Self-endurance before critics and cruelty.

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

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The remote lifestyle is something that became part of me when I got introduced to the crypto space in the year 2018. I remember that year, it was the week of new year's eve. Everything about how to monetize my time in the social media ecosystem changed and the adventure began. Look at me today, I never knew that this remote culture will play a necessary part in this #stayathome campaign to fight the coronavirus pandemic posing an existential threat to the human race. I'm not complaining, I don't find it strange at all. I have seen several posts on social media complaining about the indoor lifestyle, they don't have a penchant for it. Anyways, this is day three or so with the lockdown in my region and my life is just on a repeat cycle. Sleep, eat, come online, exercise my personal hygiene as advised by the public health agency, assist my mom at the store(close to our house), come online for a longer period and retire for the day on my bed.

Today, I did something I haven't done for a while. And, that's watching the Television. Damn! I don't have that luxury and time like I used to back then in the days. I see it as time wasting since I have the slightest inkling that within that split second of staring at the TV screen I could accrue some random crypto to my digital purse. Well, I gave in. What won me over to watch this quirky program aired on TV was the queen's accent of the guest featured on the show. That 30 seconds of verbal expression was potent enough to enchant me to stay tuned. I was hopeless in the face of my high held principle of averting any television broadcast that adds zero impact especially to my digital purse. But you see, this female guest captured my attention and I'm glad I did stick to watch the show because it fortified my ambition in life and stashed her experience to my true-life-story library.

About the show

The guest was the first female child of her mother, she had like three sisters and two brothers after her. Her parents were middle class earners, so catering for their children was a smooth sail. Over here in the green and white motherland. Getting admitted into the tertiary institution is like a mountain too high to climb. If you ain't brainy, lucky or have some kind of connection up there, it's nearly impossible to get in. Well, you see This lady finished her elementary education and desired to further her studies to obtain a bachelor's degree. Her first trial ended in failure, even up to her thirteenth trial. She was finding it difficult to put the collar of an undergraduate round her neck. It was a desperate time for her as most of her siblings had secured an admission, graduated from their four to five years course and were employed in the labour market. She was hopeless. She was depressed. It didn't seem right to her.

Nonetheless, she believed in herself, she confessed positivity into her endeavors. She kept striving to leap the gap standing between her and a bachelor's degree. It got to a time, her little sister deserted from being respectful towards her. In one of their conversations, she was scolded by her little sister and the remark was like the deadly symptoms of covid-19 we all know. She said "All your mates are now BSc holders but here you are, chasing the BSc entrance exam for the 9th time which you will eventually fail". For a second, she didn't believe what she just heard. She wasn't herself, she felt like dying, she didn't believe her little sister could say such cruel words to her. That word alone severed the bond that existed between them, they fell apart for years.

But you see, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. She kept pushing herself in the midst of all the bitterness. From the tenth trial, each time she secured an admission, it was either she was kicked out of the list because someone paid a bribe to get their kid to make the list or the admin. office erroneously misplaces the lists and negligently regenerates another list without her name making it. Also, If the admin. office wanted to replace an applicant name with someone else, it was always her, she was always the unlucky one. She almost went mad. All her efforts went to waste.

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On the fourteenth time, something spectacular happened. As usual she made the list but was curbed out. She said “No, not this time”. What did she do? Luckily for her, she met a superior, who connected her to someone bigger. The Assistant V.C. She immediately put a call through to the assistant Vice chancellor office pleading her case, showing evidence of her denied admission and exposing their corruption. That was when hell was let loose. This Assistant V.C did the unimaginable, she investigated the whole scheme and punished those who tampered with her admission and that was how she broke the long term yoke. It was joy unspeakable. Later on, she graduated with two bachelor degrees in Law and Human resource from two different programs.

Her life changed starting from her late 30's. She was emailed a message to come work abroad, everything changed from that day. That email was the exodus to a new life. She was the first to travel out of the shores of the country to a foreign land, all thanks to her degree as a human resource expert. For this job. There were 12 HR ambassadors needed from Africa, one ambassador from 12 different countries. It was a mystery to her, she made tons of millions from that opportunity that even her sister who scolded her years back was ashamed to look at her in the face after all the milestones she attained.

To cut the long story short. She's now a famous entrepreneur. Married with two kids and a source of empowerment to young girls and women. She proved her critics wrong and illustrated to me through her achievements that resilience is for the strong hearted and self-enduring minds. That no failure is a failure until we give up.

I was impressed. My time before the TV screen was worth the while. I was pleased. I enjoyed her life experience.

Thanks for reading.

click the images for source.

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