Space stuff....

in #steemstem7 years ago

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Boobs are overrated



With that being said lemme share some scientific stuff with you. Let's talk about space, I was interested in cosmology since beginning. If you search anything related to science on the internet you will find dozens of great articles but they are written in a very complicated language and sometimes if assholes like me are unable to understand that. My approach to make it fun and easy to understand some concepts of science so you will find this blog written in a very casual language. One of my friend on steemit @nitish9 writes some quality content and is very consistent and beautifully presents blogs he also writes about technology and Science. If you are a technical person go check his content he is awesome. However if you are a asshole like me stick with me and back to tell you something about space that will blow your mind. Alright so let's begin also I'm using some drawings that are made using Microsoft paint this all ranks are made by me I am not a kind of pro artist but just to add little bit of fun in the blog. I hope you enjoy will enjoy the blog.



To start with let's talk about earth the place where wise people like you live. To begin with here are some facts that you should know about planet earth.

  • Earth is not a perfect sphere it might be a perfect square if it was immovable, but since it rotates therefore centrifugal force generated by this moment is maximum at the equator and zero at the poles that's why the earth is kind of stretched and elliptical in shape.

  • If you don't know Earth rotation is gradually slowing. This deacceleration is though happening very slowly

  • Earth has a very powerful magnetic field. This is mainly caused due to the Nickel iron core of planet coupled with its rapid rotation.

  • In 1953, the American geochemist Clair Patterson obtained the age of Earth and solar system by using uranium/lead isotopic dating he obtained the age of earth around 4.5 billion years ago.

  • Hottest spot on earth - It is El Azizia, Libya, where temperatures recorded by meteorological stations reached 57.8 ° C on 13 September 1922.

Equatorial Diameter12756 km
Polar Diameter12,714 km
Mass5.97 X 10^24 Kg
Orbit Distance149,598,262 km
Orbit Period365.24 days
Surface temp-88 to 58 degree celcius




Now let's talk about Sun the main component due to which the life is possible on earth. Sun is located at the centre of our solar system and it is nearly a perfect square it is mainly made up of Plasma the fourth state of matter its diameter is about 1.39 million km and its mass is about 330,000 times that of Earth. Sun contains this enormous amount of energy due to nuclear fusion reaction nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei come close enough to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles. Basically what happens is two light things combine with each other to form a heavy thing and energy is released during this process things here means nucli.


Sun is very important for our Earth. It keeps our earth warm, it also affects the weather at Earth. now you might be wondering who keeps the sun at fire. Famous scientist Albert Einstein discovered the formula which shows how much energy can be created from a small amount of mass as as lighter elements are forced together to become heavier elements a tremendous amount of energy is released we can calculate the amount of energy released by the formula E= MC^2 where,

E = Energy

M= Mass

C = speed of light = 300,000 km/sec.

Can see very little amount of mass is required to produce a tremendous amount of energy but in order to do that we have to have extremely high pressure and temperature conditions. at the Central temperature reaches 16 million degrees Kelvin and pressure is more than a billion times the atmospheric pressure on earth. To get a feel how much energy is created every second on sun you should know that it converts nearly 5 million tons of mass into energy every second this is how sun keep himself on fire and provides heat to all the planets in solar system. Now let's see some facts about Sun

  • Sun is so large that about 1 million Earth can fit into sun.

  • The sun contains 99.86% of the mass in the solar system.

  • There is almost about 1 kilometre difference between a polar diameter and equatorial diameter of sun. It is almost a perfect ellipse.

  • The orbit of earth is not perfectly circular its elliptical and that's why the distance between Earth and sun changes. Also when Earth is far away from sun winter comes and when earth is close to Sun summer comes.

  • Sun rotates in opposite direction to that of Earth.

  • Also Sun generates Solar winds these are ejections of Plasma that originate from sun and travel in space at a speed of almost 450 km per second.

