The "Marketing" that Wins the Buyer/Investor's Trust

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Within the commerce and business world, customer is considered as "King" though in most cases and in today's contemporary marketing, most do not know what they need. It is therefore the work of the marketing/sales representative to project a valueful image of a product or service that has the best mix. Often times, it becomes difficult to convince some clients/buyers to accepting a "new" product having been so used to the "old". In any case, there usually entails some sort of communication between the marketing representative and the buyer/client.


Truly, marketers are the image makers for every product/service producer. It is expected that a marketer be skillful in communication before being able to win the trust of the client/buyer to pay for a product or service. Where the marketer fails to project well the image of the service/product producer he represents, then, sales would be lost and that means a loss foe investors. In my several encounters with some marketers, I have discovered that most of them have tailor-made presentations which seeks to tell in a very short time, the value features of the product/service he wishes to sell. Sad, often times, they fail!

At the meet of the proposed buyer and the marketer, both have their peculiar interests to serve. While the marketer seeks to sell his product and make most of the profit, the buyer wants his need(s) met. It is crucial to know that the need of the buyer has some strong bonds with his personality, cultural, social and economic affiliations and most times, seems very difficult to be detached. This therefore places the demand on the Marketer to "see-through" the heart of the prospective buyer to know exactly the form of his need and how best to meet.

Truth be told that a successful sales is dependent on the prospective buyer's "conviction" that the product in quantification and qualification would meet his need bearing in mind his affiliations. Thus, the strength of sales is therefore when the salesperson is able to communicate in a way that will make it easier for a buyer to “lean into” the conversation, and desire the presented product quickly.

The Feedback is Paramount

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Some marketers are prone to the ill of "particularly" describing their products and services exclusively from the position they’re most familiar with which is the position of their value proposition. They are drawn to communicate in a way that has instinctively made the most sense to them as per the quality and quantity of their product.

Often times, feedback from the prospective buyer is ignored and that makes the client feel "not right" as enshrined in the traditional saying that "customers are always right". This leads to sales loss. It is important to note that while the product we present to the prospective buyer has value and quality, until it meets the perceive need of the buyer, it is useless.

This knowledge is therefore important in the marketing of Cryptocurrency and blockchain based projects. People trust more what they can touch and feel when it has to do with investment, therefore, presenting a crypto project as something merely "digital holding" may scare some unschooled folks. We need to understand the usecase feature of every cryptocurrency project we present and help the prospective investor to see the project from "his" perspective of tangibility.

Thus, "how to say" what the buyer/investor/client needs to hear is paramount. As a marketer, having to understand how the supposed buyer perceives what you say is as important as the message you deliver. This knowledge in marketing surpasses value proposition, pricing, and even product’s features.

The Win-win Situation

The prospective buyer/investor wants to hear how a product he intends to buy would meet his need. Every marketing script should be flexible enough to project the unique needs of every prospective buyer/investor.

What are your thoughts on the above theme? I would be glad to share thoughts with you on this subject. Let's maximize the comments section of this blog post.


As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

I had NOT thought about the possibility that most traditional investors might feel that not being tangible what they are acquiring or investing in gives them little confidence.
This is a good point, especially when it comes to trying to attract people into the cryptocurrency business.
It is something that whoever is in charge of marketing must know about the subject, otherwise, it is impossible to get a proper message across.
Great theme @uyobong

Thanks @josevas217 for always sticking around. Congratulations on your new appointment in PH core team.

@uyobong marketing is the game changer for the business if we are doing good marketing we will definitely see that our business will be growing and we will have good investors trust and customers also will be happy.

That's very solid bro. Thanks for the comment.

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