Sustainable News #15 (Finance, Agricultural Technology, Foodtech & Battery)

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the "Sustainable News". There is a lot being done by countries, corporations and individuals to help our planet and change our behavior.

This Blog post aim to get you up to date with the new initatives !

Things are moving fast and our planet says: "THANK YOU !"

Finance and solutions

Data reveals Environment Agency has beefed up business investigations (BusinessGreen)

Top law firm highlights how overall number of investigations into businesses suspected of environmental infractions has increased 12 per cent since 2018

The number of investigations into businesses launched by the Environment Agency increased by 12 per cent from 5,518 in 2018 to 6,164 in 2019, according to a new analysis from City law firm RPC.

Agricultural technology:

Farmed fishing is the future — but can it be sustainable? (FT)


The meat industry is unsustainable, report finds (FoodDive)

  • Meat production at its current levels is unsustainable, according to new research from IDTechEx. Feeding the world's population in 2050, which is expected to hit 10 billion, will require a 70% increase in global food production that will be detrimental to the environment, the report said.

  • The report notes that although meat production is growing by a rate of 2% to 3% per year, it is an inefficient way to produce calories.

Animals account for 17% of global caloric consumption, while plant-based foods supply was 83% of global caloric intake. Just 33% of global protein intake comes from meat and dairy.

Battery technology

Audi reportedly considers battery assembly in Germany (electrive)

  • Audi is planning an assembly plant for electric car battery packs near its plant in Ingolstadt.
  • The cells for this are to continue to come from LG Chem.

The Korean battery manufacturer also received a loan from the EIB for the expansion of the plant in Poland to what they say will be the world’s largest battery cell factory.


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 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

It is sad that some countries have taken away their focus from the production of food and have totally relied on the production of oil to survive as an economy, they often forget the fact that, more than the money made from the oil sector, food is also important.

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