Hey Steemit! I'm fitness trainer

Hello my name is Artem, was born in the Mogilev, Belarus', work as a personal trainer, sports in my life play a key role, it's not just a profession, it's a way of life. I work with both beginners and advanced athletes. Since childhood, I've played football, but circumstances play a key role and now my life is connected with a healthyviber image.jpgpEzF_Dxn5ow.jpg
football played for me a key role in life, rethinking the goals in life and achieving maximum goals in front of him, playing in the Dnepro, Dynamo Minsk, Spartak Shklov football clubs, then switched to mini-football, which later became closer to me.5n6ggcKo3kA.jpgx_f2ef14d7.jpgkrLHKRNnSXU.jpg
Now I specialize in a healthy lifestyle, in particular I study their fitness systems very much, of course I eat right and watch my form and against smoking and alcohol
I will also introduce you to interesting information, probably for now all in brief about myself, I am happy to join the Steemit=.jpg, all the good, Peace=)


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Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Hi! Welcome to the Steemit Community! Nice first Post 👍

Welcome to Steem Community @vaskoartem! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

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Welcome to the Steemit community @vaskoartem, uplifting and building one another is key to success. All the best with your GOALS an PLANS, may you only have a pleasant experience here.

hi @vaskoartem. I already upvote your post. would you mind to follow me in return?

hi @vaskoartem Welcome to Steemit Community. Looking forward for your next post. See you around. You can also join in STEEMSCHOOLS discord here https://discord.gg/8CRS4j4 They can help you grow in this steemit community. If you still don't have a discord account. Just register first through the link I gave you. I'm glad to help you. See you there!

Bienvenido Vasko, i hope you enyoy this platform 😉Photo_1524923474758.png

Self promotion on other's posts is frowned on. Please read Steemit Etiquette and do not ask for a follow, ever. You are welcome, my friend.

Hi Artem! Welcome to steemit!

hi ! Welcome to Steemit !

Nice to meet you ! follow me and I follow you, greetings.

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