The whole world must decide on what legal bases to build the protection of the family and childhood.

in #familyprotection7 years ago

Hello. First time I write a post on this topic. My girlfriend has long been interested in the topic of juvenile justice, reads a lot on this topic, writes, tells. I thought how relevant this topic is for my country, for me.


I live in Russia, I work as a teacher at a school in a small village. Once a year (most often at the beginning of the year) social workers come to the classroom and tell the children about their rights. The main thing about what they say: the child has the same rights as an adult. Nothing is said about his duties. The child has the right to independently apply to the bodies for the protection of his rights. This includes complaints about the parents to the police or the court. They are obliged to immediately check how parents perform their duties. True, nowhere is it written out what the "improper" performance of parental responsibilities should look like.No, we do not have any juvenile justice yet. But, it seems, it will not be long. Already today in the Russian legislation there are changes.The main principle of juvenile justice has already been dragged into the Russian law on the guarantees of the rights of the child: children are not part of the family. They are independent subjects of public legal relationships, the rights of children are higher than the rights of all other citizens. In the literature of juvenile justice, it is written in an open text: the family is the main danger for the child, the family is the enemy of children.In studying the topic, I learned that in 1998, the Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" was adopted. This law introduced an IMPORTANT classification of children "in a difficult life situation." It is determined who, in fact, is considered such a child and how to help them. And now, among the transfer of orphans, drug addicts and criminals, we find: "children living in low-income families." How else? Poverty is a factor to be protected from.I'm sorry, what?!?! Children living in low-income families?In rural areas, most families are underpaid, salaries are very small, at the birth of a child, the subsistence level of the family is still decreasing, as is the case with the birth of every next child! I worked in a class where 95% of children are poor. And throughout the school this percentage is big. Many children go in for sports, study in a music school, these are children with an active lifestyle, are all these children at risk? Man does not live by bread alone, but by the love of his family and love for her! And the fact that the family, in which both mom and dad are working poor - it's not the parents who are to blame.This classification is not needed at all to help poor families. It is to remove children from the family on the basis of a number of subsequent laws. It was supposed that children from poor families should be seized, so that later, applying to the unfortunates all the severity of the "juvenile justice", they should transfer to the reception room a well-off family. To be honest - I do not know what percentage of low-income families in Russia, but I think that big, very large.The question arises: to whom is the family hindered? I think that the family hinders those who want to take children under total control, destroying the personality of the child. Wen in the family, we realize ourselves as a person. In a family where there is warmth, love, care. If we turn to Russian history, we will see that family upbringing already wanted to be removed. Contemporary of Catherine II, A. Belsky, wanted to grow new people by taking children from their mother. An attempt to destroy the institution of the family was made after 1917, when they offered not to marry, but to raise children separately from their parents.The first step in introducing juvenile justice in our country was the new Family Code of the Russian Federation. He was changed in 1995. The code records the right of the child to violate his rights and if parents do not perform their duties properly, contact the guardianship and trusteeship authorities or the court. In 2002 there was a law on the creation of juvenile courts. And the guardianship authorities have the right to initiate the removal of the child from the family.So far, we have not been able to introduce juvenile justice on a national scale. But you can hear about "successful" experiments with elements of juvenile justice in the Rostov region, in St. Petersburg and in other regions. A "good uncle" of government agencies - the only friend. And this "friend" can complain round the clock about his own father or mother, who, oh, horror, was not allowed into a nightclub.Indeed, even in my school there are posters with a phone number to which children can call in some difficult life situation. But I did not hear of any case when the children would have used it. Perhaps they understand the consequences that may appear.I hope that the authorities in our country will be prudent and will not create an apparatus for the destruction of seven and family values.

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