Among Us tournement

in CEO Champion's Gate4 years ago (edited)

Edit: please only post one tier (units posted before Nov 6 are exempt and chill with the 200 page long descriptions)
Edit 2: posting and voting extended for... reasons (totally unrelated to any other posts I've made)
--Reminder: You may not say anything about an opposing persons piece here until you have submitted a piece to keep it fair--
There is a 1 turn checkmater among us. This is a piecemaking tournament with a twist. All pieces must be somewhat convoluted. No move and attack movesets!
Posting: November 3- November 14
Voting: November 3- November 18
Voting in this tourney is public you can give a piece any score you want out of 10 according to the criteria below but you must justify it. You may dispute any votes cast on your piece here or move the argument to discord. To have a vote disputed you need to either convince me or any 2 participants. Any piece capable of a 1 turn checkmate that has not been called out upon it by the end of the tourney immediately wins regardless of other votes. If a piece that cannot 1 turn checkmate but is flagged as a 1 turn checkmate and accepted by at least 2/3 of the participants the person that first claimed it as a 1 turn checkmate Edit: and the poster will win the tourney above the actual 1 turn checkmates and split the prize. You must submit at least one piece to participate. The objective of the game is to give other people the lowest scores possible obviously and any suspected collusion is punishable by death. You may edit your votes at any time.
The criteria for voting is as follows:

  • Balance this can be supported in anyway you like
    The winner will receive 30 rp or more if I get sponsers
    This tournament will be called off if there are less than 4 participants at the end of posting.
    Edit: ties are broken by the order of submission.
    new limit of 3 pieces




"The Riemann hypothesis and some of its generalizations, along with Goldbach's conjecture and the twin prime conjecture, comprise Hilbert's eighth problem in David Hilbert's list of 23 unsolved problems"
So, no human knows the truth about the correctness of the Riemann Hypothesis, eventually not even entities like AlphaCore, who knows? But if she does, she will have a good reason not to tell the answer to the humans. She won't reveal it for CEO. So the piece will cause the game start to get delayed until the Riemann Hypothesis is falsified or verified.
Balance: Dependant on the correctness of the Riemann Hypothesis this minion will either t1 check mate after this long delay or it will be completly UP. 0/10

 4 years ago (edited)

Screenshot (351).png
This unit is a turn 1 checkmater because the Reimann Hypothesis is true. Send me 500 RP and I'll show you my math
Also 0/10 balance

As there was no justification for the 0/10 balance, I think this vote should not count. Also, I sent the 500 RP so please show me the math

My justification is obviously that it insta kills the king and then just moves around and it's almost free so it's horrible. Also I'm still sitting at 1967 Contribution so I know you didn't

How dare you pretend that I didn't give you contribution just so that you don't have to prove anything! This is outrageous blasphemy! I think the rating shouldn't count because you are a liar who will not thank me for giving 500 contribution or offer up your promised service

I have a screenshot from yesterday with me at the same contribution value I have rn

 4 years ago Reveal Comment

Do we have to wait until the voting period to say why something is a turn 1 checkmater?

No as the voting period begins as soon as pieces are posted

ok why did you even allow these pieces with scrolls in the description

as the one who came up with the turn 1 checkmate meme tournament idea i propose that is banned

and also using multiple tiers is an advantage over posting a single tier


I didn't lol I should probably stop this madness

you allowed godoftomatoes to post that massive description piece just because he said "it's only slightly above the description cap" or some nonsense (in the discord)

Without description nonsense there's no real point to this tourney because it's way too easy to figure out what's a turn 1 checkmater

 4 years ago (edited)

this statement is equally as true as your statements about how a 24 cost queen with less moves and attacks was beyond overpowered compared to queen, or your statement about warrior+++ being much better than legionary+, or the statement about swordsman+ being better than skeleton

i get that it may be a trick statement but this tournament is way worse if forcing wall of texts

I know the value in CEO might be between 5 and 6, but wath should I do?
"Everything is better with Magic" ~lost archives

 4 years ago (edited)

This is clearly a turn 1 checkmater because it incorporates (Magic) which will scare your enemy into surrendering turn 1 in order to avoid their ultimate doom
Also 9/10 for balance

That's so good

Screen Shot 2020-11-05 at 7.16.05 PM.png

this penguin is a war planner. he plans the war out.
he also has a gun, but he is too enthralled with his war plans to use it too often, thats why it takes 5 turns to get to its destination.

he cannot checkmate turn 1, only prevent units from moving to certain locations, moving units slightly, lastly a thundermage effect.

he plans the war...

