What is happiness? The first noble truth (Part one)

in #life7 years ago

As light tells on the path: "now you've collected, sowing"
it's beautiful because we always think **" i sow, then i'll collect" **, but legend wants that the light on Buddha's pathway told him "now you've collected (the illumination, the greatest gift from above, vertical), sowing (around you, horizontal))".
receive from above, the gift of knowledge, and share it around you, horizontaly, like the Cross..

But Buddha on the beginning refuse to share his knowledge, He says "men will not understand, they're too much absorbed to their own personality, how can they understand the message of the not existence of the self?"

After a few days, another time an interior voice, the light, tells him "Try, if only one person tries to understand your thruth, it would be worth it"

after another couple of days, with a famous gestureBuddha_1.jpg
Buddha accept to Teach, legend wants that The seven heavens played.
that is, the Gods have had a party, not when Siddartha reach illumination, but when Buddha decided to teach others, ."this man will teach truth to the others"

now i want you to think what a beautiful thing is that, Gods celebrate the fact that Buddha will transmit a message of transcendence, of who really are us, a message of not to be lost in our own personality, all over the world, who is slave of the pain.

Dalai lama says " a little truth is better than thousand of ideals"


Because him, doesn't wanto to connect you to the cool idea you have for yourself, doesn't want to feed your ego, he talk to let you to take consciousness of how you are right now.
so start from a little truth and you'll find a bigger one, start from a little illusion and you'll only find bigger illusions.
Buddha defines "illumination" like the end off suffering.
now try to follow carefully, why does he start to talk form the sufference?
i don't know, and no one does...
but i want to share my opinion with you, otherwise i would not be here..

First important thing: happiness is not an emotion
emotion,like the terms suggest, derived from e motion, something who change, while Buddha teach us about a permanent happiness, then only for that "permanent" happiness couldn't be an emotion.
In agreement with mystic tradition wich Buddhism also belongs, Happiness is an inner state of the soul is not an emotion you can feel.
Emotions, feelings, are something that can give you some kind of happiness, but is only a really immature happiness.
Happiness, the real one, the permanent one, is an inner state of the soul.
More i try to be happy, less i suceed, more i take care of me, more i try to transform me in an happy man, more i become unhappy.

now i wanto to bring attention on light and dark:
can i tell you "there is no light, but there is no dark"?
no, because dark isn't something, but absence of something.
So what is happiness? nothing, happiness is the absence of suffering.
that is, there is no something who is absence of suffer and absence of happiness at the same time.
when you delete suffering, the true happiness, will naturally emerge from your inside, you don't have to seek her, she is already there.

That is my first post ever, not only on steemit, i've never use any kind of social.. but i found this one by chance surfing on the web, i passed last three days reading hundred of story on steemit and trying to learn how does it works, i found a wonderful community of people ready to improve each other and make this a wonderful place, so i told myself: "wow, i want to be part of it".
i know my english is not so good as i think, i promise i'll do exercise to write better, and do my best to give my contribution on this fantastic place.

Thanks for your attention, see you soon with part two


Very Good Piece.

Thank you :)

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