How Rich is God's Word in your Life?

in HeartChurch4 years ago

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Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. - Colossians 3: 16 (New Living Translation)

While doing a personal Bible study today, the Spirit of God taught me deep lessons in the first three chapters of the Gospel according to John. John was one writer who tried to capture the person of Christ from the Spiritual perspective as we see the opening of its first chapter with the Cod-nature of Christ Jesus.

Looking through the early encounter of Christ with people, from calling disciples to his first miracle of turning water into wine, we see how unique He (Christ) would always use miracles to draw men closer and thereby catalyse their believing.

Most times we see miracles as an end to the gospel when in the true sense its the beginning. While miracles may mark the beginning of our believing in Christ, however, a sustained walk with God requires knowledge. John gospel's presentation of Christ as the "WORD" models out the need for the life of Christ to be understudied by those who seek to follow him or walk with Him.

While it is exciting to see the lame walk, the blond see, the deaf hear and the mouth of the dumb opened, one should be careful to understand that even unbelievers could be a beneficiary of the miraculous as we see severally in the scripture. However, after their faith has been lifted and their attention glued in believing, they need to be taught to receive knowledge that would sustain their walk with God.

From our focal scripture above, we see Paul admonish the believers of the need to store in "richness" God's word in their heart. He further directs that out of the richness of the Word in us would a believer would be able to teach and counsel one another in "wisdom".

We all require wisdom to live in this world as Christians and it takes a study of God's word to acquire this wisdom. Remember that our ability to exhort and encourage one another would be out of the richness of God's word in our lives.

How much of God's word is stored in your heart?

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