@tyrnannoght : Updates, 20200824

in #rpg4 years ago (edited)


“Do nothing because it is righteous or praiseworthy or noble to do so; do nothing because it seems good to do so; do only that which you must do and which you cannot do in any other way.”

― Ursula K. LeGuin, The Farthest Shore

Some posts explaining (on steemit in this case : ) -

(how to register the steemitwallet-account used with the website)

At the moment :

@tyrnannoght combined vote 0.026260174521496 STEEM(!)after payout - 24 Monday Aug 2020, 2:30 UTC
These , F.a.q and contact form and info can be found here

  1. Today is Mödninghosst, 16 : ha, yes, the mighty steemit update ... almost forgot . It's not much to say that would show something, client-server communication and synchronization. Much google, trial and error as me, myself and i have never done this (other than some websitery) for this this way and to THAT : its a cheap hosting package, dafuk you want for free ? i dont get paid, i dont get laid. I personally dont see the issue between having to serve 1000 (assuming i have 1000 and to AAA that would be like omg only 1000) requests per minute or so for x kb of data to be processed on the clientside ? It's supposed to be able to handle that (and preferably more) afaik but i dont know what shared hosting actually does or CAN since here its localhost. The diff is : i'm stuck to 30 seconds exec time, max while unable to run background processes that keep going 24/7, which, on a custom machine i put up myself i COULD, but since i cant its pretty pointless thinking about. And its a hobby and : o yea : i dont get paid and i dont get laid . I don't see your elitist issue there ? gud, naw , it needs syncing so its syncing. Since there's no life and future, its just keeping busy and thats that. When i bought obsidian from microsoft and then not even tell them what to do since they were already doing it and i just stick my name on it : i'll let you know :)
  2. Today is Mödninghosst, 14 : hmmm, like i didnt touch it for 5 days like this. I had another heretic notion : being that in the current stuff im using it might actually be better to forego functions and use subroutines only and global vars ... easier, shorter faster, less ops .. HERESY OFCOURSE ... stuck somewhere on client-server where it wont update the reachable tiles after this and that so some of them dont show green (already a grand benevolence on my part to actually wanna show that i.o. rtfm-noob , but since there will be no fm i guess a little bit o this and that wont hurt too bad. How did i do ? Sounds better with corporate or political garbage language, right ? the art of divulging no information while rattling without breathing ? ye, but it is .. and it hasnt been 5 days but i cant say its going faas suddenly. Ive been feeling like a super-plant thats been plastered with kryptonite for about a week now and my new traction-cushion has been both (slightly) helpful but mostly a torture device, which i suppose is normal in the first days and its a different kind of pain ... hm, a ye well, only talk about the good things and euhmm ... yea
  3. Today is Mödninghosst, 9 : duust kvesthuns, but ... i been playing ESO a bit since they put it up f2p for a week and , even if for a game that cost 110 million dollar starter money, mmo-wise its nothing new (at all) the sheer amount of useless detail (which you also get in single player elder scrolss) is nothing short of epic. Citizens have conversations when you walk by, wether you are interacting or on a mission or not. There's books and scrolls EVERYWHERE - whole short stories actually in bookshelves, which i doubt 90% of players ever see since mmo's are add : grind FAAS = level up , get gear. I know its triple A and 100 million dollar is slightly above my "what i will have in a whole life"-grade but the concept ... :) op-wise im thinking op-wise and i think i should, despite the "we will take away your need to code, just add another terabyte" (and then WE are the only ones left alive who know anything about what goes on in the machine and you are left at our mercy) sql seems like a worse and worse idea lol. Im sure it has merits if you have to work across 100 people on the same set of programs but otherwise it seems to have none. Where i have 2 lines with flatfiles i have 20 with sql ... op-wise that is heresy. Moore's law broke long ago and im just too old to get into that 1960s fashionable thing (oop or something i dont know, i think it hit the schools a decade or so ago ... but its older than i am, heh) and stuff like ecsy ? i dont know (but im definitely gonna check it out). So here i am , talking update more than coding ops , its NOP like that. Wondering how deep i'll go : if you go straight across a square you have the shortest distance but if you go from square 1 1,0 to square 2 0,0 its longer, right ? so my 5km² which i take as 1 hour on normal speed should take longer unless moving in straight lines , overthinking , you say ? this is what i meant to do with it , the thing is that on the clients side barely any number will be visible. (which makes it less attractive to the stat-junkies again, its just doomed to fail for mass-adoption hahah ) and euhm, yea well, lots , but mostly lots that wont get done while im typing this as well. e.t.a. 2150 AD in early access but you can already give us a billion , thats okay its 2020 , dont feel bad : just pay, dont ask questions!
  4. Today is Mödninghosst, 8 : movement pointers using a one-particle (faster than writing moving sprite routine since its already built-in) getting caught up ofcourse, why i usually like to hold the fluff for after - when the moment comes to "just pour in content" and get going (yea, right ...) not sure if multiple units move (visible ones) how all that affects performance since its definitely not U.E. but i assume will have a bit of a higher treshold to step in to , maybe later, for zone forest or something, when i'm 85 and the world has been fracked over to the point of no return and we live on asteroids revolving around what used to be the iron core. Dying Earth (definitely a must read) etc ... the difficult part will be calculating timelines on the server there (i call it timelines, i decided that i have right to my own corporate garbage language as much as i want even it wouldnt mean anything since everyone's been doing it for decades... very organic , also TRIPE and de-centralized what YOU want with a minor chance at disrupting facebook and creating a wow-killer. Also very excited about the synergetics and entrenchment of the core systems in the metaspace developing. But, yea, timelines .. it needs to branch on choosing, its ... im under no obligation to explain myself ...
  5. Today is Mödninghosst, 7 : i think i might actually get on to the movement bit again, which isnt just movement ... its euhm, complicated i guess, more complicated than stronghold definitely. Also running on a webserver with what IS by now an actual custom browser getting http requests and using post and get methods - IT WORKS ... thats what it does, but no idea what it would do with 1 million users (hypothetically speaking if i were born in china or america and this were the 60s ...) but in theory a webserver can handle 1 million pages so that should not be a problem (in theory) ... theories are nice, awesome even , i mean if OOP is the thing then ECS will be taught in schools by 2040 ... things tend to go a bit faster over time, but war or pandemic might set that back. oop is from the 1960s ... so go figure , figure the figure ... i didnt even know about ECS until this week and it looks like "just another way of organizing" ofcourse because heresy as it is : at machine level the code still uses GOTO (jmp) , the machine knows no object, i actually never heard about a machine that has 'objects' at hardware level ... so in essence its about "the need to understand less" ... and thats why YOU run python on supercomputers ... its like handicapping lol (not lol .. ol ol, but the good news is even new zealand has a new case : god doesnt love you anymore or he would save you ... mother nature never liked you, she must be the devil OOWHwhwhwhwh oo hoo ! .. STOP ! wrong section - nawww, what i meant to say was : i find my code shrinking in places from 20 to 2 lines using a flatfile i.o. SQL ... most interesting, almost impossible that its not faster this way since x less OPs (!= OO ,/ = op ) and it has to access the drive anyway to get the data from the DB just as well as it has to do that to read the file and since its the same data its the same amount of bytes (see, what i sometimes mean by : you no longer know the machine ) i dont really know the machine, just a little dabbling but stuff like that got lost in the name of what was that again ? o yea : pump out crApps at lightspeed lol so there's LOTS and the store doesnt look dusty ... something like that, right ?
