in #science7 years ago

SMART Technology simply means: Surveillance Marketed As Revolutionary Technology!

"Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” – Frederich Nietzsche

One of the most insidious means of mass control has not yet been fully implemented, but is being pushed at an ever-increasing and extremely alarming rate: human microchipping.

Will you reject this modern method of slavery or accept a tag for convenience? The choice is ours. I have certainly made my decision. I will not accept the "mark of the beast" no matter what. I have no intention to live in a world of computer-mind-controlled hive-minds and total idiocracy.

If Creator Source had wanted humanity to be machine - Creator would have "designed" us that way. Man is trying to play God by moving God out of the way...

Wake up before it's too late!

Read this eye-opening article:


and watch what life will be like if the "controllers" and transhumanist NWO worshippers get their way:

Agenda 21 Smart Cities: Orwell's Dystopic Nightmare Comes True

Image Source: pixapay

As a committed Perception Changing Agent, I’m determined to help others unravel the madness of modern life, encourage my fellow human beings to seek more nourishment for the soul, and discover the magic that unifies us all.


To deprive a man of his natural liberty and to deny to him the ordinary amenities of life is worse then starving the body; it is starvation of the soul, the dweller in the body.

- Mahatma Gandhi

micro chipped human is the modernised version slavery

I don't doubt that eventually there will be a merging of human and machines. This development will most likeley start in prosthetics. You will see people who had car accidents and lost limbs get robotic arms and they can function like normal people except that their arm has a built in flashlight and receives regular updates from some corporation. But I refuse to be chipped like some animal.

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