💬 Daily AMA with Ke'Xu | ONO | Day 9 Recap

in #onosocial6 years ago (edited)


In the ninth day of the AMA with Ke'Xu we answered many interesting questions! Don't forget to join the Telegram group and ask your questions. The AMA is now 1 hour earlier than before.

Join the Telegram group: https://t.me/ONOUS

1.Any idea when the app will launch?

Ke'Xu@ONO: I’m very sorry for today’s delay. I think it will finish in 12hours.

2.Will users be able to search posts or filter by language or will posts be mixed?

Ke'Xu@ONO: Later will have filter and can be searched. But it really needs time to develop. This is first 3month.

3.Are the ONOchain nodes deployable by anybody? Or is the ONO team managing all the nodes for now?

Ke'Xu@ONO: Because we still working on the ONOchain, (developing) so till now we don’t have any nodes. It surely will have nodes deployable by anybody with rules according to consensus mechanism. More details willl be showed on the ONO mainnet whitepaper. You will see later.

4.Can users create any tag they want or do they have to choose from a preselected list?

Ke'Xu@ONO: Right now : preselected list. Later: create tags

5.If a users post gets collapsed do they also lose the ONOT on the post?

Ke'Xu@ONO: Now: they won’t lose ONOTs that they already got by collapse. Future: I don’t know. Maybe it’s gonna change through referendum

6.What happened with the payout error yesterday?

Ke'Xu@ONO: It is a mistake happened when we are testing the global version and access data. We will have to rollback

7.If referendums must be accepted by superpartners in order to be voted by users, then how can users avoid the hypothetical situation of a numerous group of superpartners refusing referendums against them?

Ke'Xu@ONO: That’s the governance part should let everyone who are in the ecosystem to decide and experiment. If you can’t avoid the SP is doing evil, this whole system will be a joke. If anyone (including me) is doing evil, or against the Common Programme, all the people can vote him down. But according to my philosophy of governance, I can’t say more about how to make a better mechanism in my own opinion. I think chaos is better than Centralized leadership. Short-term chaos is unavoidable. But doesn’t mean the chaos is meaningless. It is the only chance to let people have consensus themselves. Not by force, violence or Political Manoevring.

8.Ke, do you think blockchain has the potential to unite humanity for a greater good?

Ke'Xu@ONO: I do think so.

9.Where does the name ONO come from? How did you come up with that name?

Ke'Xu@ONO: ‘NO’ is the first language that human made. This allusion is also quoted in the rising of the planet of the apes. The reason why human beings are human beings is that thinking makes us different. When human beings want to cry for freedom, they have the desire to create language. ONO is from OhNOme. The company name ‘nome’ is description of the first human society in Greek. And Nome is like Home and Name. NOME is also like ‘NO’ ‘ME’ ‘know yourself’— Socrates

10.Ke, have any philosophers or spiritual teachers influenced your worldview? It seems very liberal and zen?

Ke'Xu@ONO: I think the best teacher is to experience the feedback that the world gives you and your own feeling of the world.

11.You confirmed there was going to be a public database for analysts to look at, when will this database be available?

Ke'Xu@ONO: Will do that ASAP. I can’t make sure the date. But its on the to-do-list. And will be within one month

12.What is the biggest mistake made by steemit and how have you overcome this?

Ke'Xu@ONO: Big whales controls everything. Because of the Power. ONO will have different mechanism. Big whales will always appear. But don’t let big whales control the ecosystem. Right? :)

13.If our votes must pass through SPs how can I vote against a centralized leadership of 51 SPs moving together to mantain their powers?
I mean, I can vote against them without a referendum to remove them?
I didn't understood this, sorry for the extension to my question.

Ke'Xu@ONO: This is actually a sociological problem. It is about public governance and human nature. When an organization has more than 3 people, and they are different individuals elected by voting, they will be difficult to reach agreement, so it is more difficult to achieve unanimous evil. Unless there is a great deal of interest. But because token is not cash, if they do evil, price will go down, they have no advantage. So it makes no sense to do evil collectively. Of course, this is just my opinion . I simplely trust human nature, and watch it happens. ONO mechanism is very flexible and changeable. We will see.