Age4.6 Billion years
TypeYellow Dwarf
Diameter1.392,684 km
Equatorial CIrcumfrence4,370,005.6 km
Mass1.99 X 10^30 kg
Surface temprature5,500 degree Celsius


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Milky way galaxy

The Milky Way galaxy Galaxy that contains our solar system. it houses our solar system and many more solar systems stars planets etc. It is formed shortly after Big Bang. The Milky Way contains kind of bar shaped region in the middle surrounded by cloud of gas and dust and stars it is very big. milky way is about hundred thousands light years across big to put in prospective one light year means the distance traveled by light in one year that is 9.461e+12 Km. Now you might be thinking of Galaxy is very big but there are thousands of more galaxies in space. Space shit is very big

Milky Way galaxy is not still it is constantly rotating and our solar system including all the planets sun Earth rotates along with it. and our solar system travels at an average speed of 515,000 mph. at the center of the Galaxy there is a huge galactic bulge. It is so dense that due to this we can only see a small percentage of total stars in the Galaxy.


Black Hole

Black hole is a region in space having such a great gravitational field that even light cannot pass through it by the theory of general relativity, sufficiently compact mass space time to form a black hole. We will discuss how they are formed what will happen if you fall into a black hole, The center of Black Hole is called Event Horizon nobody can escape from Event Horizon.

According to Einstein nobody can beat the speed of light. Speed of light in vacuum is commonly denoted with C it is a Universal physical constant having exact value 299,792,458 m/sec. according to Einstein theory of special relativity C is the maximum speed at which all conventional and matter can travel. So you can see how fast light travels. Stay with me now I will tell you some crazy stuff related to black hole. Black holes are formed when large amount matter is pressed into a tiny space. the compression can takes place at the end of star's life. To know how black holes are formed we have to know how star dies

How Star dies


Unlike humans stars take millions of years to die. And that happens when a star burns all the hydrogen fuel and due to the enormous gravitational field the matter collapse into a tiny space the fusion reactions happen on Star act against the gravitational field and the star contains its space how to easily understand this concept considered that there are two forces acting against each other.

  1. Outward force by Fusion reaction happning on a star

  2. Inward gravitational force due to massive size of star.

  • Now these two forces balance each other and the star retains its shape as time passes the outward Force due to fusion reaction vanishes because all heavy nuclei has been used to make energy this process usually takes millions of years and it happens convert gravitational force takes over the outward fusion force and due to the gravitational force starts to shrink under its own gravitational force and all the matter the star is made up of collapses into a tiny space. That's how black hole is formed.

  • You may be wondering how big a black hole is?. there are mainly three categories to determine the size of black hole the smallest one are called as primordial black hole. Their size is as small as a single atom but having a mass of larger than a mountain.

  • The second category and the most common is medium-sized black hole called Stellar. Their mass can be greater than 20 times as of sun and they can fit into a diameter of about 10 miles. There might be a couple dozen stellar black holes existing in our Milky Way galaxy.

The largest black holes are called super-massive black holes thermos is greater than 1 million Suns and having size of solar system. Every Galaxy may contain a super-massive black hole at its center.

Look at This Formula this is the Universal law of Gravitation, where-
F = Force between two bodies
m1 = mass of 1st body
m2 = mass of second body
r = the distance between two bodies
G = Universal gravitational constant

Now since the radius of black hole is very small and mass is very large the force of attraction becomes enormously huge that's why even light cannot escape through a black hole. And if anything goes near black hole it gets crashed into enormous mass because of Huge force of attraction.

Dark Energy

It's a kind of mystery dark energy is unknown form of energy that exist in space. Actually Dark energy is the most accepted hypothesis explain observations of universe such as expanding and accelerating rate of universe. Best current measurements suggest that Dark energy contributes about 63.3% of Total energy in observable universe. But dark energy is still hypothetical force with unknown properties.

