in STEEM NIGERIA4 years ago

I've had times that taught me I could do anything I set my mind to but never as strongly as this week taught me.

The children and I had just talked about making the video for a tribute to Lucky Dube and the next two days, we were on it.


I didn't see the feasibility at first.

They were children who knew a little or nothing about reggae and two days was so short a time to prepare. But then it happened. It wasn't just because I set my mind to it but because I let them bring in their own ideas.

I've never really had to say this but in all the children and I do, I only always have to bring the idea and they develop it.

I never took notice of that until this week. I just had to mention that Lucky Dube was born on August 3rd, 56 years ago and I would love us to make something. I showed them a video and they were all out in the street gathering every material that we needed. And bringing in their own ideas too of how things should go.

I learnt that I am way tougher than I have ever given myself credit for.

I broke down so many times this week. It has been the week I was my lowest since this year but here is this girl writing about it. All happy and I wonder how I went through all of those and never gave up.

I learnt that nothing dies unless you let it. That even things that are meant to be die when one does not put in their human effort.

I learnt this from a long lost friendship that I found again this week. A friendship I let die. I didn't even know it was what I was doing.

My family loves me more than anyone else in the world. I am constantly reminded of this by their every action.

I do not have a perfect family but I couldn't have asked for a better one.

And Right now, I feel the contentment that comes with just having life and all of the basic things that it comes with.

For the ability to experience life in all of its forms. To learn, unlearn, think, speak, read, write and so many other basic life skills that would probably have changed the course of my life.

I had never attached gratefulness to most of the things I mentioned above until recently when I began to learn contentment. To understand how easier those has made life for me.


I am grateful for the people who 'produced' me. They are the best things that have ever happened to me and I am blessed I have them hale and hearty and I will still them have them around for a time longer than I have had them already - in good health.

And then I am grateful for me. For who I am. All that I have. The love in my heart. My mind and heart. The growth I have experienced. My past experiences that has helped build me and my story.

I am grateful for this amazing woman I am growing into every day. For the children in my life.

Lastly, I am grateful for this space. Here. For all the blessings this space has given to my life and some families around me.

For being read and I am thankful to everyone who reads me. To everyone who helps to make this space interesting to be in - to learn, unlearn, and to just laugh away our sorrows.

May God bless you in very beautiful ways.

I hope this makes your week.

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