
You made me want to see it. If it rains this weekend, it is on my watching list.

And? Did it rain?

Love this one! All time favorites list.
The theatrical cut and the director's cut are both good. My favorite Cameron film.
Ed Harris crushed it.

I totally agree with you! I also had the DVD with two versions. Enjoyed both of them!

I'm not sure if this is a joke, as in:

How can something from the past be a 'hype'? Isn't a hype only temporal and then it goes away? Or wait, a classic is the opposite of something that is hyped, haha!

but I guess, you mean you actually heard lots of good stuff about this film, but you didn't enjoy it.

I had a long conversation on the phone with my twin sister, just now, who reads all my posts. She told me she doesn't know this (movie freak) part of me, as we hardly ever watch(ed) movies together.

I guess we can't all like the same stuff ;>)

Great movie, great cast (including Ed Harris and Michael Biehn who was played in 4 James Cameron movies). James Cameron was also reached the bottom of Mariana Trench, the deepest part of our planet's oceans (more than two decades later from "The Abyss") - I also certainly agree with your point on "Titanic" and "favorite movies list", and I would even add "Avatar" to that. It was just the same "Pocahontas" story we've seen thousands of times. When it comes to that, I would definitely prefer Terrence Malick's "The New World" :)

I agree. Michael Biehn is this kind of great actor that I tend to forget about. Definitely a legend in Cameron films. I saw Ghosts of the Abyss. I believe I read somewhere, once, that JC had the luck to have connections and finances to do all this great stuff, have all this expensive (diving) equipment (made). It's always a mix of being at the right place at the right time. It's so much easier if you grow up under the right circumstances. Which doesn't mean that he isn't a great filmmaker too. Although films are never the work of one (wo)man, even when we're talking about so called 'auteurs' ;>)

Talking about Avatar, I tend to believe that many filmmakers - especially when they grow older and 3D and CGI take over - kind of lose their vision. This happened to James Cameron but - in my opinion - also to Ridley Scott. I found it hard to sit through Prometheus. I tend to forgive these guys easily though, as they made so many classics that I can revisit again and again.

P.S. Yeah, The New World is a good movie, although I didn't find it as spectacular as many seem to find it.

One of my favorites of all time. After that James Cameron dropped off for me, but we'll always have the ABYSS

I guess he descended into the abyss himself ;>)

In my opinion for SURE lol good one

I know I watched this movie a few times as a kid, but I can barely remember anything about it.

It was funny how, for a year or so after Avatar came out, there were forums that were obsessed with it, like it was a sort of cult. They were hopeful about creating a world or culture similar to that of the movie. That was weird.

That cult story sounds kind of creepy, haha.

In my memory, that already took place before the film came out, but that was probably a hype, marketing stunt and it eventually lead to Avatar becoming the highest grossing film ever at the box office, worldwide.

Yes, a lot. But my Internet connection was terrible. I couldn't watch anything at all:( I'll let you know when I see it.

I see. You do that ;>)

Hi again. I finally watched it. On a sunny day! Avatar was my one and only favorite James Cameron film until this one. İt still is my favorite, but now it has a companion - in the second place. The narrative backbones are actually no different. And the technical setup of The Abyss is surprisingly good for its time. So i like it a lot. And as a Westworld fan, watching Ed Harris is always a treat for me. So thank you for the suggestion.

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