Tin Foil Raps 2 - Guided by the Beauty of Our Weapons

in #tinfoilraps6 years ago (edited)

Guided by the Beauty of Our Weapons

I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons

I’m guiding you to Western interventions
I’m guided by CIA mockingbird sessions
Guiding your thoughts, the war drum beckons

I’m guided by the beauty of our weapons
I'm guiding you to inevitable acceptance
We're guided by a Kakistocracy of felons
Ready to bomb on Syrians in seconds

I’m guided by the voice of Brian Williams
I’m guided by Facebook algorithms
I’m guided by subliminal transmissions
Guided by msm Stockholm syndrome

I’m guided by what my screen conditions
By images of sarin victims
By the declarations of bipartisan politicians
The Zeitgeist false flag magicians

I’m guided by ‘moderate rebel’ fictions
By the White Helmets in rubble holding children
Guided like missiles killing Arabs by the millions
Guided like pipelines through strategic positions

We're guided by Zionist AIPAC traditions
We're guided by high-tech ballistic systems
You're being guided to normalize the killing
Obey, obey obey - Constant repetition

Allow me to introduce myself my name is I-S-S-I
I’m the reason for terror when you’re asking why
The reason tomahawks are dropping from the fucking sky
To John McCain, we're the apple in his eye

I'm inspired by the mannequin challenge
Don’t forget your white hat, mask, fix your bandage
Everybody freeze... 3-2-1 SCAVENGE!
Who knew Al-Nustra had so much talent

After beheading a boy like a savage
Get in here, it's our chance to be gallant
More spoils from the war ravage
Another Oscar we still might manage

Hey Raslan, where’s that boy Omar Daqneesh?!
Put him in that ambulance now, Kapeesh?
Put his face all over the news for weeks
It’s not cheap paying anchors to weep

I’m guided by the beauty of the drones
Implementing no-fly zones
Dropping bombs on Damascus and Homs
For secret societies, skull and bones

I’m funded by CIA weapon rat-lines
Organ harvesting after a body flat-lines
Mercenaries carry out war crimes
Paid foreign fighters, I gots mines

Americans buy the act it’s fucking stunning
We in here run and gunning
Re-edit footage for the net, it’s really nothing
Hunting for human suffering

Good evening again, I’m your host Brian Williams
Top billing in this building
I tell you who's righteous and who's a villain
Paid to read a prompter to the millions,
And it's brilliant
Turning you into a coalition of the willing
Don't ask if I'm reptilian, I'm just chilling

My helicopter was shot down somewhere in Iraq
Embedded with the troops we caught flack
I'm a war hero you didn't hear that?
This purple heart also comes with a custom plaque
War, war, war, feels better than Xanax mixed with Prozac
Up next, more shit I made up, we'll be right back

image cred










Brian Williams lied about being a victim, in a chopper crash helping push for the Iraqi invasion based on academic fiction/
Apologized but the tears from those that died and missing/
We aren't forgetting/

Now the nerve to call a missile strike on Syria beautiful like a woman/
Trampling on the graves of the innocents including dead children from that explosion/
Like the lights lighting up the night sky were sparkling like the ocean/

The rockets red glare using the American anthem to garner more support for war to get chemicals that aren't there./

Encouraging a ground invasion before investigation paid to spread disinformation and read a teleprompter for the population/

Don't let the sheep see that war was our creation and that we secretly hate them plotting their demise for depopulation/

Brilliant work mate, shame you can’t award yourself a prize.
Seriously though there is an amazing amount of embedded truth here.
I love this.........

I’m guided by the beauty of the drones
Implementing no-fly zones
Dropping bombs on Damascus and Homs
For secret societies, skull and bones

Clever work buddy.

Thanks mate, I'm glad you liked it!
I've always been a fan of conscious/political rap,
and rappers who have a message.
Check out the recorded version that @jamesgetsit created, boom!

Man! You have just summarised the state of world affairs in one post. Well done...now for the bright side of things....hmmm where did that go?

Ah yes, brian williams and his love fetish for missiles... how could i forget?

Man this is a potential shoe-in for your own competition :D .. but seriously I'm loving the biting lyricism and wit that's on display here, equally I'm loving the fact that Brian Williams is unable to escape your verbal wrath! You've launched a inspired musical missile of truth that's both finding and destroying it's many targets!! Thank you for sharing @v4vapid

It is sad and regrettable that so many innocent lives die in this war, I accept to end terrorism, but not pay with the life of civilians for being in the middle of the war, @krnel said in a publication "the gift of the bombs humanitarian chemistry "He spends millions of dollars on bomb instead of spending millions on medicine and food for the victims of this war endless.

damn, wrote a whole comment :D well there's one thing missing from busy in comparison to steemit, comments don't get saved indefinitely

Well I lost 3 lines of a rhyme, what's awesome is I made some scribbles, sadly I forgot the comment since i was quick to click :D and now it's gone for good :)

They are things that pass friend.

mad props!! this awesome :-)

Razor sharp lyrics and wit. I like that Brian Williams is the target of your ammo.

I want to hear some kind of techno-rap and vocals to these nuggets now! :)

I'm not much of a singer or rapper, but I will generously upvote anyone who puts this to music;)

My fav line in the historic poem!

Don't ask if I'm reptilian, I'm just chilling

What you been smoking? I need some of that!

maaan this is a bit hard to stomach, if it wasn't funny and had a beat, so sad it's come to this, but at least some people will start thinking, well hopefully they get to stop, shut off the tv "feed" if that ever happens :|

Great lyrics anyways maybe @verbal-d can do a Open Mic?

So much good lines to quote here :D don't know what to think tho, it's pretty horrible yet it's happening daily and nightly for decades :| Goldfish attention span gets you that horrible drama :|

made a post,

feel free to check the brain droppings you've inspired in me :D

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