Will The Real Satoshi Nakamoto Please Stand Up? || Segwit, Hardforking, Bitcoin Unlimited Are Coming.
With the Segwiting and Hardforking of the bitcoin coming up, it seem that now is the most needed time for the real Satoshi Nakamoto to reveal its Identity.
For all of those who still don't know who Satoshi Nakamoto is here is a very short description.
Satoshi Nakmoto is the daddy of bitcoins, it is an alias name used by the person who implemented the bitcoin from whitepaper, He developed the first blockchain and was the first miner ever, and sadly no one really knows who he or she is.
Why does it matter if he shows up now with the Hardforking and Segwit being done?
You all know that bitcoins are not unlimited there are only N numbers of bitcoins that can be produced and only n number of transaction a block can confirm , but software changes like segwit, hardforking and bitcoin unlimited will surely change all of that. Not getting into explaining Segwit, Hardforking or bitcoin unlimited let me get to the point, why we need real Satoshi Nakamoto right now?
Well first of all it is his baby and while we might be making bitcoins better in some or the other way we are still changing it by the soul, most of the people are divided if they will go towards this change or that, so If the real Satoshi comes forward and say what does he favors and what is best for the future of bitcoins I am pretty sure 99% of the bitcoin users will go with what he says, Making the currently divided blockchain community unified.
Also it is proclaimed that being the first miner Satoshi has segregated a huge share of total number of bitcoins, making him powerful enough to send the cryptocurrency to dust. So we need the real Identity of Satoshi Nakamoto now more than ever so that he can lead the current bitcoin population in a unified way, So the ethics behind the blockchain based currency remains an ethical one, If you are reading this anywhere Mr, Satoshi I will again request.
Will the real Satoshi Nakamoto Please stand up?
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Mr. Nakamoto's identity will always be a mystery in my opinion
nice post