14.If the system is totally democratic that would mean everyone has equal voting power, hypothetically do you believe two low Intelligent humans should have the same vote as one genius? The current system allows for a hierarchy of ‘competence’ - total democracy removes all hierarchy.

Ke'Xu@ONO: Yes. I think everyone is equal. Especially in ONO’s utopia :)

Here i will also include a conversation between some SPs and a member of the telegram group. It might be useful and interesting for someone :)

Member(M): My question was posed because I don't know how and where referendum will be put in the app because we don't have the app.
So, for what I know at this moment, the whitepaper can state one thing (that we can ask for referendum) and SPs can/can't reject it even if not related to common program agreement. Si they can/can't reject it and saying that is against the common program if no one can see it.
And, even if they must publish their voted against (and so the proposal must be published somewhere so that everybody can see it), if a user without any contact see that his referendum is rejected, considering the amount of interactions in a social network system with hundreds thousand of users, it can happen that no one see what is just happened.

SP1: I have seen a mockup and alongside the post feed etc there was a referendum tab so I guess that is the best answer I can give, I am not sure where voting results will be displayed yet, too many unknowns without seeing the app and system. It's so hard to analyze the system when it isn't there yet, I guess the best we can do is be prepared and see how it works and propose changes as we see fit

M: And in my world (which iI think is the real world) you have to theorize the worst case scenario to build the best system.

SP2: And we need to practice a bit more PATIENCE as well and see! It’s an experiment as KeXu said before. She also said they are fixing the issues have for an upcoming launch. So .....please be patient

M: And consider my questions not moved against superpartners BUT for our superpartners considering that 80% are chinese and for us citizens outside china

SP1: Yes that can be a concern also I agree. Hopefully they will stick to their vows and uphold what they promised to do. If they don''t I will campaign myself to have people removed as that is what I promised to do.

M: I grew in Italy and here we can't absolutely believe just on words (nice place Italy btw lol)

SP2: You might have to read Miguel Ruiz! Read carefully! Italy ! Oh yes I do understand that you can’t believe a word what politicians say but that’s ONO Utopia not Italy and I trust KEXU and her teams “word”!

M: Here you can't believe in people neither (not kidding), just on really close parents and maybe (maybe underlined) the closest friends Isn't a nation neither Italy and I leave in Tuscany, we hate each others from centuries here

SP2: I lived a long life so far and do know very well that it’s hard to trust but sometimes you just need to listen to your instincts and try again. ONO was one of those experiments I chose to trust. Steemit is my “Home” because I met the most wonderful people in that platform proving me how many awesome Beautiful People there are in this World . I have a wish to find those “human beings” and bring them all to the new ONOverse. Maybe I am wrong to believe in the good side of Humans and eliminate or just accept the bad, the trolls, the complainers and drama makers but it’s too early to say if Such utopia is possible . I hope so ! Finish! For today Grazie Andrea and Let’s try to build something “different” TOGETHER where people really care for each other and just be kind. Critics and doubts are allowed of course.

Previous posts from the AMA with Ke'Xu:

💬 Daily AMA with Ke'Xu | ONO | Day 1 Recap

💬 Daily AMA with Ke'Xu | ONO | Day 2 Recap

💬 Daily AMA with Ke'Xu | ONO | Day 3 Recap

💬 Daily AMA with Ke'Xu | ONO | Day 4 Recap

💬 Daily AMA with Ke'Xu | ONO | Day 5 Recap

💬 Daily AMA with Ke'Xu | ONO | Day 6 Recap

💬 Daily AMA with Ke'Xu | ONO | Day 7 Recap

💬 Daily AMA with Ke'Xu | ONO | Day 8 Recap

If you have any questions for the AMA next time, please send them on Telegram to the host of the day and not direct in @ONOUS.
If there are any mistakes in what i wrote place let me know so i can correct them on time.
Picture source: Twitter
Official website: https://www.ono.chat

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