Communication 沟通

in #communication6 years ago (edited)

Wherever there are human beings, there is a likelihood of conflicts. Any conflict which is not resolved reasonably and amicably, it can become greater tension among the parties concerned. If it is resolved well, it can become an enriching experience. Among the different types of conflict, one common occurrence of conflict is due to communication. As mediating communication conflict requires special techniques, which is beyond the scope of this article, I hereby would like to touch on awareness, which can be a help to prevent avoidable miscommunication.

First, there is miscommunication due to different personalities. I have no intention to stereotype anybody though attempting to categorise people into either an extrovert or introvert. The extrovert tends to be more out-going, whereas, an introvert, more reserved and quiet. Between both the extrovert and the introvert, each of them can also either be a task-oriented or people-oriented person.

In brief, a task-oriented extrovert person is more driven when he/she relates to people, whereas, a people-oriented extrovert tends to be sociable and influential. As for a task-oriented introvert, he/she inclines to be more complying to rules and regulations than attending to relationship. But the people-oriented introvert would be more considerate of other people especially in times of making tough decision.

Therefore, miscommunication may occur when two different personalities communicating with one another without an awareness of the other person’s personality. Take an example, a task-oriented extrovert may request a people-oriented introvert friend for a favour. The latter feels that it is difficult to meet the request, but has responded by being quiet for fear of offending the task-oriented extrovert friend. To that extrovert, the quietness of the introvert friend is an implication of willing to meet the request. Such miscommunication would turn out to be a conflict one day.
Hence, it is vital to gain some knowledge of different personalities. Besides, having equipped with such awareness when relating to another personality, this would help to avoid miscommunication due to different personalities.

Secondly, miscommunication can occur because of different cultures. Take an example, the people from countries of mono-culture like Japanese and Koreans are more used to non-verbal communicating style than people from multi-cultural background. To elaborate, an American consultant was conducting a seminar in Japan. At the end of her talk, she asked the Japanese attendees whether they had any questions. Non had raised their voice to ask question and she was pleased that there was no question. Later, someone who knew the Japanese culture reminded her that the Japanese would seldom make eye contact with the speaker unless they had something to ask or communicate. With such awareness, during the following session, she paid attention to the non-verbal expression of her attendees when asking if there was any question. She noticed there were attendees lifted up eyes and looked at her. Then she assumed they had questions and resonated with them. Indeed, they had questions but waiting to be called.

Anybody who is communicating with another person from a different cultural background, and having the awareness of the cultural diversity between both of them would certainly help to minimise their miscommunication.







第二,错误沟通也可能源自不同的文化。举个例子,单一文化國家的人如曰本人和韓國人较比多元文化國家的人更惯於使用非语言的沟通方式。阐述之,一位美国諮询人员在曰本主持一个研讨会。结束讲座时,她给这些来自日本的出席者發问机会,然而没有一人开口發问。讲员还自喜没有问题。後来, 一位熟悉日本文化的人向她指出日本人不太会在没有问题时与讲员作眼睛接触。若作眼睛接触则可能想要提出问题。那位美國讲员有了这文化意识,她在下一堂时便加以注意学员的非言语沟通方式。她發现有学员举目看她,她便感觉到他们要發问且等待她开口个别叫他们發问。



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