
An amazing step forward shot it over shot the mark. Still a great day ! 💯🐒

I am surprised by how moved I was when I saw the two booster rockets landing side by side.

Exactly. It's like those B sci-fi movies of the 50s landing on their tails. We laughed at them in the 60s because rockets didn't land like that, they "splashed down." Lol. Will Elon's pilots be called Muskateers, I wonder? Now all we need are flying saucers.

Supreme spacex

That was fantastic! I am amazed at the strides spacex is taking.
When it was blasting off, It made me reminisce about my childhood and how that was the depiction of the future back then.
And here we are....Living in the future! What with space rockets and communicator devices..... I'm old.

I am surprised by how moved I was when I saw the two booster rockets landing side by side
you mean teary eyes, cackling like a maniac and pounding on the arms of the chair?
huh....I thought it was just me...

Yeah, no, it wasn't just you =p

I can almost taste the space!

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