in GEMS4 years ago


Image from Pexels.com

A new journey begins. An amazing one I hope. HIVE.BLOG here I come. Now, enough of the theatrics and let’s get down to business. But before I proceed I’d love to thank @udezee for rekindling this long dead fire again. Once upon a time, I was a consistent blogger on steemit and a very active one at that.


But somehow that fire died down. The various variables that gave me motivation started lacking and that was the end of that phase. Ever since then, I have had a really epileptic or let’s say an inactive blogging spell. I delved into other interesting endeavors which I would talk about later in this post. But I am very happy to be back here on another amazing platform.


I followed the whole saga of the Steemit inc. sale by Justin Sun and just as everyone I was concerned about the future of Steemit. It was impressive seeing the loyal community members and leaders especially rallying around to salvage the seemingly disastrous situation. It would have been a shame to just let the platform progressively built over a number of years just crumble under such a short period of time. So the hardfork was orchestrated and HIVE was birthed with its awesome features. The most interesting one being the post rewards being split into a 50/50 ratio. So, curators share 50% and the author gets 50% as well. I believe this will really encourage more curating activities on the platform and motivate writers as well. I am optimistic that I would enjoy HIVE. I also hope to meet amazing people on here.

So what had I been up to before now? Well, it has been basically Engineering School. I just rounded up early this year.


Quite a hectic journey it was I must say. Truth be told, I eventually got tired and just had to complete my degree to secure my certificate. The eagerness I had in my early years eventually died down. Lectures and classes became boring and the curriculum outright useless because it was all outdated theory, theory, theory! In my fourth year, I discovered steemit and got involved in cryptocurrency. It was life changing I must say. Rosy until everything came crashing down and the fire died down just as I said in the first paragraph.
During that same time, I had fallen in love with photography (Smartphone photography precisely) and back then it was so surreal seeing the beautiful images I churned out of my Android device. I continued learning and learning and right now I am a professional digital photographer. I am not yet a master so I still experiment with different genres of photography such as Lifestyle, Portrait, Wedding and Fashion photography.

Here are some of my images :




I still learn every day, because I want to become an established and renowned photographer and only the best attain those heights. I would be sharing some insights I have garnered over time on photography which I believe might be helpful to some persons out there. Again, I do hope to meet fellow photographers on here as well and share knowledge too.
I am currently learning Cinematography/Video editing and Design with Adobe Premier Pro and Adobe Illustrator respectively. Trying to add them to my skillset. I believe learning these would afford me more creative opportunities and jobs as a freelancer.

If you read up till this point, thank you for listening to my story. It could pass for an introductory post of some sort I guess but I wouldn’t dare to title the post that, Funny enough, up till this point in drafting this I hadn’t come up with an appropriate header. But as you can see, I eventually had one.

I do hope I get the motivation to continue writing everyday this way.



Welcome back, glad I incited you to start writing again. Undergraduate journey is never easy but I'm glad you are done with it. And yea! The rift between Justin sun and the community gave birth to hive. I'm sure your niche will thrive on here. Looking forward to more of your juicy posts.

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