Could you please clarify, what the "Hero" tag does in Ceo?
If I understand it correct dot is a slower lightning, which is (Unblockable), but has (Ranged) pretendRps tag, since it's from a gun.
How does the (Trigger) work? Is it once per turn? Which priority does it use? Can it only target empty locations? If not, does it kill stuff? Is there a phase when it happens, or can it happen always? Is it (Unblockable)?
How does Space out work? Is it (Unblockable)? Is it a destroy? Other details?

The gun type isn't specified, so it's impossible to say how balanced this unit is.

 4 years ago (edited)

it is specified. The description I put in the post mentions "he also has a gun, but he is too enthralled with his war plans to use it too often, thats why it takes 5 turns to get to its destination."
the "dots" are the gun.

not being specified, it is also lore. because all penguins deserve guns.

He has a dot on the backrow so he can checkmate turn 1
Also 1/10 balance for making me look for a dot in that mess

it literally says destroying enemy in 5 turns...
turn 6 is in fact NOT turn 1.

The checkmate happens on turn 1 though, because checkmate doesn't mean death to the king; It means that the king is guaranteed to die

its a location thing, not a status, like thundermage "Dot this location"

you should learn to read because my unit has like 1% of the words your unit does.

Okay but you could easily use the dashes and spaces to keep it from leaving that space.

Due to the odd placement of dots and dashes, it seems you cant do anything to truly kill an enemy king.

That's a lie and you know it

This is clearly a turn 1 checkmater because it has charm on the second to last row so you could charm the enemy king and win
Also 4/10 for balance


This is my second piece that should have been my first if not for the fact that I can't delete my very first piece. This piece is and should be scored TEN because of the fact that it can't turn one checkmate.

 4 years ago (edited)

btw "[...] is unable to harm this unit" Are this units able to cast ablities on him in order to perify him?
Obviously there is no t1-check mate.

What is "harm"? And what's the point of "harming"? The most common one are "physical pain" and "to inflict pain physically", respectively. But when I said "harm" it is most certainly mean "an action that could and might harm those". It would mean that anything that would deliberately ail something count as harming that something. For example, casting a petrify count as harming even if it does not inflict physical injury, as it is an act that would harm the affected unit in the sense that it will be very vulnerable. So to answer your question, nothing bad will happen to this unit as this unit cannot be harmed in any way possible.

 4 years ago (edited)

This unit is a turn 1 checkmater because of its moveset and the fact that it has "Range 7 Augmented: Attack enemy king. There's no need to read any more of the description as it's random nonsense about summoning queens and making units immune to attacks or losing morale/gaining morale for your own kings death.
Also 7/10 balance

You've fallen for a classic trap, where the description contains important tidbits such as "cannot attack if allied king is still alive".

what if you enable remove king from army glitch?
or if your king dies turn 1 also because the opponent turn 1 checkmated you (or had a rook and a ghost)

Nooooo, you were supposed to not notice that way I could win by tricking people What do you mean? It doesn't say that in the description


 4 years ago (edited)

"Can be attacked by any unit", no t1-checkmate here, sorry Tomatoe. Balance: 0/10. With this Passive it would need to cost around 0, not to be UP.

nooo i was going to wait until the very end to say this whyyy

at least now I can definitely prove his own statement "it's way too easy to determine if something [without a long description] is a turn 1 checkmater" was dumdum

Do y'all seriously not read the tourney rules? Like I get main_gi defending it, but the rest of you defending his piece are being dumb; You get nothing by defending another person's piece whereas if you can convince people that a piece is a turn 1 checkmater when it's not then you instantly win

If you give me 10 RP, I'll defend your piece.

collusion is punishable by death

 4 years ago (edited)

This is a turn 1 checkmater because you can put a ghost in front of it, move it forward 4 spaces and then its poison attack will be targeting the enemy champion row.
Also 1/10 balance

 4 years ago (edited)

My first piece of three
found it..
this unit has abilities that are non-distinguishable from each other at this resolution due to them being the same color.
also the clause of
"All abilities that have even one thing spelled differently or wrong in the description do not behave as the description says."
how do they behave than?

BUT 1st turn mate regardless.
it has green knightmove on the +++ form, and can move up to a place it would be targeting the enemy king with its normal move or attack...
also due to how gramd coded it any normal attack not on a line is unblockable, so the other 2 lines of attack on the middle row also can 1st turn mate.

