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RE: Intro

Yes there are many good things, besides the bad things you hear also. I will be nonbiased and give you an almost complete story. Let us start with the economical part. You probally know that our main sources of income depend from oil and mining. Thanks to that and a really bad policy of the current and previous presidents, right now, the real low oil prices are affecting all of us, but, not outsiders. Venezuela counts also with gas to solve this problem, it has enough gas to use as a payment method. Other bad policies and politics were implanted and are currently used, for example, importing food. We really did not need to go this far. If you remembered in the 80s and 90s we exported coffee and even chocolate. We had one of the best coffee and chocolates of the world, even at the point that we could surpass Colombia's coffee and chocolate. That made us proud citizens. We currently have to strive thanks to the currency policies. There are both a legal currency trading market, a parallel trading market and a black trading market that is eating us alive and besides that you can also take into account the high inflation we are experiencing making us buying food very tough. That you will not experience if you are a tourist. Another real bad news is the crime rate here. You have to be careful by visiting cities that have high crime rates.

Not everything is bad though. We currently are one of the best spots for vacationing in South America and the Real State industry is very well opened for outsiders that want to invest here to buy a luxury house or even an appartment to use to rent.

So going to the final words not everything is bad, the best markets here right now are tourism, real estate and heck even trading. I'd recommend if you want to buy real state now is the time.


Hahahaha your answer is an article for Steemit alone :) Thats what I talking about, write some storys like that and you will be successfull here :) By the way, are you a venezuelan or you just live here? I am here since 20 years, i am from Germany....

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