為何香港人期待颱風之我見|My opinion on why Hong Kong people want typhoon

in #cn7 years ago

今天早上看了 @nanosesame帖子,文中說香港人太期待颱風,而忘了颱風會帶來很大的災害。這個觀點我基本上是認同的,畢竟天災就是可怕的。但我想在這篇文章裏探討一下為什麼香港人會這麼期待颱風呢? 或者應該更準確的說為什麼香港人會這麼期待颱風帶來的假期呢!

This morning I just read a post wrote by @nanosesame, which is about Hong Kong people want typhoon so much and they forgot how bad the impact a typhoon can bring to the environment. In this post, I would like discuss about why Hong Kong people want typhoon that much. Or I should say it more accurately, why Hong Kong people want the additional holiday bring from typhoon that much.



In my personal point of view, the reason is so simple that: Hong Kong have too long working hour, and too little holiday. Just as what I always said, I believe data does not lie. Let me give some data to you guys.


First, let’s talk about the working hour. According to UBS Swiss, they have performed a research on 71 cities all over the world with 15 job types, to study their working hour. The result shows that Hong Kong have the longest working hour all over the world, which is about 50.11 hours per week, which is greatly above the 2nd and 3rd city, Mumbai with 43.78 and Mexico City with 43.48, around 14%. I have put the top 10 cities below, and you can see that how greatly the different for Hong Kong between the other cities.

排名(Rank)城市(City)每週工時(Weekly working hour)
(1)香港 (Hong Kong)50.11
(3)墨西哥市(Mexico City)43.48
(4)新德里(New Delhi)42.57

好了香港人工時這麼長,那他們有比較多的假期去休息了嗎? 香港在2017年的法定假期總共有17天,那到底算多還是少呢?讓我們跟上面排行榜第二跟第三名的城市比較一下。孟買2017年的法定假期總共有25天;而墨西哥市是14天。所以,香港比第三名的墨西哥市多了3天,但比第二名的孟買少了8天。

And alright, Hong Kong people have such a long working hour, do they have more public holiday to get some rest? In Hong Kong, the official public holiday is 17 days in 2017. Is it a big or small number? Let’s compare to the 2nd and 3rd city on the above list. For Mumbai, they got 25 days in 2017; Mexico City got 14 days.


And let’s have a simple maths. Assume we have 52 weeks a year, and we divide the weekly working hours by 5 as a compensation for 1 public holiday.

城市(City)每週工時(Weekly working hour)假期補償(Holiday Compensation)每年工時(Net working hour per year)
香港(Hong Kong)50.11 x 52 = 2605.7250.11 ÷ 5 x 17 = 170.3742435.35
孟買(Mumbai)43.78 x 52 = 2276.5643.78 ÷ 5 x 25 = 218.92057.66
墨西哥(Mexico City)43.48 x 52 = 2260.9643.48 ÷ 5 x 14 = 121.742139.22


As you can see, Hong Kong people have around 300 more working hours than the 2nd and 3rd city. So, how can they don’t want an additional holiday? No matter it is natural or man-made, I bet whenever it is a holiday, it would be welcomed by Hong Kong people.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it!
And please follow me and see my other post if you like it: @victorier

如果你覺得不錯的話請你追蹤我,也可以看我其他的文章: @victorier


大家都辛苦了 _ (:з」∠)_

是啊,天災故然不發生就最好。但有時候也不要見怪啦 XD

沒有喇xDD 誰不想放假,但覺得最近有點過火而已 >_<

i can totally understand HK ppl's mindset and have always wondered how they manage to survive working such long hours and how they get any rest.

Thanks for your comment. It's good to hear that you understand out mindset, as sometimes it will bring up argument with that. For the long working hour, I also have no idea. What I can only say is Hong Kong people is used to be slave, they just used to be controlled...

I remember when i was working in HK many years ago, it was rare to leave work before 7pm. Still so bad?

It is glad that you can nolonger work here. Yes, it is still that bad. I don't know others, but for me, leave before 8 is already very good..

人在台灣。同泣。 😭

對, 台北也有上十大啊! 主要高工時的城市好像都在亞洲.

我们也在等台风 台风对我们这影响很小 只能有降温降雨的功效

大概是因為很少颱風可以直接吹到江蘇那邊吧. 於環境安全來說其實挺好的!

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