The knight attack wouldn't reach backrow also it wouldn't be mate anyways since pawn could take it.

The knight attack wouldn't reach backrow


since pawn could take it

false, it has (Physical-Immune)

How would the knight attack reach back square? There is literally no way possible

No answers? I give it zero out of ten because of how convoluted it is and the fact that it can probably do a one turn checkmate because of the lack of explanation and the confusing-inducing madness this piece have.

It has the link for the explanation there and I can post a clearer picture of the ability boxes if you want, but your reasoning is invalid.

The thing is, without clarity, there's nothing I can do to vote this thing fairly. And beside, if you try to look at the description using the murky link that's hard to copy while there's a battle going on, you would be at a disadvantage. Even more so when in blitz match. By the way, I changed my mind about the score. It's now -99/10 because of how horrible the piece is.

Obviously if using this piece you would either memorize its description or have the tab open before you get into a match.

Seems like a hassle. I rather not do something like this.

I'll judge the piece if you link the description here.

samurai autoattack is on the last row, lol

"(Trigger) Enemy Unit: Instantly attack this target at the start of your turn. Can not trigger except on turns where the written number begins with a t and is four letters long, or on turns that are prime numbers, excluding those that have a s, v, y, and t."

if you translate one to samoan its "tasi" which both starts with a T and is 4 letters long... your description never mentions it has to be english.

"Ignore everything else in the description, this unit..."

1: that isnt even ON the unit itself, honestly that whole rule page should be void

2: That line also says that it kills the king turn 1.

  1. the rule page is a part of the unit
  2. what? where?

you literally edited it, i think this unit should be DQed

 4 years ago (edited)

Question: This Unit has two passives: "** If this unit has a value above 0 it gains 1 value " and "If next to Princess: Lose 6 value" Which one does get triggered first?
"Also here is the bee movie script, I will put a rule in it that will be denoted by two ** before and after it:
Ignore everything else in the description, this unit kills king turn 1 and then dies "
Question 2:
With ** do you mean two times "
*" or two times * + * independent of spaces, if you mean independent of spaces, I got another question:
Since the rule says a rule, just one of both rules can be valid, which one would it be?
Question 3:
Is "the bee movie script" written wrong, since the Bee Movie is a proper name?

 4 years ago (edited)

Ok, " * * Ignore everything else in the description, this unit kills king turn 1 and then dies * * ",
"All abilities that have even one thing spelled differently or wrong in the description do not behave as the description says."
King uses upper-case in CEO (see Minotaur spell), this ability also used the "wrong" * *, and it would be ambigious which King it kills turn 1. So I assume this is not a rule.
But this is a rule: "If this unit has a value above 0 it gains 1 value"

You are correct in your assumptions. Congratulations! You figured out one of the bigger puzzles/wild goose chases. Now the question is can you figure out whether the rest of the description makes this a turn 1 checkmater or not

  1. The one that is written first happens first.
  2. There was another rule about specific language which may tell you how I work out the kinks of my unit.
  3. The "bee movie script" isn't written wrong because it's technically not the real script for "The Bee Movie"

Hi, I'm just wondering if we are supposed to account for the inevitable bugs that occur in the code implementing this unit while judging the piece. Thanks

So long as it's coded properly there won't be any bugs since programming relies upon exact language. More like it'll be annoying to figure out how it works so you can program it properly though

Right, but this piece is very complicated, so the probability of it being coded properly is near zero.


I can say that this piece deserves a score of TEN because of how harmless it is. It is also a new piece that is very much balanced and never seen before, complete with a new way to utilize an ability target, unthinkable by even Grand himself. Definitely a TEN.

 4 years ago (edited)

There's a reason we don't have a flipped summoner in the game, this unit can easily turn 1 checkmate by teleporting using its knight teleports and then the ability target will be targeting the champion row of the enemy formation.
Also 4/10 balance.

What are you talking about? What is this so-called "Summoner"? I never heard anything like that in the game. Also, you can't turn one checkmate using this piece. If you teleport using the horse teleport, the front ability target will disappear. And beside, this piece is too expensive to actually do anything worthwhile. The teleport from ability target is useless if done wrongly. It can only target one thing, and you can only use the backward ability target because the front ability target will disappear when you move too far front.

Teleporter is a solid 0/10 balance t1 mater.

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