Spider Coccoon

in #drawing6 years ago (edited)

There was once a spidery contents here but a spider has now put them inside coccoons.... Like Shelob did with Frodo Baggins~ Or maybe like those fleshy things in Aliens before the chestburster bursts out of them~ Yep, like one of those things :D


Ohhh miss witch is finally showing her final form! She is a very gothic and beautiful lady, the best kind, except the evil bit xD.

Your pencil and ink drawing has really gorgeous and delicate lines, so luxurious <3.


yaya she will put hexes on people or sommit, better be careful with her~ oh no~

thank you, scrawler~ <3333333

Very nice @veryspider. I'm not a fan of skulls but this is really nice and deep. My interpretation - a sweetgirl with a touch of darkness; a dangerous woman, under the quiet....the look in her eyes, lol. I love it. Now you and @scrawly, making me want to learn how to do sketches. I can do a little drawing but nothing as fancy as you guys and not from memory. I enjoy drawing animated characters but can only really do so by looking at a picture, hehe. Keep up the good work.

aaah you should totally give sketching a go! it can be very meditative and a good way to create emotional outlets and/or ideas into the world :D

it's fun and you should just not worry about levels and whatever and let your voice out ! :D

im cheering you on ! \o/

lol thank you my dear...I will find the courage one, I hope (lol).

You´re welcome! I think it´s working better now. Can I point out a tiny, little thing? It´s a very easy fix and i think it´ll come together even better. I feel the skin below the blouse is a bit to flat. With just a little shadow like the arms I think it all will be more rounded and come together better. Sorry for being a bit nitpicky I can´t help myself but don´t get me wrong, the drawing is fantastic! :)

Oh i left that purposely untouched cuz it was supposed to be a long, greek-like dress but .... i was lazy and didn't want to do more work .... XD;;;;;;;;;;;;;

But yaya, i agree it's a bit too flat at the moment, as is :>

Thanks for the feedback ! Glad to receive inputs and glad to know that people are paying attention to the stuff im making <333

Que buena ilustracion

muchas gracias !! :D

The finished inking looks so good. You’re so great with your use of negative space. I need to improve in those ways. I also adore the flower/little bones crown. It’s perfect!

thank you, @vermillionfox <3 i think you are really talented and you have a good understanding of your canvases, so you'll be able to manage negative spaces with no issues if you just give yourself room to practice :D

Sick drawing!
Keep it up friend 👍

Thank you ! I shall try ! :D

Awesome drawing! I really like the mix of hand drawing and digital inking. I find it amazing what you can do art wise with digital software these days.

aaah thank you ! yes, it is really fun to dabble in both traditional and digital media :> i am still partial towards just pencils and inks but sometimes when i feel like the picture's not quite where it needs to be, i do touch them up digitally :>

Bravo bravo @veryspider, final version is beautiful with those gray shades. You were right, black background was to dark. But those delicate moments you add pulled story and drawing out so good. Also there is a bit Art Deco moment in it that I love the most.

thank you thank you, jung <3 you are always very kind and thoughtful with your comments ! i appreciate <3333333

I love your work dear @veryspider, love to see hard working artist as you are :)

That black background was pretty striking. But I think it definitely looks better with the grey leafy background :D


yaya i think so too, thankfully i listened to @javicuesta ! XD

ty ryry ~

Very nice clean ink drawing. Love to see more of these :)

Thank you ^ ___ ^ I shall try to make more \o/

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