The critical impact factor for PhD candidates -- 博士期间最重要的因素steemCreated with Sketch.

in #education7 years ago (edited)

One day before the deadline, there is no other people in the department.


Looking back on the past three years, I think the most critical point in the PhD career is the relation between you and your supervisor. Because the supervisor not only can indicate your research direction and methodology, but also can provide personal connections for your career. I want to share some impressive moments for me with my tutor in here(The content from our emails).

其实我在意大利读博,说实话不是很辛苦,也可能和我个人没有什么多大追求有关,但关于为什么这几年可以过得不那么辛苦的原因,我个人认为最重要的是和教授保持非常好的关系。因为教授能给予你的太多了,无论是在研究上指导方向,亦或是在精神上给你打气,再或者是提供他的人脉资源。试想如果你的导师是一位大牛,例如IEEE 的fellow,我认为即使再学弱的人,只要紧紧地跟着教授的方向,也会取的一定成果的。在这我想分享几个关于教授对我的感动瞬间(摘自我和教授的邮件)。

One time before one conference deadline, I want to give up the submission since there is another work which is more promising than this one at the same time, but my professor encouraged me and help me modify the paper at the last 10 mins before deadline.

有一次有一个会议的deadline,因为同时手上有另一个要紧的工作,我就想放弃这次投稿。但是教授跟我说了never say never,而且最后帮我修改论文一直到deadline前的十分钟。


Another time is also before the deadline, my supervisor took the flight back our city, but it would be very late when he arrive, it was almost midnight. However, he still modified our paper until 3:00 am after he arrived.



My doctor school prepares the first course of "Managing Ph. D. Thesis as a Project" for all the new PhD candidate at the beginning. The main topic of such course is that how to manage your PhD career as an excellent project manager. Because I attended the course three years ago, I cannot remember the details in the course, however, the statement of critical point for the whole PhD career is the relationship between you and your supervisor is always in my mind, which I totally agree with it.

我们学校的博士生学院为每一位新入学的博士生在第一学期的时候准备了一门叫做"Managing Ph. D. Thesis as a Project"的课程。课程大概是讲如果把整个博士学习过程看做是一个项目,你如何成为一名优秀的项目经理。 关于这门课程的详细内容,我已经记不清楚。但它讲到攻读博士过程中最重要的一点是你与你导师的关系,时至今日,我完全同意这一点是决定你能不能把博士这个项目做好的最重要的因素。

I feel so lucky can keep very good relation with my tutor. So we cooperated very well in the past three years, then get some good achievements and not so bad publications. I know some candidates who have very bad or general relation with their tutors, the result is that they achieved very little publications after three years. In my opinion, such kind of bad relationship really wastes the whole PhD career.

我是幸运的,遇到了一个非常好的导师。因为研究生就跟着他的原因,这五年下来,我们一直保持着亦师亦友的关系。所以在这样良好的师生关系的基础上,这三年我们确实取得了一些成绩,发表了一些论文。 在我们学院里,我认识一些和导师关系相处的不太好的博士生,每天见面聊得话题也都是在吐槽自己的导师,所以三年下来,他们也仅仅是达到了学院规定的毕业要求,并没有更多的成绩。在我看来,如果和自己的导师的关系没有处理好,读博的过程确实是有些耽误时间。

How to keep the good relationship with your supervisor, I think there are tons of articles talked about this on the internet. I won't talk about the skills here. For example, I study in Italy, there are two different ways to say hello in Italian; one is for the friend, the other is for the very official situation. As a foreigner, I just say hello using the friend way to my tutor from beginning since my very poor Italian, it is a very fast way to pull the distance between you and your tutor.

至于如何和导师保持良好的关系,网上有大堆的文章在教你,我在这里就不谈了。举一个例子,因为我在意大利读博,在意大利语中,见面打招呼说你好有两种方式,一种平语,一种敬语。 因为我是外国人,一开始我就用平语和教授打招呼,以至于同事们都惊讶你怎么这么和教授说话,要知道,他们都是过了一两年,才在问过教授可不可以用平语交流的情况下,才从敬语变成平语。我不认为这是一种不礼貌,相反,这是你作为外国人的优势,是迅速拉近你和教授距离的方法。所以不要总是抱怨,导师对本国的学生会比对你一个外国人好好多。自己找到自己方式即可。

看到@dapeng哥写了一篇关于五年辛酸读博路,我在阅读以后,一直在思索我这三年究竟是什么样的状态,其实苦和累真的是很难回忆起来,唯一关于累的能想到的可能就是deadline之前稍微干活干得晚了些,见过空无一人的学校。但是想到更多的是和同事喝酒,郊游和运动;和教授一起出去参加会议,因为论文被收录,一起开香槟庆祝;或者是deadline之前和同事教授一起吃外卖披萨。可能是因为意大利这个国家太浪漫,太热爱生活的原因,在意大利读博我想真的是一件不是很苦的事情(和其他国家的博士比起来的话),因为这里的人真的太热爱生活了, 我觉得可能和导师和同事讨论红酒美食足球政治的时间一点不少于一起谈项目研究的时间。

Thanks my Supervisor!From the day he wanted to be my PhD supervisor and did not care about my low GPA!

谢谢阅读 , Thanks for your reading!

Please feel free to upvote, comment and follow me @victory622



真的是很幸运:D 跟朋友说起来导师还会在我写程序的时候帮我写论文都没有人能相信。



谢谢您:D 能跟两个好导师已经是我最幸运的事情。会听从您的建议争取发表尽可能多的成果。 我们应该是一个姓:)

Hey, I want to do a Ph. D. too.
Hope to catch a few tips from you.
I 've masters degree from the U.K.

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