  6. Today is Mödninghosst, 6 : myeaa ... melting at 1000km/h - if i were in Vietnam for 10 or more years now at least i would KNOW why im melting and KNOW i chose it... but well .. why complain, life is so excellent ! - after the new map-style i felt like a new storage was in order so all that needs re-working, it seems to work but it takes some time. Luckily i'm just here anyway, going nowhere and getting no life for the rest of my life and having no future and ... o wait, wrong section ... SMILE ! GREAT (and excited!!!!)
  7. Today is Mödninghosst, 6 : proof-of-busy (and not pouring bleach into the kitchen marmite) : you can't write syntax error without syntax error, so you get "syntax error, unexpected ''/$hit''" , unexpected shit sometimes - i like my errors, they are clear to me ... hours ... been filozofizing about what i call the catalysation effect on the virus (not a doctor or virologist so its probably not the l33tspeak word) and i feel "you do not understand" what it all entails BUT you see : FAD , function array dereferencing, i actually long ago started out with perl not php and i DO like my oneliners - since php is diy if you want more than some printed gateway stuff its RTFM n00b all the way i probably would have gotten a smile finding this ... really nice , its a mess (php) due to too many aliasesses (i have no clue why you would want that in a programming language, you're not writing poetry and afaik that means the parser has x more words to look for which all do exactly the same - i can get with magic functions or what its called where have get_contents i.o. the whole series , however im not sure whats faster since the combo will just have all potential branches in it , innit? m hm, yea ... well ... in bed with my marketing harem DOES sound better but this is better than lying around.
  8. Today is Mödninghosst, 5 : yyah, i was gonna alleycat.be but this morning i found myself at a point where i was doing something useful and now i find myself digging up stackoverlords ... but i think i located the missing byte : array_fill is not start/end , its start / number of entries (smaller misconceptions than that have started wars imo - but thats misread) ... UNPACK ... starts at index 1 since it returns AN ASSOCIATIVE ARRAY where you can name the wazoo up, down and there and back again for structuring, which isnt all too clear for anyone but Overlords on stack i suppose since people seem to be asking questions there (it makes me feel "slightly not meh" to use MinterSpeak-isms when i see im not the only one who forgot the take the big book of everything when i quit high school, im sure if i staid those four months longer i would know all this (heh - and also ... well no if i quit at 15 i think i would be a lot further in life but thats off-topic here) - thats where the missing byte went ... but i HATE having to +1 or -1 stuff, all just extra OPs (but this wasnt made to do that ... i dont take advice from people who would run python on a supercomputer after spending billions to be fastest, sorry ... my head's too big)
  9. Today is Mödninghosst, 5 : yes, ofcourse, file_get_contents is not for binary files, that's CLEARLY available in the big book of everything you are handed at birth and is completely full when you graduate and know EVERYTHING ! - i should have consulted the big book of everything instead of wondering why it just returned one zero ... stupid me! ah , woe is me ... Asterix was missing (i cant even see that mentioned in w3schools, it just says "C" - good good good (chaos in belgium btw ... "no comment") - file_get_contents works its magic after all silly silly me me, now why dont i know all that hardcoded in my dna ? this planet is so backyard. Neeejjj nonkeljanpiet, ik wil tees af voor ik verder aan de rest i was on track by this morning but i HAVE TO acknowledge the un-treated chronic fatigue (which doesnt exist officially b/c thats lazy), and the rest of the damage. If i dont it strikes back, no matter what you or the precious say or think about that.

