I found a purple wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) for the first time!

in #nature6 years ago

This post might be a bit uninteresting for those who are not botany nerds, but I have been spending a lot of time looking for plants lately, and found a few interesting ones. In this post I want to share my finding of a purple Oxalis acetosella - wood sorrel. The wood sorrel is a very common plant by itself, and it is found in large parts of both Europe and Asia. The leaves of the plant are edible, and this is pretty nice since it can cover large parts of the forest floor during early summer.

It usually have white flowers, but according to my flora it can have purple or red flowers, but this is very rare. This is the very first time I have ever seen a purple flower from this species, so I as really surprised when I saw it. At first I didn't realize what species it was due to its strange colors, but after a closer inspection it became clear that is was certainly a wood sorrel.

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A picture of some of the purple wood sorrels. You can also see the leaves close to the ground.

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A closer look at one of the flowers.

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This is a white flower - how they are "supposed" to look.

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The two colors growing next to each other.

I have no idea why some of the wood sorrels are red, and even after looking actively for an answer I have no idea. I would guess it could be something like a rare gene that is expressed in the red or purple individuals.

Anyway, thanks for checking out my small post about the purple wood sorrel. Have you ever seen one of these before?


Heilt nydelege bilete av gaukesyre @Valth
Eg har ikkje sett gaukesyre med denne fargen før.
Så no har eg noko å leita etter.
Floraen eg konsulterer skriv at blomane som oftast er kvite, men stundom dukkar det opp nokre artar som er rosa eller lilla. Forklaringa som vert gjeven på fenomenet er at det kan vera ein mutasjon i dei gena som styrer produksjonen og fordelinga av fargestoffet.
Gratulerer med sjelden fangst og svært vakre bilete av gaukesyra,

Med vennleg helsing

Takk for det, @siggjo. Du får ha lykke til i jakten på disse! Og takk for informasjon om hvorfor denne fargen oppstår. Da er det trolig at de kommer til å være i samme farge der også neste år :)

Hilsen @valth

So difficult to identify plants...zoology is so easy...
Yeah, I think I have seen the white ones but not the purple and red ones...

Hehe, do you really think so? I'm the opposite; I find most plants easy, but I'm having a difficult time with animals, especially smaller ones such as insects.

Frankly, I am terrible at plants identification so I can only say those are adorable close-ups :) Not even sure whether this species can be found in my country.

Thanks. Identifying plants can actually be a pretty difficult task, and it's really overwhelming when you start off and don't know many of the thousands of plants that are out there. It takes a lot of dedication, or a long-term commitment. And I have no idea f these are found in the Czech Republic either :)

Haha, hopefully @valth will forgive our lack of knowledge :))

In javaness we call semanggi. We ussually use it to make pecel (a kind of salad. The taste is very delicious if you mix with the peanut sauce.
Boil the vegetable such long bean, spinach, sprouts, and wood sorrel. don't too overcook.
For the sauce roast or steam bean, garlic, chilli. Add tamarin, sugar lime leaves and salt then blend them until smooth.
pour into a bowl and add some water and mix it.
For serving Pour the sauce on the vegetables.
Pecel ready to serve.
You can add chips
This menu is healthy and delicious...
warm regard from Indonesia

Thanks for the recipe! It sounds like a very good meal :D

try and you will like this menu. As indonesian, javaness we like it and other menu which you call salad. we have many varian of them. RUJAK is salad which consist of many fruits. URAB, look like pecel but without peanut sauce but spices grated coconut, Trancam is raw vegeable which cut into small pieces, GADO GADO, KETPRAK aan so many kind others.

Sounds good, but most of those things seem very difficult to get by here in Norway :(

such an great photography i didn't knew about your this talent @valth

Hehe, thanks :)

Wow, it is beautiful flower, i like it's color.
I think i ever see this flower.
Because i live in Southeast Asia.
You said, this flower grows in Asia.
But, i do not know what name it is.
Maybe, it is same flower which i saw it.
I like your post.
Have a good day @valth

Thanks. I have no idea where in Asia you can find it, but I suspect that it's in the parts that is close to North, such as in parts of Russia. But keep your eyes open, and maybe you will see it in your area as well :)

Ok @valth
Have a great day @valth

Omg! Excellent photography @valth.
I thoroughly enjoyed your post.
I must say you are an amazing photograher and a great blogger.

Have a wonderful day! 💕

Thanks for sharing.

Upvoted & resteemed your post.

Wow! Great and amazing post.
Lovely photography
Awesome clicks!! 😍😍😍❤
I loved your post @valth.
Nice content and great work.

please have a look at my post

Thanks for sharing this post.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it :)

These are very beautiful flowers but these are so delicate. The purple colour is much better though. Great pictures anyways.

Thank you :) I'm glad you like the photos.

Can this flowers small good too? :) they look very small.

I'm sure not about the smell, to be honest. I have a very bad sense of smell, so I don't really notice it unless it's a very strong one. And yeah, they are very small.

Then I must find it and look if it smell :)

Good idea ;) It should not be difficult to find if you are located in regions where it grow.

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