Why Steemit sucks and probably will never take off

in #steemit8 years ago

First of all, I like the idea of getting paid for posting articles and also the whole crypto currency thing. But having used the site for just two days max, I already feel that I am being forced to adopt a standard to actually get noticed on the site. All the good paying articles come with a photo, citations and video links. Now that per se is not something which I dislike, but to say Steemit is like Facebook that's just absurd. I know a good article needs some investment of time and effort. The problem I see is that regular people won't get noticed and end up investing too much time into the system believing that they will get paid eventually. Let's face it. That's not going to happen for most people. If everyone would be paid the same, there's would be no incentive to produce quality writings. Plus I can guarantee you that politically correct content will be upvoted in favor for posts that argue outside of mainstream thinking. Most people will continue to follow their gurus, being glued to the system 24/7 in order to be the first to upvote the newest article thinking that they will make a quick buck that way. In a way it seems like the Pokemon Go game. Instead of virtual points you get virtual coins. Gamification 2.0. Kids get out of the way, the adults are coming.
What I also don't like is competing with pros. I'm not a professional writer. What are the chances of making it once people from online news sites or real news papers come here to post their content? The Internet as I see it, for me at least, had always had backspaces where people with alternative opinions had their own little niches to withdraw to and counter the mainstream narrative. So for the future I can see Steemit becoming a feeding bowl for mainstream outlets capturing the initial good idea of being paid as nobody for online content and eventually making it their extra source of income, while the little guy still believes he can compete.
The big guys as usual will take over.


Well, no upvote from me, because the article is a big block of text and reading it made my eyes hurt. Paragraphs are a thing.

Making it big is never guaranteed, but you have an equal opportunity and all the tools at your disposal - rest is up to You. Best deal you can ask in life.

Like this kind of article will ever get upwoted on this kind of platform. That would be self defeating, this platform is like car industry saying they are green now because they put solar panels on their factory but are still making gas powered cars. This is elitist society based platform. Made by some idiot friends, also pre mined crypto, lol like that ever gona be a thing, this is worse than current banking system and also less efficient. Guess all highschool millennial dropouts think they are entitled to success. Its transparently clear who gets money here and currently they are dragging youtubers and redditors etc from heir platforms those guys get paid since they bring their audience. But i guess people never really learn from history. So they say you can get better payout than on youtube yea right. Remember the time google used to be search engine and not this advertisement augment machine or whatever da fuck you want to call it today. Youtube used to be a thing people believed its the future, reddit used to be cool as well. I was thinking on writing few articles here and see what happens but i think i will pass. This is no place for high quality content its like poor mans den most of people here are from like 3rd world countries trying to make quick buck buy upvoting each other and doing other stupid shit. Its like a rat race throw in some cash and let people kill each other for it . Atleast on a platform like youtube you get paid for each view here normal user doesnt even count. So power to the people because its based on decentralized block chain and yet internally centralized. Im amused with how some people think other people are stupid and want to make money on that fact. So lets say you bring pewdiepie and lets assume all hes followers come on this platform all 60 million of them, then lets assume every one of hes followers participates in 1 of hes posts so they get basic steem power he might earn something for few days and what happens after they run out of steem. They need to be really active to earn more or start buying some for fiat money. So he will need to rely on other influencers or other people with big accounts. This platform needs to be remade maybe with mining crypto platform behind it not premined shit or other kinds of tweaks. Im not going to go deeper into this because it already took 2 much of my time and there is plenty more that can be said. So up untill this point this text has 442 word count, i get paid between 275 and 1500$ for article of around 1500 words, that is real dollars not this oscillating monetary disaster crypto. I think i would stick with that until some real platform appears that really works for people not not the creators of this Matrix like reality. Sorry for not properly formatting and also bad grammar and typos i did this in a rush.

Darwinism works here too.

Of course it does. The rich get richer, while the ones on the bottom fight each other.

so coincidentally, i just logged on and saw your post. Use your imagination. Get your friends to sign up. Follow each other - gossip, tell jokes, post family photos - just like you do on facebook. If you do that here on steemit, maybe you earn a bit of $$. But on facebook all you do is sell yourself to the advertisers.

I'll upvote you and you can earn a few cents :-)

I barely use Facebook. Its just waste of time. Here you might have the chance to make a few bucks. But, the big BUT being, isn't it already too late?

no, its not too late. this game is still in beta. It will be going to the Moon!

If there would be some way to upvote post without upvoting its headline as well, I would definitely do so.

See that's another way of forcing someone to change their way of thinking because it stands in the way of making money.

You can't change anybody's way of thinking, but you definitely could make a statement that some ways of expressing thoughts are not likely to be rewarded.

Its a free world, steemlife is what you make it. I told my friend about steemit, his initial response was ok, but then he was self defeatist in saying that he can't use computers to put together an article. My approach was the opposite. I figured i need to learn how to put together something properly, iv plenty to contribute I'm just not so good with HTML yet.

The problem with Steemit is that it is a 'trolls' paradise...you can't write a 'controversial' post without them showing up & fighting you! So whales that came here with a following get value...while ALL we minnows get is 'shafted' by 'trolls'...the ONE thing I love about Facebook is you CAN block trolls!...Steemit has absolutely NO security...so the 'trolls' take over here!...People making money here are posting piles of 'fluff' that trolls have a distaste for anyway!...Steemit cannot control the 'trolls'...minnows here are NOT only garnering zero value...but are also being 'bullied' & 'stalked' by @ssholes! Steemit will 'tank' because of this! Who really wants to be 'attacked' on a daily basis? It's really Not WORTH it!


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