Club75 || impact of modern technology on our society ||

in Steem4Bloggers2 years ago (edited)

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Distortion and disorder in beliefs.

The whole world is open to the internet user, he can see, hear, read, he has access to hundreds of millions of websites, keeping this in mind, the enemies of Islam have spread the beliefs and ideas of Muslims. The easiest and most effective way to convert is to make full use of the Internet. Typing the word "GOD" into any search engine brings up thousands of Christian websites, as well as Jewish da'wah websites in different languages ​​such as English. , Arabic, German, etc., an estimated more than half a million visitors to these Jewish and Israeli websites in just one month. As far as false religions are concerned, they also have numerous invitational websites. There are websites of Qadianis, deniers of hadith, liars, claimants of prophethood like Younis Kadhab who falsely claimed prophethood in the Netherlands, as well as websites of the caliphs and believers of the accursed Gohar Shahi. As well as followers of satanic religions who deny all religions and preach atheism as well as humanity and chastity revelation, and Prohibition of not marrying with mahrams is nullified, encourages to be naked, to do all kinds of evil and to worship the devil. Websites of such devil priests are also available on the internet.

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Muslim youth who are unfortunately not fully aware of Islamic beliefs and disgusted with religion are the direct target of these websites. How many Muslim youth have gone astray by visiting such websites and reading their literature?

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Similarly, it is seen that many people who do not have the correct knowledge of the religion discuss the rules of Islam, delicate and important issues, they take the status of mufti on the internet and without knowledge. Imam al-Albani (may God have mercy on him) says: “There are so many young people who, despite being utterly ignorant, seem to be talking about important issues of Muslims. That is the time in which the signs of the Hour have begun to become clear, one of the signs of which is in your saying: He asked: Messenger of Allah! Who are these attitudes? He said: The ignorant person who speaks on important issues of Muslims (despite not knowing).


certain of the major disadvantages of the Internet.

Of course, there are many advantages to the Internet that no one can deny, but the disadvantages are too great for anyone to ignore. The shame of the race has been removed. Surveillance of children is by no means intended to arouse suspicion, but rather to make the child aware that I do not have the freedom to do everything. The following are some of the major disadvantages of the Internet.

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Here are some eye-opening facts about the Internet.

  • The number of internet users in Pakistan exceeds 30 million.

  • The proportion of male and female internet users is 70-30, ie about 10 million women use internet in Pakistan.

  • 380% of Internet users spend an average of two to three hours a day on the Internet.

  • There are about 10 million users of 4 social networking sites.

  • Two-thirds of users of 5 social networking sites are under 25 years of age.

  • These facts give a good idea of ​​how many young boys and girls spend most of their time on the Internet, and learn from the Internet everything they need to learn from their parents, their thoughts, their thoughts, A glimpse of the Internet is prominent in the style of conversation

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Lying and obscenity.

There are tens of millions of accounts on social networking sites that are fake, and are designed to seduce, deceive, and seduce young boys and girls. The shame of a true Muslim cannot be tolerated. When commenting or talking about women, words are uttered which are beyond the realm of Islamic morality and humanity.The Prophet (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him) said: The thing that has reached the people from the previous prophecies is that: When there is no shame left in you, go on doing whatever you want. Similarly, the Prophet (peace with blessings of ALLAH be upon him) said:

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Moral degeneration and obscenity and nudity

With the advent of social networking sites like "Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Orkut" etc. on the Internet, where communication has been facilitated, many vicious avenues have also opened up through it, often the same for young boys and girls.There are friendships on social networking sites which gradually lead them to sin. With the advent of these social networking sites, the proportion of court marriages has increased alarmingly. There were 250 court marriages in the Islamabad District Court in 2010 alone. , And in 2011 that number exceeded 350 .Akhtar Mehmood Advocate is a lawyer of Islamabad Family Court. He says that most of the boys and girls who come to him for court marriage have friends who are friends on Facebook or Twitter. Yes, and then very rarely after court marriages, these marriages are seldom maintained. Similarly, there are many cases in which an unmarried girl marries a married man for this reason. That the girl belongs to a backward family, and the man is rich.

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Similarly, it is no secret how easily pornographic material is available on the Internet, and this pornography is leading our young generation to a catastrophe that we may not even realize yet. There are an estimated 350 million websites on the Internet, most of which are very useful, with only 2% of these websites having pornographic content, but by very simple calculations we know Maybe 2% of 350 million is about 7 million, that is, there are about 7 million pornographic websites on the Internet and every three minutes a new pornographic website is created, and knowing this will surely shock you.

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