Who am I to judge another when I myself walk imperfectly? And who would you and me ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... even be if the world never gave us a label? The truth is without labels there would be no separation, racism, sexism, classism, perfectionism, or any type of ism. We’d simply be a unity of love; which is the greatest power in the universe 🤍✨

📷 random shot from a memorable time with my mom @natascha in Sicily last year.


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The truth is without labels there would be no separation, racism, sexism, classism, perfectionism, or any type of ism.

I get you, but on the other side: doesn't everybody wants to be unique and special in a way? Wouldn't it be great if differences between people weren't considered as something negative, something one side uses to feel superior, but as richness and diversity?

Yes I agree, we are all unique expressions, but of the same source. And to celebrate that, without judgement is to embrace the divine 🤍

What a good physical shape Uma! Congratulation 😁😁

Word 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 and between, you look so fine 😘


Wow :) 👍😀📸


True words. You look beautiful though.


Well said 👏🏻👏🏻


Uma Super 🔝🔝🔝


What a beautifully snap from Sicily! "Unity Of Love" Such powerful words, beautifully said! have an awesome day and week my friend, so sorry I missed the Webinar meeting yesterday!

Thank Karen! And now worries a recording will be up soon 🙌🏽🤍

Awesome 👍😊 Im really looking forward to it!!

Looking great 😊😊


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