The lies and us

in #philosophy4 years ago

I was reading an Aesop fable about two men, one who always told the truth and another who always told the lie, in short, the one who told lies ended up being honored, and the man who told the truth ended up dead. And this makes me wonder why lying is so prevalent in our society today, and why, many times, we reward liars while punishing those who tell the truth, and this happens very often if you ask me.

What I believe is that we tend to reward those who say something that pleases us, and liars can easily do that, while the harsh reality, the truth without veil, can often be difficult to digest. I think the reason why lying has a de facto honorary place in our society is because it is demanded, people want to believe the lie because they believe that it is more pleasant to be deceived than to accept the truth.

Or put another way, we complain that the media lie to us, governments manipulate us, and the powerful use us, but we rarely think that the reason why this is so, and that is because there are people who actively want to be deceived, manipulated and used. The reality is that believing that everything is fine, many people can continue living their daily lives normally, without the slightest importance for what is behind the scenes.

I am not one of those who believe that ignorance is bliss, I think that in reality, the knowledge of the true is necessary to lead a happy and full life, and I think that ignorance, falsehood and lies are the mother of all our problems, as many of the world's religions and philosophies suggest. But I don't know if most people believe the same, I don't know if, even if they believe it with their words, they deny it with their actions, and prefer to listen more to what gives them momentary pleasure than what makes them grow.

But ultimately, the lie, like all the vices that exist in the world, exists because it is demanded, because there are people who want to believe it, it is only supply and demand, this is how it works. And until we stop demanding it, it won't stop.

Of course, as with all social ills, it is difficult to place a single culprit, be it the liar, the one who loves to be deceived, or the indifferent, but the truth is that we are all responsible. We all must pay the consequences and face the repercussions by living in a society that rewards pretty lies more than truth.

Perhaps we would learn to be a little more tolerant, and accept more the answers that irritate us, there would be more truth and less lies in this world. It's a small step, but that's how it all begins.

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I have not been logged on to Steemit for a while and had to log in to comment.

One thing I've realised is that people are mostly different but still fall with in specific categories. I am drawn to people that seek the truth and I'd like to believe that is what you are in search of, like a lot of other people I have found on Steemit, Minds, Publish0X and the like. But we are few and far between, we are a dying breed or perhaps the breed first targeted when the elite feel like culling the herd. When I write this paragraph the movie divergence come to mind and the 1st time I watched that movie I thought this is utter nonsense, people are not as specific strong in action and mind as depicted in the movie. The years of research proved me wrong. We are very much exactly like in the movie with very few capable of breaking through the lie. For people like me and you it is difficult to understand because we think the way we think and inherently feel that everyone thinks the same way but this is a gross mistake (I cannot stress this enough).
We are not the same as the rest, we take a step back and analyse and think for ourselves and I am not trying to be facetious, but we are nothing like the other people. I still cannot place my finger on it about what makes us different but there is without a doubt something that does. Talking about these subjects is like writing something in a language that no one understands. Those that do see it as poetry with meaning only the author truly understand. I have seen this with my own eyes explaining things in words whilst looking someone in their eyes… They cannot understand even if they try!
The world is built on lies there is no mistake about that. Check out the start of this video -
That is one part of the problem. That fact that most people are a different breed. The other half is censorship. There are more like of than what we would ever know but the best way to keep this group quiet is to make them feel like they are desperately alone. The best way to do this is to sensor them, before their fire turns into an uncontrollable rage that runs rampant among the people. Check out Larkens work on this -

I really enjoyed your post man. It’s refreshing to see I likeminded person with morals out there and I appreciate the work you put out.
Much love brother.

Great comment, and thanks!

It is possible that few people are those who see behind the duplicity of the elite that is currently in power, but those who govern are really less (and they are also people), the vast majority simply remains adrift with little or no will, the reality is that "few" can be more than enough, knowing that the great changes have always been carried out by few people.

Anyway, the circle will continue to grow as the truth spreads and those in power fall.


Hope, I always have hope. I hope that it will all turn out good but life is not always as peaceful as we'd like.

You mention that they are "people" too but in my mind, I cannot fathom that any human is capable of such atrocities. They are vile scum not worthy of being called anything remotely close to human or people.

I am sure you have done the research on the cancer industry, how they murder the innocent in wars, bomb cities of civilians, inject known toxins into babies, false flag their own people. And even in this previous sentence, I realize how far our kindness stretches... saying they false flag their own people... their own people. Implying that they are supposed to be of the same team, the same tribe. Even after realizing that they murder their own countrymen I still cannot comprehend how they could isolate themselves from the group/tribe. Perhaps this is another mistake on our side, to think that this group is part of us... I like to believe they are nothing like us. They must be some form/entity of concentrated hatred and evil that we cannot comprehend or perhaps I am mistaken. Perhaps we are capable of these things when pushed too far into the dark? But still if this is possible, what must happen for you to get to such a place on your own?

Yes, I suppose that given a certain set of circumstances the human is capable of doing anything, both good and bad, but what I mean is that you should not imagine them as beings from another world who are evil but perfect, quite the opposite, they also make mistakes. I agree with you, perhaps their humanity is totally lost.

Again you nailed it. Here in Germany the Panic Flu has brought a kind of transformation to our society. Reasonable and critical voices concerning the spread of hysteria and fear by the government and media now are silenced or threated. Such voices are defamed as conspiracists or quacks, meanwhile, the most absurd actions are undertaken to fight the deathly virus, denying common sens and freedom of the people.

That's what I heard, I hope those conditions don't last long.