
Great post!
I voted, maybe buy yourself some new socks!
The tide is turning, one day at a time, we edge ever closer.
Problem is the swamp is so DEEP and entrenched worldwide.
One day, one step at at time!
"Gotta catch 'em all"

Hodl your hat, socks & crypto.

One foot in front of the other is the only way I know to proceed.

I only mention my own experiences because they inform my positions. Socks aren't a problem. I bang nails for a living, and will die old, living on wages. As you point out, the problem is that I am not alone, that many are being disenfranchised, robbed, and plundered, and not only of their socks, but of their very lives and posterity.

LEL 'Gotta catch 'em all!'


arranged the end of fractional reserve banking
I haven't heard that.

I reckon if oil is transacted in gold backed currency, dominoes will fall. As loan originations are collapsing, retail too, jobless claims are following the exact pattern they did prior to the economic crises of the past several decades, we are on the cusp of such a crisis.

In 2008, the crisis was caused by insufficient money being in existence to repay all the debt the greedy bastards have spawned, and the situation now, even after 'helicopter' Ben has had his way, and the supply of dollars has quintupled, is even worse.

As 500% inflation comes home to roost, the economic crisis will be horrible, and if Trump, Xinping, and Putin are crafting a gold backed currency, they aren't looking to retain the extant banking system.

That's my personal prediction, not something I've heard claimed elsewhere.


Your piece tells me we are witnessing the same epochal changes sweeping our species right now, and I am grateful for that and your valuable alternate perspective. I don't, however, feel any need to damn the damned - by definition they are already there, and I have better things to expend energy on. We are better off loving the damned - it is free, it works better, and through it they will face real justice much sooner, which is better for us all. We can love the damned, and absolutely demand full justice - this is not incompatible - love is light, it makes justice essential. Remember what created these damned - these broken, fragmented children. My sense is that the current media frenzy over 'sexual misbehaviour' is directed memetics, pushing the masses to awaken from cognitive dissonance before the major, necessary reveal takes place regarding the foul, degenerate and soul-destroying organised paedophilia that has been sapping the life of our species for far, far, far too long. A year ago, the pzagate revelations, were just too soon, and too dissonant, for most. Now, they are being softened up and prepared. What this implies, of course, is that the demons are defeated and have nowhere left to run - time to mop up, expose, and rebuild, ending this ten thousand year nightmare for good. Keep watching those dreams friend, it looks like much healing is coming your way. Db

I will not fault you for believing you are a big enough person to love them.

I will fault you for believing that the path to freedom is on 'autopilot', however. Remember who is running the show: the media, and the CIA. They are going to do everything in their power to keep the dogs off their tracks, and I believe this is why the sacrifices of these minor stars are being undertaken - to distract us, and make us believe that our job is done.

Read the Panama and Paradise papers. This trail leads far down many different rabbit holes, not mere sexcapades. Organ harvesting, commercial trafficking of women and children from war zones, the black markets in drugs, all these things need revealing, and stopping too soon leaves the wolves in charge of the sheep.


Hey there - well you're welcome to fault me all you like, there's plenty here, and I can only benefit from some good mirroring. Finding it hard to see myself here in your response though. First: finding love is surely quite the opposite from being a 'big person' - love is only 'found' by getting the 'big person' (think ego) out of the way. I would actually consider believing myself a big enough person to love anyone both deluded - and definitely a fault!

Second: where did I remotely suggest that the path to freedom is on 'autopilot'? This couldn't be further from my understanding, and I cannot see where I wrote it to you? What is 'autopilot' about "... and absolutely demand full justice" - or anything else I wrote? For the record, I think the path to freedom is as demanding as it gets - it is both the path away from the 'big person', and it is the path towards wholeness. It does not get more challenging than this, in this world.

Yes, I am aware that there are gangs swanning around this planet 'running the show' as you put it. Yes, they are co-operating with the dog-and-pony show of 'expose the stars' for distraction right now, they think it suits their purpose. They are also as dumb-as-bricks, and are being played. This memetic saturation will backfire on them royally - and I am not the only one who knows this. The masses are slowly-but-inevitably having the unthinkable make way for the thinkable - that cognitive dissonance barrier is being weakened. Pzagate was too soon a year ago, the next eruption of it may well not be. See it yet?

No-one is 'stopping too soon' friend - certainly not me, I've just got started - and certainly not others in the background of the public discourse, not from what I can see. I'm glad to observe that you are in this too, you clearly have skills we all need, and that will be more and more in demand very soon.

Final word: I used to work with 'special needs' children. Their behaviour can be truly destructive and catastrophic. Sometimes my colleagues were hospitalised. Sometimes I bled. I despised the behaviour - the actions - that caused such harm. My job was to work as hard as I could to manage, contain, remove where possible, resort to such behaviours. Autopilot would be catastrophic, in the face of such broken children reaching desperately towards their own wholeness. I never stopped finding love for these broken children, of seeing the whole beneath the fragmented surface, and I learned to separate who they actually are, from the terrible behaviour that sometimes erupted from them. If some of those children had been given machine guns, or biological weapons, or countries to play with - God help us all.

That is where we live.

Love to you brother, Db

Upon re-reading, I suppose I interpreted what you did say through the filter of what I would have meant had I said it.

"...the demons are defeated and have nowhere left to run - time to mop up..."

You have cleared up that bit of projection =D

"Compared to the "righteous" greed of the rulers, the criminals of the world seem much more honorable. When scum rule the world, only more scum is born." (Eustass Kid)

That's from an anime made for teenagers. The Japanese give me real hope.


upvote comment and folow done

plz back dude . thanks

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