from the need to do some dragon slaying here which gives me the opportunity to inspect and share the process.

By way of example is the following dialogue I had with myself when trying to write down the words of this discourse. These are the actual thoughts and beliefs that popped into my head while I was struggling with the ideas I wanted to share with you. Without undoing the beliefs, I doubt that I would have been able to get these words down on paper. Dragon slaying is a process that I used each time one appeared and hopefully my accurate description of what came up and how I resolved it will be of value to others in expanding their creativity.

“Anything I say cannot be true. It must be a lie because I'm in an altered state” I said to the being occupying my body, in the mirror of my meditation. I am also talking to the computer monitor in front of me that seems to question my authenticity. My fault-finder slips in under my chin and says, in so many words, “don't believe this, it is a hallucination. "

Embedded here, along with more lucid concepts, are core beliefs of self-invalidation, that I have nothing of value to say. I try to notice ideas that don't feel right. I meditate on these discordant ideas allowing myself to become mired in the emotions that come up until they either dissipate or stabilize. If they stabilize, I ask, "where did this idea come from?" Usually, another earlier incarnation of the idea presents itself with its infusion of emotion. I keep going over it until it too dissipates. When the emotion fully lifts there is usually a new idea that feels good to me that makes sense to me rationally. I often have a new understanding of why I had that belief. Resonation is a term that describes the process whereby a tuning fork can cause another tuning fork to vibrate at the same wavelength and frequency. Metaphorically speaking there is a secret place each of us hides our deepest truths for fear of ridicule. When an external idea matches this truth we feel a little bell go off inside. We have a good feeling about this idea. We have a feeling of joy in agreement. Someone or something understands us!


What works for me is to pay attention to that which resonates at my deepest level no matter what opinions counter it from others. The feeling of something resonating is the feeling that tickles me to think it as opposed to feeling heavier. When I analyze it I notice the heavier thought feelings usually can be traced to something I have bought from another as the way things should be. There are many of these other sources of how we should feel about things. We have our church, country, favorite philosophers, best friends, parents, media, and grandparents. There are many possible sources of beliefs regarding how to be and do. The easy solution is to choose one of them and to follow it. This relieves us of the responsibility of being in charge of our own lives. It is much easier and apparently safer to hook one's boat-line to another boat and let them guide us through the possible shallows and rocks. We also lose the possible joy of taking ourselves over to that sunny beach.

Here's the truth about artists. They are dangerous! They contact and communicate their deepest truth and by so doing stir-up the possibility in the audience of contacting their own. This can bring an uncomfortable feeling to those who cannot dissipate the energy being stirred-up in their own psyche. In others, it can bring relief as some of their trapped energy does dissipate. In either case, the door has been opened to the possibility of greater self-awareness. Truth is a fundamental wave pattern. It is like a clean flowing river devoid of eddy currents. It can entrain flows with less power. Something that is close but not true contains the fundamental truth that is confused with counter currents causing turbulence or eddy currents rendering it less powerful that the pure truth. The pure truth links up with the truth part of the enturbulated concepts and together they are more powerful than the eddy currents resulting in a cleaner flow. This is why some people can heal others just with their presence or with the laying on of hands.

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Unconditional love is the most fundamental truth of this universe. Each of us has access to it. The barriers to our access are simply beliefs that we don't have that access. Secretly, in our deepest place, we know we are artists. Each of us observes the world from a unique place. What we observe is valuable to others in understanding the whole. There is something that brings us joy and we have become proficient at it through doing it. What prevents us from sharing is the worry that what we have to say or do is not as good as another or it doesn't fit the acceptable in some way and will be ridiculed.

The process of art-making is for me a process of surrender to a guidance that my ego just doesn't control. It goes without saying that one needs to be fluent in a medium he is working with or he will stumble over the mechanics. One wouldn't expect to write poetry in a foreign language you barely know. There are two parts to creativity: inspiration and perspiration. My teachers said 99% perspiration. As the native of Manhattan said to the tourist that asked how to get to Carnegie Hall, "Practice, practice, practice." Whatever the medium for expression there is always the needed element of fluency which occurs with familiarity. Even though I have been playing guitar for 60 years and can hold my own when I play for people, I still need to practice certain phrases that my attention goes to when I improvise. I work over that phrase until it just flows without thought.

The process of releasing belief can go very quickly and sometimes releases before you can fully verbalize it. Following are the bits I could capture, in real-time, as I write this: "This looks like rambling on". I am going to self-doubt. What is the belief? The belief is, " I am full of it." Blah, blah, blah. What is the resonance? I can write the truth that resonates. I have something to say of importance. Something that is original to me. I sit with those thoughts and let it percolate. The force or pressure seems to be lifting. The process is a stream of consciousness. Just saying what is there to say. "I don't know what I am doing. I don't know if anything I say is of value to anyone." I experience relief. There is still a residual, “He isn't really who I think he is. There's nothing special about him .” Wow, I didn't think I had those dragons! I have seen a different version of those before, not exactly the same, hence the non-vanishing of the emotional force in it. (Not grasping or seeing fully; something keeps it there. The Yin has no matching Yang, so the non-balanced one sticks to the wall instead of dropping into the void below, dissolving into the larger fractal of myself, emerging as the larger consciousness.) The idea of Yin and Yang balance seems to explain some of this. If you look at the Yin and Yang symbol you see a balance. Where one of them is lacking the other penetrates. This is a good metaphor for a balance of energy.

