Is average and mediocre good enough for me?steemCreated with Sketch.

I consider myself to be a happy person, but I don't always feel happy. Recently, reading a book about self-growth has made me feel kind of bad. Do you know why? Because it challenges me a lot! It doesn't feel good to read it, because I often feel as if I am stuck in the same place, meaning that instead of growing and developing, I am stuck doing the same. That works fine for most people, but for some reason, I believe that God has given me gifts for more than just "surviving" and providing for the daily bread.

Last week, I shared an inspirational speech by Arnold Schwarzenegger in which he speaks about the importance of having a vision and then working hard to achieve it. He reached his goal of becoming a world champion at the age of 20, but he didn't stop then. He then kept on to become a famous actor, and later the governor of California. Life doesn't stop when you reach one of your goals.

aim too high.png

In the book, I read about how you never see the same person winning a Nobel price twice. I guess the conclusion is, many people "get satisfied" when winning such a price, and it kind of stops them from further growth. That isn't the best!

Reach for more - personal growth is so important!

I really want to grow and reach for more. And do you know what... reading a book like the one I am is really helping me. It makes me feel inconvenient, but that is a part of growing.

The Rubber Band

Can you think about different ways to use a rubber band? They all have one thing in common... you need to move it and stretch it to use it in for different reasons. If we want to grow, we need to be stretched and it might lead us into strange situations that we dislike, but it is still a part of the process of growing and reaching further out!

Growing during COVID-19

COVID-19 is spreading rapidly in Hungary at the moment, and we have had almost 1000 new cases a day recently. That is quite a lot in a country of 10,000,000 people. Kids are in school and kindergartens, making it spread even faster. In order to stay safe, one tries to avoid social gatherings and more. It also means not attending courses and doing activities that would force growth.

As a result, we need to find other ways to grow and to stretch ourselves. I have found reading books and watching motivational speeches on YouTube to be good solutions and of great help to me!

After all... I want to grow, I want to become a better me, day by day, and week after week, and year after year! It might not be easy, but I would rather aim too high and reach half, than to not aim at all, and never hit a thing!


I was surprised you said covid is still growing rapidly in your country, I was thinking the world is gradually getting out of it. So sad I am hearing such again. For sure,. We all wants to grow and this post serve as motivation for me.

Unfortunately, we are in the second wave of Covid here now. The first wave was "tiny" and not much happened (except for everyone being in lockdown). This time it is way bigger, but this time, no lockdown (the economy cannot bear it once again). So it is a constant danger surrounding us, and I now know people near me (even in my street) who have the virus. But, I am of a good spirit, and trying to make the most out of it!

Hello Friend, indeed. Achieving a goal does not mean paralyzing them but preparing for a bigger one.
I think that's where the detail is.
By not stopping and challenging ourselves permanently, we can do more than we do.
You have to be very careful, at times like this, when people are out on the streets in a normal way, there is more risk of infection.
But as you say, there are other ways to keep growing. That's important.

we must keep a positive mind, be flexible and try leave our comfort zone to provide other things and have different points of view that will make us grow

I agree with you friend it is better to always set high and realistic goals at all times, there is no height of achievement where we should stay comfortable it is necessary that we continue to aspire growth even when the praise of others make us feel we have gotten enough.

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