So how scientist came across the concept of dark energy? well in early 1990s it was certain that the universe is expanding but the gravity must slow down the expansion of universe as time passes but this was not observed, While in theory Universe has to slow down because it is full of matter and attractive force of gravity that bind matter together. then the Hubble Telescope observations came that show that the Universe was expanding at a slow speed initially, So the expansion is not slowing down as we thought earlier but instead it's accelerating. Eventually came across three explanations to explain this phenomenon-
  • Maybe the discarded EInstien's theory of gravity is correct.

  • Maybe there is a strange energy fluid filled in space.

  • Maybe we can modify the Einstein's theory of gravity to some kind of new theory that can explain this acceleration due to some kind of feild or something.

One explanation come from the Einstein's theory of gravity, Einstein was the first man to realise that space is not empty in his theory of gravity he states about cosmological constant. The cosmological constant is usually denoted by Greek capital letter lambda, It is the value of energy density of a vaccum space. Einstein make another prediction that empty space can possess its own energy and this energy is a property of space. As more space comes into existence more of this energy of space would appear.

Another explanation comes from Quantum theory of matter the theory states that empty space is not that empty instead it contains some virtual particles that continuously form and disappear. But when scientist tried to calculate how much energy this will form in space the answer came out wrong by huge factor. Thus, dark energy still a mystery

Dark Matter

Dark matter is also a mysterious thing, it is still a mystery. Roughly 80% of mass of universe is made up of dark matter. Dark matter is a hypothetical type of matter distinct from baryonic Matter. Dark matters does not emit or interact with electromagnetic radiations

Baryonic Matter- The matter composed of baryons in other words it should contain protons, neutrons but exclude things such as electrons and neutrinos.

Dark matter is also responsible for holding all the normal matter in the universe together most of the facts we use about universe originate from Big Bang Theory. From the time of its conception universe is expanding rapidly. Dark energy is the reason that we have discussed earlier defines the expansion of universe and dark matter holds matter together. All of this is hypothetical though. Who knows that someday in future came across other explanations that defines these strange phenomenon but for now dark energy and dark matter theories are here to explain these events.

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Bootes Void

Bootes void is an enormous empty space of spherical shape with the diameter of nearly 330 million light years as the name suggests it's a void containing very few galaxies nobody knows till date why it's so empty, it is approximately 700 million light years away from Earth (The center of void). It was first discovered by Robert Krishner in 1981. So far only 60 galaxies have been discovered in Bootes void. By using rough estimates more than 2000 Galaxy can fit into such a large volume considering every single of them is 10 million light years apart.

That's it for this blog. Hopefully you've learned something new. But if you are like me you haven't read any of this shit XD. I am leaving all the references and some videos to watch because for me watching video is more nice than reading a blog.



Please do leave your thoughts, I love reading comments and I posted after a long long time so try to ignore some typo mistakes I am not that great of a typist. Also I made these drawing please let me know how bad they are

If this post reaches 10$ I am touching myself tonight XD


I always loved that fact.

The sun contains 99.86% of the mass in the solar system.

These facts and figures are very surprising 😃

Most accurate drawing of Einstein ever! :D Srsly, its a great post. Keep it up, man!

Thank you very much bro

I'll say a good start bro. :)

Keep improving your writing skills and bring more interesting deeply researched science posts.

And yes amazing illustrations. Keep up. ;)

Also join our @steemstem community at to get guidance from amazing scientists and bloggers out there. :)

Thanks nitish9 bro I will try to improve my shit

Great Post Varun. Looks like you really enjoyed sharing what you've learned about Space. Very cool.

Yes Jacob that was fun thanks for stopping by

Maybe the Earth is not a sphere, it is flat.


From which species you belong my friend? ;__;

A flatearther spotted. :D

This disease is spreading very quickly. :p

Bro check out @kerriknox's posts. You'll get some enlightenment. :)

informative and well written, Thanks for sharing @varunsangwan

This is awesome.
Thanks for the simple language,now i can understand clearly.

Bhai yeh thoda jyada nahi hogaya? Touching yourself.

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