I don't post pictures of my child on the internet.

in #life7 years ago


When I was growing up, there wasn't social media beyond email, and then when I was older there was texting. It wasn't until I was about thirteen that Facebook took over the internet and everyone posted everything about their lives on there. I am really thankful that you can't find a ton of pictures and details about my childhood online anywhere; I would feel embarrassed and exposed. I don't feel like the internet is a necessary place to document your children's growth and photos. The people that you want to share the pictures with can receive them through email or text, rather than by seeing them posted on a more permanent platform like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even here on Steemit. I don't mind posting little details about him, like something funny he said or did, but I rarely do that. I want him to be able to choose what goes onto web. I want it to be his choice if there is a photo permanently posted to the internet. 


When he was born, I posted a few photos to announce his birth, to celebrate with my long distance friends. I actually regret doing that. I posted his name, his birth date, his weight, his length and his photo. Way too much information. I didn't really think about it then because everyone does that. Everyone gives birth and then posts their excitement on Facebook or a social media platform. But now, even though I deleted what I could, that information about him was out there, and he never got to choose. It bothers me. Plus, people are sick. I don't want anyone with any bad intentions to see a photo of my child. 


It's funny, because the argument could be made that I don't love my child very much because I don't post his photos and details about him all the time. But, in reality, it's because of how much I love him that I don't post him all over the internet. I don't post pictures of my most valuable possessions, my wedding ring, where it's located, when it will be alone in that location. I wouldn't post a pic of my cold storage wallet and then later on say where I hid it. 

So I won't be posting about my little girl on here in details. I will post the week that she is born, I will maybe post a pic of her little feet, but I won't put her face, her name, her personal details or her exact birth date. 

Because of how much I love my kids, I will protect them with every fiber of my being, especially from the internet. When they are old enough, they can post pics of themselves, but I will be teaching them the dangers of the web. It's not private or protected, and children deserve privacy and protection, especially from their parents. 

What do you think?




Less is more!!

Wow, there are smart parents out there! I don't have children myself but I've seen firsthand Facebook is enemy #1 for parents. Very true, anyone can see personal information that's posted online to an extreme that is unprecedented. Unfortunately, a lot of parents don't realize the dangers of social media for their children, especially. Whether they realize it or not, many kids are posting photos of themselves that really make me fearful about who might see them. One problem, too is they are creating accounts by lying about their age. How many times have I seen kids posting images that are inappropriate and don't even realize it? More times than I can count. They are naive when they post images of themselves lying on a bed, for instance. They are easy targets for predators. And parents are posting inappropriate comments and images, too. Some things are best kept behind closed doors ;)

You are definitely on to something when you talk about being careful what you post online!

Yes, I agree with you! Kids and parents don't even realize.

I couldn't agree with you more @uglysweater. I have an eight month old boy and am adament that his photos not be posted on the internet. I don't blame anyone for wanting to share their photos etc and in a perfect world we all should be able to do so without having any reservations but this is not a perfect world and apart from the fact that he might not be pleased about it in future, I know exactly how scary a place this world can be and what sort of things take place in it. I'm sure most people will not be aware of it and it is not something I like mentioning but there may well be people out there with the means and resources to have whatever they want and can treat the internet as you or I might treat a catalogue.

As you say, there is always email to share photos with family and friends and this is how I choose to share photos of my son.

Good post! Hope your day is going well! :)

Thank you for your comment!

I don't blame anyone for their preference of posting pics of their kids either, but I am against it because I have realized the dangers and the unnecessary aspects of it.

I have a very narrow circle of people over on Facebook I share with. None of my family is close by, except my mom, and even she is more online than in person because of how much she works. My dad lives in the other part of Europe, my children's godmothers live in other countries so I post to them and a few other friends&families. I don't have WhatsApp nor Viber and I'm not on other social platforms. It does bug me sometimes but then again the circle of folks I share stuff with is the circle I trust.
I am sceptical to post on Steemit tho because you can not deactivate or erase your account here and it's kind of like a permanent tattoo but I think you are absolutely right not to share.

It's hard to find convenient ways of sharing photos with people if all that they use is Facebook.

I agree, it's like a tattoo!

Good point. Great post!

Hello my friend ,yes am agree with you, the mom have to worry about their children, because some people they don't think like we are thinking ,when we post them we have a good intention to participate with them our happiness, but some can put evil eyes on you and your family too.

Yes, I agree with you!

I've read somewhere that there is a movement going on to protect kids by encouraging parents not to purchase magazines with kids pictures for similar reasons you mentioned here.

Celebrity parents should have the right to privacy like anyone else. As much as I want to share in the joy with you. I respect your right to protect your daughter more so.

That's exactly right, everyone has the right to privacy!

Thanks for your comment! :D

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