in Steem Skillshare3 years ago

Hello there,

Last time in this group I've written a small guide on how to get "happy", by following some food habits, here is the link in case of any interest.

Now following the same topic I would like to share with you, my knowledge about how to live in a happy environment.

It is important in this matter that I explain myself, happiness is a very subjective state of mind, and I perfectly know that each one of us can reach this state of mind by a different and unique way, and what I'm writing here is just my opinion.



Living the serenity of your home is an increasingly sought-after goal. How many times have you taken steps to find a good job, new friends, a restaurant that supports your new food choices. Yet most of the time, we look away from what revolves around our intimacy. Try asking yourself, "Does my home reflect what I want to be?"

We don't have to break down walls, apart from mental ones, but simply bring about changes.

A house is imbued with our vibes, positive and negative. It absorbs external influences that bring us guests who arrive with their vibrational baggage. But like a castle, our home must also have its own fortress, built on messages that we leave in the ether, through the architecture of our nest.



Create Space!
Don't stack up, if you've done it until yesterday, it's time to stop. Get rid of everything you don't use at home: appliances, knick-knacks, clothing, furniture.

The environments have an invisible energy that circulates and is sensitive to the dusty accumulation of objects. It begins to empty. It seems absurd, but every time you empty the external environments, the same thing happens to the internal ones. There is a feeling of lightness and a wave of new possibilities.



A clean house has always been a feeling of well-being.

The dust encloses microbes and makes everything opaque without light. So let's equip ourselves with vacuum cleaners, rags and ecological sprays. Excellent purchase the vapor cleaner, I use the one for the floors and I love it, I use it with the essential oils of tea tree, peppermint or eucalyptus. When we clean, we purify the environment of old stagnation and let the light reflect.



Watch out for the windows!!

They are the point of the house where the light enters. The brightness that enters through a window represents the welcoming of the energy of the universe.

The sun is life for every living form, and even if we think that an object has no life in reality, it recharges itself like the space that surrounds it. The first step is to have well-cleaned windows, where energy can enter, heat and transform. Maybe we opt for light curtains, white is great.


Very interesting to inform us about the effect that colors have on our mood.

Let us remember that in addition to having a visual impact, colors like everything around us have vibrational effects. We give more importance to light colors, we try to have them as a basis that hold the largest part.

The pastel colors blue, green, pink bring us very close to nature and remind us of its rebirth. We divide the colors well according to the spaces. For example, in the bedroom we use colors that expose us to serene vibrations, such as blue or green.

In the kitchen, on the other hand, which is a more lively environment, we can use a nice red. In the bathroom, we can always stay on relaxing colors such as blue or lilac. Colors other than white, which is useful to have as a basis for light and a sense of space, must be complementary parts.

Example:The sofa, the chair covers, the stencil, the pot holders, the valance, the bedspread, a part of the wall, the bed frame, the wardrobe doors, the armchair can have more marked colors.


I love freezing images of happy moments.

I love even more to share them and see them while I live in my home. Also, on the fridge I have photos that speak of the importance of my family, of my furry puppies, of the wonderful places I have visited.

The photos are our story. Always value those that make you smile.



Sounds, music, is pure energy that expands and penetrates.

When we listen to music, we can realize that it has an immediate effect, as if it had a pass to access the deepest and most sensitive areas of our mind.

In an instant, we can feel joy or cry. If we want our home to be a joyful environment, then we must sing and play joy. There are many mantras that have a strong energetic charge.

 3 years ago 

It was very interesting and I think useful for any person who cares about productivity and happy life

Very true indeed. Since two years I am living in an apartment where there is almost no sunlight from the windows and it has very negative influence for my productivity and mood. That kind of details are very important

 3 years ago 

This is just my opinion of course, based on no scientific proofs, but, I think when we lack in sunlight in our living environment, we feel "down" because the light is the main producer of vitamin D that is very important for our health, and this is the way our body is telling us something is not right

Indeed. I cannot agree with you more. I may not be able to change my apartment now, but I can go out as often as possible and continue saving for some decent place to live in

 3 years ago 

Good luck to you dear friend

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