    not much to say or screenshot except the two or three pages of updates , it's not code-camp or open source either and im not quite sure where life goes , if and when it ever will be ready it will be quite number-less anyway, as per original idea but under the hood, that should be something else .

    Or i can post a picture of my breakfast (which is still cooking so i can't) and get about the same reactions and votes (lol) ... not complaining, it was a lot worse before with the trolling and the downvote cartels but it seems to have a long way to go for global adaptation there and im not sure thats even possible in the current state, given the legal status of crypto-currencies differs from place to place (a lot) between YAY ! to NAY!

    :) but thats not my concern, that's a millionnaire's problem (in this case a billionnaires :p)

    gud ... remember : the zombie apocalypse is not over yet ...

    Decided to use some of our yearly budget of : currenty : 0 euro (lol haha) to spread some love so :

    Tyrnannoght is now proud (albeit very small) sponsor of :

    • CC0 textures : https://www.patreon.com/cc0textures

    • Tiled : https://www.patreon.com/bjorn

    • Phaser : https://www.patreon.com/photonstorm

    • theres certainly a few more i wouldnt mind showing appreciation but for now 0/3 = 1 . I'm looking into one for mine but i have contacted the ministry of soviet culture first to see if im actually allowed to keep a dollar for myself without being a tax-terrorist under the current conditions and states and if not if maybe it would be allowed to just swap it for stuff like hosting or hardware for machines to work on. I doubt ill get the 5000 or more a month needed to just get the documents and fees to start up a registered business any time soon and i sure as hell dont need THE state to come up with another way of taking everything+1 for the umpteenth time heh ...

    @tyrnannoght holds:(20200612)

    There seems to be more crap going on. Steemmonsters (splinterlands) fled for HIVE ... (no comment) but steem-engine expects me to use a keystore-app that's provided by ... yabapmatt ... i DID trust them to be fair and straight since i considered them into business, not politics but with this im not really sure ... i certainly dont trust handing my keys to something made by someone who just skips ship regardless of clientele and expects everyone to follow, it must be one of those american things that make zero sense overhere . So these numbers are month-old at best and i can not find another way to transfer and update. All it says is "steemconnect deprecated, please use keychain (by yabapmatt ...)" ... somewhat un-acceptable.

    • GG : 6103 staked #GG (#steemace good-game tokens), same thing, community is very much alive , like anything on steemit you get the same people in the trending section (wink) so its normal and alive , and also : hoping to see them expand on the options in the future, get creative with whatever these things can do, if possible find ways to go about keeping it alive even if steem-engine were gone ...
    • UFM : 5153 staked , #UFM .. @upfundme #upfundme ... it's ... upfund me !
    • the others are quentities not really worth mentioning
    • several coins seem to have disappeared from steem-engine with no warning or refunds - caveat emptor

    for the websites and other platforms scroll to the bottom of the post,
    i check telegram once a day and will try the reply section on @tyrnannoght once a day but im not online 24/7 ofcourse

    all images, code, programming, foul language, and about everything else copyright 2017 - 2150 alleycat.be (unless it is made available on opengameart or unless it is available on my sourceforge bit ) - trespassers in my cables will be shot, trolls will be marked ... survivors will be hung outside my window with their head on a pike on my driveway as a warning

    i'll put up discord, facebook and the likes as it becomes available

    the product will not make you rich nor will it make you popular or beautiful

  10. no salespitch

    no mediahype

    the game is NOT open source, neither is any of the code around it ... (to me that makes perfect sense actually)

    *Shrouded in mist* *on hilltop lies* *the City of Night*
    (tyr - nan - noght)

    for more you can check out :

    pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/alleycatd0033/

    The Youtube Channel (click) (youtube channel will be cleaned up a little and posting of videos will be less frequent, its not a tutorial series after all ...)

    twitter : https://twitter.com/tyrnannoght

    Facebook four or five weeks later they're 'reviewing my submission' still i dont think doucheberg likes me much

    any questions about anything, you can drop a note on telegram at : https://t.me/tyrnannoght

    discord : https://discord.gg/hkF4FtR (i check discord at best once a week at the moment, if anything were ever urgent its best to use the contact-form on site or drop a note on telegram for now)

    any kind of abuse (spoofed email spam or anything at all), please drop a note to report at : https://t.me/tyr_abusereports

    The goldmanmorgan actual website :

    The @tyrnannoght actual website (where the game will be, moving servers atm ...

    steemit Tyrnannoght community : here


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