Puerto Rico: Crypto Steem Local Community Events Meetups Parties Hosting Ideas

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

In Puerto Rico looking to help bring community together between crypto, local, and STEEM people

Meeting Hub / Event Hosting / Parties

Have a place and other possibilities for hosting or helping to host events, meetups, and/or parties. Will have more details over time. Reaching out to people to tentatively plan some things out and help people in some ways that I can. While also seeking ways to help connect the local people and community with the crypto community. Also to help educate people while assisting in connection for better understanding and more team work.

Potential Crypto / Steem Meetup!

Thinking to host some sort of event on Tuesday, March 13th, before the conferences kick off for those who are around! Will announce more details and people soon! Please comment below or contact virtualgrowth through steemit.chat, gmail, discord of on telegram as virtualgrowthtempmobile.

Some STEEM people will be around as well as others looking to learn. Thinking to incorporate an event to include STEEM along with crypto in a broader sense to help educate, have fun, and network people and resources.


Looking for potential sponsors for these events to help pay for some good food and get plenty of water to help people keep hydrated and what not!


Thank you to the people I have been connecting with thus far for volunteering their time, energy, and more! Always looking for more assistance and help along with ideas!

Team VG

Have the @cybercodetwins here with me helping out as well as others in the crypto space and community. Thank you to everyone that has helped make @virtualgrowth possible and grow into more all the time. Also working on building a team and possible personal assistants so that I may help more in any way that I and others may.

Crypto Networking and Fun Party

Working on ideas to help put together a party or two or more! Thinking to possibly work on putting something together for the 20th on the day after conferences end and also maybe Sunday the 18th. We shall see what comes together on these ideas. have the possibility to work with locals and crypto networks currently at my disposal to help bring us all together while having fun and networking to grow together.

Meeting HUB, Meetup Space

We have space to seat about a dozen people with more space and chairs nearby along with potential rooftop once we have access. Also possibility of some other places as we explore more ideas and see what we shall put together. Look forward to meeting up with many people new and old for fun times working and networking together as always!

Couches around a table, some chairs around a table, and some chairs out on the balcony for smaller casual meetups and available to serve as a hub when we are around. Have other floors available here too along with a rooftop!

Looking forward to a great week here in Puerto Rico!



That space looks great!

I just posted a promo post for the Crypto Mixer event and gave a shout out to you and @cybercodetwins with ur logo and what not.

We are a thriving and expanding community and it just keeps getting better and better!

If you need help/volunteers with anything let me know. You know I have endless energy to support the greater good!

Hey, I was actually browsing the internets today trying to find out how the SOL / Puertopia project is coming along. Are there plans or already actions to rebuild energy infrastructures and stuff like that?

There are although I do not know the particulars. Part of why I am down here myself to learn and help.

Be sure to share some of the things happening there that you discover here on Steem, please :)

Another Good Post VG... especially because Puerto Ricans certainly could use Steemit to help not only "spread the word" about Steemit but also help themselves get familar with cryptocurrencies and earn some money.

Well done VG !!

Cheers !!

PS-Please check out my latest post because it helps explain why Bitcoin has gone much lower in the last 3 months... AND YES... there was manipulation involved.

Thanks Again for Your Posts VG...

Thank you very much! My thoughts as you see, so trying to help and help spread the word andeducation of these great new tools!

Sorry VG for the delayed response, I work very late Friday & Saturday evenings.

Keep up the Great work in Puerto Rico as well as the informative/insightful Posts...

Cheers !!

I only heard about cryptocurrency first from my girlfriend who happens to be on steemit. I only knew it is a place where people share their thoughts, knowledge and idea. But never had I imagine that it is place for people to be together physically. I do hope steemit in your country would spread like wildfire. Good job for doing such task sir. Keep it up!

Knowledge is beneficial, the appearance of a good post, I Ihave done resteem blog you

I'm very excited to see this even take off. My love for PR and the ties I have there still have a grip on my heart. Wishing you all the best for an exciting activation of a cryptocurrency world in La Isla Del Encanto. I'll be with you all in spirit!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63635.72
ETH 2597.20
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.91