in #faith7 years ago

I want to share to you guys my journey of faith from now on. I am seventeen and I know it's quite curious how I am telling these things; but God changed my point of view about everything. I live inside a Christian household and my mom pushes us to continue with our faith. I was once a girl who thinks only out of logic and about how/what it is that I feel. I once was stubborn and I never listen to the preaches of our pastor because as a kid I never understand the importance of God. There once was a time when I was a kid that I challenged God and asked Him to give me something then and there but the silly little me thought that He's not real and God of course doesn't do things that way for it is said in the Bible "Jesus responded, “It is said, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’” -Luke 4:12. !

This is the start of my journey for the Lord, "The Youth Conference 2015". I am 15 years old when I started to join such events and I enjoyed it for I felt God's presence immensely. I wasn't sure at first when our pastor told us about joining this event; I doubted if I would join because I thought that I am not worthy of going near God for I am unfaithful to Him and I have done many wrongdoings and lies. But someone nudged me forward to join, my family and so I joined. It was a three-day camp in Batangas Philippines. It was an intense encounter with God, I was shouting, singing til' my throat dries out, dancing like I have no care in the world; All for Him, all for God.


On the same year I joined the "Encounter Weekend" it is the event for the start of "leadership" for us who believe in God and wants to share His word the bible. It was a fantastic event for I joined in with my mom and dad, we were together as we face God and ourselves. The sole purpose of this event is to assure our deliverance for the Lord, to know God more and the purpose of our Life. I learned what is more right and on what is the things that I must not do; things that mere human values cannot know without the guidance of God. I know that I am still young but God called me, He wants me to start and take the step of Faith. I once asked Him that I want to know the truth, I want to k.now Him more, If He is real or if He is really there, or if He is really the one who created me, Us; And this was His answer to me, for me to join this event. It is sure a leap of faith for me, a new wisdom from God to face the world and overcome it. This is the process that I must take and there's no more turning back but to just move forward and reach greater heights for the Glory of God!".


Then the latest event is the "2017 Year of Release". I became active in the events of our church and the churches of the Christian family in the Philippines.This is me on the way to the event, I am a bit exhausted because it is trips far from our province. Even if I'm tired I was still excited to see the heaps of people worshiping the Lord and also excited to hear the words of love from the Bible coming from God using The senior Leaders to teach them to us. Once I stepped foot inside the venue I was awestruck because of the ocean of people from around the country that attended for one reason "God". We have one purpose "To Love God and To Love People". It is all for God, deny yourselves and give all to the Lord.


"With God All things are possible"- Matthew 19:26. I want to live for the Lord and be an instrument in His Plans and Will. I want to share the word everywhere. I know even as a young girl I can achieve anything through faith in The Lord, He never fails to grant anything and anyone their faith. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."-Mstthew 7:7. I know God has a purpose in Our Lives do not cease to look for Him, live with God and Live with His promises.


Once I was seated from the top seat, I thought this many people knows God and praises Him. How great will it be if the whole world knows Him? How good is it for them to know that He is real and for them to deny their wants and just accept God. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight"- Proverbs 3:5-6. We must trust to Him wholeheartedly, everything good in this world is given by Him. Thanksgiving and praise is all He asks of us, follow and obey His commandments to glorify Him. No matter what sins we have committed in the past, He will forgive us if only we accept Him as our God and savior. Jesus descended from His throne in Heaven for the sole purpose of redeeming the land from sins, He died on that cross to save us, He faced many hardships for us to have the right to live with the Father in heaven. "I am the way the Truth and the Life, No one can come to the father in Heaven if Not through Me"- John 14:6. Jesus is the only way to heaven, accept Him and we shall live and have the right to live in heaven. I am still in my journey in knowing God more and more. I still am young and still have a long way ahead of me. I must not waste a single breath for God, I'll live to the fullest of knowing His love more. I'll not stop sharing His word (the bible) and let people know of His greatness. To God be the Glory in all my achievements. God Bless Everyone!!!


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