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The belief, "I'm not who I think I am", is a self-doubt. It contains feelings of being not worthy. It carries with it the idea that I shouldn't try to write because I have nothing of value to say to others. When I sat with this thought and just allowed the awful feeling of being unworthy and making a fool of myself permeate my being it started dissipating. Then came a memory of my older brother saying things to me as a child that were unkind. Then the realization came that Harry was only a few years older than me and also feeling unsure of himself. He tried to belittle me in order to bolster his own feelings of inadequacy. Now, the energy of understanding that earlier was out of balance matched the energy of my feeling inadequate and a realization appeared signaling the dissipation of the original, awful, feeling about myself. Right now I feel I do have something of value to share with others which is this process that benefitted me. I have applied it to myself enough times to know that it is workable. It consists of several steps:

   1. Notice something that feels out of balance or off. 
   2. Sit with it and try to get the wording of it.
   3. If it doesn't fully dissipate try to discover where it came from
        and get the wording of the earlier one and sit with it.

Continue the process until you experience a dissipation of the bad feeling, force or energy and have a new realization about something. The realization feels good. It resonates in your core. It is your truth. A further realization I had is that there is something special about me and that is: I can be of help to others by sharing what I learned about expanding my own consciousness. Another thing I realized is that I can also be helpful by recognizing the capability in others for self-realization and that I can accelerate their growth by sharing the things I learned.

Dissolving yourself into the larger consciousness you don't lose anything. You magnify yourself. (Something doesn't feel right. Energy in my body, chest, hips, face, whole body, intense, more intense, less intense. A cloud of it around my head like a hat, pressure on forehead and temples. This is the experience I'm having. My consciousness is maxed. My head is going to explode, not painfully but like a balloon being inflated. It gets to the full position as it expands to its limit. It is actually quite pleasant. I feel energy up and down my spine, arms, and hands. What a wonderful feeling.)

This is a therapy session. A live session. I am talking to you in your real time. You are right in front of me. I feel love for you. You are each my spiritual child. I see you. You are on the other side of this paper as if it were the Alice in Wonderland looking-glass.

I am telling you what I believe can be of assistance to you, just like I do with my nine-year-old granddaughter, Hayden, who I impart my wisdom to about creating art. You might be reading this on the 500th anniversary of my birth, August 18th, 1941, but you are reading these words one after the other. Is there any difference between this and a live, text transmission in real-time like that little window that pops up on my computer where both of us are texting live? I am talking to you! Now!

That out of the way, back to the session: My little green snake-belief, long and slimy with many words that tangle my will, “What you say isn't important; you're stupid; then there is no way on God's Earth that you can be who you are, in fact.”

I just got a better look at it. There's a lot of force contained in it. It scares me. I think it definitely has energy. I bring it close to me without reading the meaning and energy does blow off. It is like the ultrasound vibrations that shake loose encrusted oxidation plaque.

I have made progress so far. The belief had a lot of force, some of which blew off in the form of energy emanations starting in the sacral part of the back and spreading up to the head, heart, hands, all the body. I was turned-on with the energy, like a slow lightning bolt going through me. I, as a being, can tolerate a warm deep hug but can be overwhelmed with the same amount of emotion happening in an instant. It's a matter of gradient. I have become sensitive to that nice feeling when I am in the groove. It gets easier. om not feeling my writing was worth doing, to now wanting to write this to you.

Now that I have gotten your attention, let's talk about Art since I am familiar with that area. Talking about Art is like preaching to the choir. Every being that ever was or ever will be has an area of his being that is about a creation of some kind. Prejudice and monopoly play out in the spiritual realm as it does in the social. Those guys that could corner the market on commissions from the benefactors survived. The others burned their brushes for firewood in the winter. To protect their turf from the competition, I suspect an idea that some are not capable of creating art came into favor.

Just as a reminder to you; You know you are there when you have that tickling sensation when you think of something that would be “cool,” that is something that delights you because it is new and exciting to you and makes you feel good with its presence. When you do the “feel good” you are actually resonating wavelengths in your actions that resonate with the wavelength of the best constructs you can tolerate at your highest frequency, JOY. That's what art is about. The artist moves stuff around until the wave pattern of energy coming off it peaks with his, in resonance.

