Puppy therapy

in #life6 years ago

I had a hard time getting comfortable on the bus ride to Chicago. There was a lot of chatting going on and if I was going to be forced to stay up then I figured I’d keep myself busy with a Netflix show. I ended up watching the first three episodes of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, which I did enjoy before passing out for two hours. When I woke up I was an hour away from my destination.

The rest of my morning was fairly easy. I took a short fifteen minute walk to @lonniedi’s workplace to pick up her set of keys. Then my options were to stay up and explore the city or head to @lonniedi’s apartment for a nap. I chose option number two.

When I got there I had two adorable pups waiting for me. Sushi, the one I’m petting is @lonniedi’s dog. Nunie is her roommates doggo. They’re both nine years old and have very sweet gentle temperaments.

I spotted a rack filled with games in the living room. I really wanna play a board game while I’m here!

I finally got myself snuggled into bed around 10AM. I wish I had more energy to get myself out but my health comes first. Traveling is so hard on the body.

It took awhile for Nunie to warm up to me. It was either that or because of Sushi and his dominant behavior. He wasn’t too keen on sharing the bed.

They stayed with me until their mommies returned home from work.

Puppy snuggles are the best!

Thanks for stopping by! 🦊


Whoaa... you stayed with the doggos. They look very chill in the photos, look at them putting paws on the other doggo <3.

And they kept me nice and warm during my nap. 😌 Hahah, yeah that’s Sushi. He was dreaming in his sleep.

They’re very very sweet.

puppy therapy is best therapy <3 dogs make the best de-stressing agents * ___ *

They do! I was so tired from traveling but their love gave me comfort. ^^

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