Using 20 Old English words in a sentence

in #oldeenglish6 years ago (edited)

There is a movie in the form of slide show, on a facebook page called "Vintage News" The slide show poses 20 Olde English words and their definitions and the suggestion that we should bring them back.

I wrote this paragraph while watching the slideshow, I thought it was fun and wanted to share:

The world seems to be filled with snollygosters at times. They run businesses operated by fudgels, seemingly doing nothing but twattling all day. Grumbletonians are everywhere but agree on little. And some peg puffs mistaken for having Hum Durgeon, are simply yet to be diagnosed.

I wonder if you have a question or are simply groking in the hopes of a small reward. But I am too pre-occupied with my shivvines to really take notice. To feel crapulous is a luxury some do not know. The mugwump has no time or compassion for your dysania.

Perhaps I should have acted the hugger mugger instead of sharing this attempt to mix Olde English into thought. But as I wipe the elflock from my eyes. I realize I am nothing more than an ultracrepidarian presenting a trumpery viewpoint easily jargogled.

There is no shame in maintaining a Callipygian so at least if you show up the lanspresado you can shake your money maker. And I deflect the notion I am a "cockalorum" as I have become a zwodder

20 Awesome historical words we should bring back

  • Snollygoster - a person who has intelligence but no principles.
  • Peg Puff A young woman with the manners of a old one.
  • Fudgel - The act of giving the impression of working but actually doing nothing.
  • Twattling - Gossiping idly about unimportant things.
  • Grumbelatonians - People who are angry or unhappy with Government
  • Hum Durgeon - An imaginary illness
  • Groke - Someone who stares at you hoping you'll share your food
  • Shivviness - The uncomfortable feeling of wearing new underwear
  • Crapulous - Feeling ill as a result of eating too much
  • Mugwump - Somebody in charge who affects to be above petty squabbles
  • Dysania - Someone who has extreme diffficulty getting out of bed in the morning.
  • Hugger Mugger Secretive covert behaviour
  • Eflock a word that describes tangled hair. - As if that mattered
  • Ultracrepidarian - Someone who gives opinions on subjects they know nothing about.
  • Trumpery - Things that look good but are basically worthless.
  • Jargoggle - To confuse or jumble up
  • Callipygian - having beautiful well shaped buttocks
  • Lanspresado Someone who always conveniently show up with no money.
  • Cockalorm - a small man with a big opinion of himself
  • Zwodder - To be in a drowsy, fuzzy state.

This is a shortcut url to the video on FB you need, a FB account to watch this.


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