Tarot and the sephira of Beriah


Today we will have a look at the sephira of the Beriah and how they relate to the tarot.

This is the second of the four worlds, where the spark of insight begins to take hold, in forms of abstract intellect. Where ideas are born. Prior to the period before things start thing'ing. A realm where potential is substantiated, and/or brought to clarity.

Naturally, there are never any real certainties to the tarot. As when we can feel that they may relate to an event that is relavent to the current point in our life, we may see things more clearly. But then as we continue down the road, those lessons that we learned, or the hazard signs that were eluded to may make themselves more clear as we continue with due diligence in our walk of life.

The three spheres that dwell within Beriah form what is known as the Supernal Triangle.

Kether can be associated with the aces of all four houses.

Chokhmah can be associated with the two's and knights (of the thoth) within the minor arcana.

Binah may thencely be associated with the 3's of each house, and the queens to some varying degree.

As we move through the stages of the minor arcana, we will see how the stages progress from conception to finality. In whatever way I am able to impart the information. Given the limited amount of information I have been able to gather over my years of study in life.

This is one of many ways in which I was given to understand the tarot at large, for a broader understanding of the system at play. Which can and will be defined in narrower terms as the tarot series I write progresses.

If you have any more clear way of helping to explain these things, please do so in the comment section. I hope you have enjoyed this, or found inspiration in your own understandings. In whichever way you choose.

Thank you for enjoying!

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