Beer Reflections - Reflexiones Cerveceras / Bold City Killer Whale Cream Ale

in #beer7 years ago

Hello there

Bold City Brewery is located in Jacksonville, FL. Maybe because of the design with the whale and its name, it was not my first choice, but I decided to give it a try anyway. I was pleasantly surprised.
Slight fruity aroma with a medium body and mild sweetness from the lactose. Soft but light. A fresh beer that I will be happy to repeat

Hola a todos

Bold City Brewery está ubicada en Jacksonville, FL.Quizás por el diseño con la ballena y por el nombre no era mi primera opción, pero de todas maneras decidí darle una oportunidad. Me sorprendió agradablemente.
Ligero aroma afrutado con un cuerpo mas bien ligero y suave dulzor de la lactosa. Suave pero ligera. Una cerveza fresca que con gusto repetiré


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Just what I would need right now! It oddly fits Steemit. Wouldn't you say? :)

if nothing else, that is a damn cool looking can ! (-:

hahaha yes, but to be honest, does it looks like a serious beer to taste? It looks like a chocolate milk shake for kids. But is a good beer, and yes good design

oh se ve bien bonito el envase . y si sabe bien ! excelente!

Si, es una rica cerveza no tan pesada :)

@vadimlasca, Esa cerveza es perfecta para mi, no?

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