(I just saw a "Greenie.") Here I am rambling on and on and in my head, I’m hearing Kris, my wife saying, “Get to it, you're rambling on and on.” Okay, I looked at it and, BOOM, it’s gone.) Well, the artistry of writing is what happens when you get from there to here. The side roads, the insights. Some writers can take an idea that can be described in three words and write a novel you can't put down for 600 pages. That green monster said something about my rambling, but just a minute, there is an earlier, similar something coming into view! Barbara my ex-wife, was the writer and I was the artist and never the twain shall meet! That little gem has held me stuck in one area, Fine Art, but not singing or guitar playing or writing!

My journey has been having had the good fortune of not being crushed out of my creativity and I became a fine artist. Nevertheless, I envied musicians and was curious if I could move over into that medium also. Through the application of the dragon slaying process, I was able to excel in music. I have played professionally for the last 6 years in retirement homes, restaurants and vineyards. I am now applying the process to my interest in writing. I find that it becomes easier and easier to undo beliefs that are holding me back. Dragon slaying is a discipline which can liberate one to do new things if they want to. It is a process of lifting the one foot off the breaks while the other is on the accelerator of the car.

You are an artist the minute you can make the medium follow your thoughts. You are an artist, as long as your thoughts resonate with the secret you trust with only a few, for fear of ridicule, your truth, what brings you, Joy. You are an artist. It is your birthright.

I just realized how to be an artist in the medium of words and ideas and it feels good. What used to lean on me were those green monsters. They leaked force and prevented me from experiencing the feelings I'm having writing to you. I am not writing with a ballpoint pen, I am writing with my Kundalini! That was my realization about my painting in answer to the question, “how do I paint?” The flip answer is, “with my paintbrush.” But then I asked, “Self, how do I paint?” The answer was, “with my Kundalini.” Yes, now you know. Making art is an act of love. It is being vulnerable. The artist is trying to tickle you and the only way I know how to do that is to do something that actually makes me tickle by accessing my own deepest available truth, causing the tickle. This is the basis of resonation. The release you get when you connect.

Understanding with another or with an idea is similar to an electrical wire that is connected to a power source that then touches another wire that is grounded. The built up potential on the first wire jumps over to the other wire and spreads itself out evenly. The moment of connection there is a surge of energy from the one connected to the higher potential to the one with the lower potential that is grounded.

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All light being from the same source responds according to its sacred geometry. The way one in a totally different culture can communicate to the strangest of strangers is Truth. The squaw of the chief mouths off to the overbearing chief and the conquistador chuckles, remembering the termagant he is married to and escaped from by signing on for this voyage.


When the action of the artist causes the tickle, the result of the action has the potential of resonating with another that is tuned in. This seems to be true no matter what the medium. So, the job of opening up one’s creativity is getting out of the way. The first step is facing the beliefs that keep you from that secretly desired playing field. Every advance on the road comes with a dragon slain. I slew a few today in front of you and I am the better for it. I suspect and hope you are too!

                                                                                                       Image Acknowledgements

All Pen and ink drawings in the article are (C)Richard Royce 2017 Please contact me at [email protected] if you would like to use them.
The Yin and Yang, advertising Circle and tuning forks images were borrowed from the Prezi photo files.
The Healing hands photo was borrowed from Google Images.


dude, beautiful post. weird thing is, i kinda alluded to a similar idea in my last post, but you explained it infinitely better XP. followed :)

As I understand it there is a large consciousness field of which each of us is an individuated unit. When we allow ourselves to we can tap into this greater consciousness field, hence our "inspiration". If we are all individuated parts of this greater consciousness we are both tapping into the same source, no? I am not surprised that you alluded to a similar idea in your last post. The very word "inspiration" indicates something coming from outside of our ego self. Inspire- breathing something in! It has been said that we are all ideas in the mind of God. If one backs "UP" enough one gets to see further. Seems to me :)

Oooo, poor dragon! I'll have to post my Reptilian poem in deference it.

Dragon slaying..I used to have an English teacher who used the same phrase with the same purpose. ! I love it :).

I'm glad you love it! It came to me one day when I was meditating. I visually saw there were areas of my life where I had uncertainty and there seemed to be all sorts of beliefs I had about that area. It was like a bunch of piranhas or alligators just chomping at the spot. Little dragons interfering with my clarity. And what a relief when i got rid of the confusion.

Pretty cool.

He used to bring a SWORD to class and say he was planning to start out by "slaying dragons" about him :). Will never forget! (I love writers.. the best & quirkiest people alive..)

That is really funny and effective. I think I will like that guy. I love what you said about writers! yes, I agree. The book that has blown what is left of my mind is "My Big Toe" By Thomas Campbell. he is a physicist and has concluded through vigorous science that the purpose of our being here is to become love. Did I tickle you there? Check him out on Youtube.

Amazing. And I absolutely believe that. I'm what I call a "messy Catholic", and that's really the punch line to it all. Amazing to hear it from a scientific point of view. Really hoping to get a chance to watch it! Busy next few days.. needing to keep a list..!

Check out Thomas Campbell My Big Toe on youtube. He goes into depth there.

Great post! Keep it up :)
By the way, I'm following you now

Thank you. More to come!

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