in #inspiring7 years ago

Dear youth! I feel privileged and honored to interact with you for brief moment, I am one among you, in fact going through what you are going through in life, facing great tragedies of life just as you are, the only difference is that we reside in different parts of this beloved county. As if that’s not all, our problems are more or less the same. It is at this vantage point that with conviction we can speak the same language, so to say our language as mayouths.
Contemporary society seems to offer the youth only a pessimistic ground to stand on, to an extent that they slow sink into such mire and slowly forget their commonality. Many international bodies like United Nations (UN) and World Health Organization (WHO) for the sake of statistical consistency have tried to define the youth by focusing on age bracket and locality. Nevertheless these sorts of descriptions are full discrepancies. Interestingly rising beyond numerical ascription, one conspicuously notices that in matters of vigor, entertainment, self-reflective, critical as well as value driven, we will form a common ground for all the youth whether in famous Kog’elo in Kenya to Texcoco in Mexico. It is logical therefore on a terra firma to note as youth, WE ARE ONE-BIG FAMILY.
Investing in this notion, we can sail in same boat in reflecting upon some few tips of national as well as global concern. We are made to agree all of us that there is always affinity to most powerful machines, powerful people, kingdoms and reassuring relationships. It’s under this tenet that youth become the preferred option for any political demonstrations and skirmishes. Youth become overexcited when they are ignited for breaking business apartments, disrupting market operations and vandalizing every meaningful property. They mockingly feel their stolen legacy is being recognized, little do they know that it’s just their muscular and heavy build body physique which is being manipulated for wrong reasons! In this case they are just used as bulldozers and excavators in road construction which eventually break after heavy work and disgustingly corrugate in stores and later be used as scrap metals.
The language which I ‘highlight and underline’ as we smell repeat- fresh -presidential elections in Kenya, in few weeks’ time is that of peace and maturity in understanding. In any case, different manifestos have been launched way back before general elections, the same is refreshed with other bombastic words and melodies even after the presidential elections have been nullified. Imagine our destined duty is to ululate over such launching. My beloved fellow youth, I wish to humbly remind you that selfish songs of some politicians will remain the same. It’s our duty as well as obligation to put our hands on real life situations. We should be quite firm, objective and remain resolute to build our nation. The diabolic urge to vandalize and kill our brothers and sisters should never be tolerated. Do we really need an exorcist? I guess we can exorcise ourselves long before then!
This history has shown that it is rarely a fair game, our political Lords have been winning our game over, gullible as it may sound, with few fake and insignificant cash notes like of Ksh 50, a youth can demolish and vandalize investments worth millions of shillings. Many a times I stand to wonder, who will save our nation? If not only I and you my dear brother and sister!
A Youth Should Approach Politics and Life Situation with A Lot of Critique.
Politics is a science, it needs a professional backup. Little do we know that as some lunatics think they are doing politics, they disintegrate into Cheap-fake politics! My fellow youth I don’t wish to take you back to a lecture of political science or philosophy. I beg we remain within our confines, ours is a cheap-fake politics on the basis of tribes, clans, color, nepotism, materialism and today more than ever on basis of religion.
Our beloved country Kenya is soon following the same route of fake politics, a road many countries in the 3rd world economy have deliberately followed. Negatively, it is a pity in Kenya whereby Ksh 50 can alter one’s life decision and elect and celebrate a thief. A thief because some people being investigated on corruption deals dating as early as from the day of independence, talk of chicken gate, Anglo leasing just to name a few for clarity. Prof. Patrick Lock Otieno (PLO) Lumumba, a man I heartily admire in his approach to social evils, he once gave a moving talk in our neighboring country, Republic of Uganda, he emphatically outlined that its only in Africa “where they demonize their saints and canonize their thieves”. He could not fail to quote from his dark days of service as a Director of Kenya Anti-corruption commission in Kenya (2010 to 2011). I paraphrase what he shared; he could be pushed by a certain community either to release or not to prosecute an individual, owing to the fact he or she is their tribal son or daughter. And even a thief, it’s their own, therefore he or she should be untouchable.

Youth’s Responsibility
My dear youth, guard yourself, fellow youth parents and guardians. It’s only a youth who has the potency for this for a better tomorrow.
If Kenya goes to her knees, if Kenya bleeds, the most affected person it’s only the youth. My dear brothers and sisters lets open our eyes, we have more generations to live. Why do we consider risking a fight with dinosaur? It died long ago, so you should focus on your present and future life.
My dear youth! Do you agree to be a trampled on for rest of your life, I wish to flee your mind out of this, let’s reflect together. When you are given the smallest cash note in circulation today, ksh 50 note, and some intoxications in name of hard drugs, do you know your scoring too low, far low than any irascible brute in the planet. What exactly do you want? I bring to your attention that any genuine leader will never advocate for fight which eventually can lead to destruction and loss of life, what sort of leaders are these then? They are merely thieves who stole public money, in fact your money, and they pay you cheaply to protect the political positions so as to remain untouchable! They shed innocent blood and jump highest in the crusades, just playing innocent. Stay put on what is right and truthful.
Youth in School- The Hope of Every Nation
A big percentage of youth are learned or still pursuing relevant and lucrative courses in our technical, colleges and universities within and outside the country. How come we are easily cheated and led to confusion by political conmen and women by extension.
The advices of God to Israelites in the Holy writ, Deuteronomy 26, choose life or death is what is beset before us. I didn’t wish to appear pessimistic, but I could not avoid being overly critical since my audience are the most critical people, the youth, what I intended is to touch just the edge of reality of our situation here in Kenya. We have good intentioned leaders somewhere, but we should use our discretion well, but the plantation is confused like that biblical parable of wheat and weeds, to sort then out turns problematic. I chose to address the right people who can help sort this mess. It is I and you my fellow youth, lets save our nation.

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