Persons of Turkish Literature - Halid Ziya Uşaklıgil

in #tr7 years ago



Servet-i Fünun and the writers of the Republican Period and Sultan Resat Mabeyn Başkatibi (1909-1912) of the Ottoman Empire, as well as a member of the Ayan Parliament. He also published some literary texts in the name of Hazine-i Evrak in the name of Mehmet Halit Ziyaeddin.

It is considered to be the greatest prose master of Servet-i Fünun's literature. It is the author of Aşk-ı Memnu who was accepted as the first great Turkish novel.

He was born in Istanbul in 1866. On 27 March 1945 he lost his life in Istanbul.

Son of Haci Halit Efendi from a family in Istanbul who is known as "Uşakizadeler". Training began at Fatih Military High School. His father's business broke down and his family moved to Izmir. He entered İzmir Rustiyesi. She took private French lessons. He continued to the Mechitariste School, which was led by the Austrian Catholic priests. In 1884, he left the last grade and started working at his father's business. He worked as a French teacher at the Izmir Ritchie. He worked at the Ottoman Bank. She gave French and literature lessons in İzmir Idadisi. In 1893, he was the First Secretary at the Istanbul Reji Administration and moved to Istanbul. After the announcement of the 2nd Constitutional Monarchy, the reji was brought to commissary. He taught Western literature and aesthetics at Darülfünun (Istanbul University). In 1909, Mabeyn became the chief captain with the proposal of the Committee of Union and Progress. He was elected as a member of the Assembly in 1911. Then he returned to university. He went to France, Germany and Romania politically. After the fall of the Committee of Union and Progress, the Reji Administration was brought to the Presidency of the Board of Directors. After the Republic, he was drawn to Yeşilköy.

Literature is turned into life and started with poetry. Nevruz magazine between 1884-1885 in Izmir, the service newspaper in 1886 çıkartı. He joined the Literature-Cedide community in 1896. Servet-i Fünun magazine published the novels that gave him great reputation. In 1901, the writer left. After the Second Constitution, he began to write again, but he did not publish them until 1923. In the first short novels he wrote in İzmir he received a pathetic, emotional and unrequited love affair. In 1895, "Mai and Black", the second adventure of love remained. Poets, journalists, writers, publications in the context of the events between the period of the press told the world. "Aşk-ı Memnu" published in 1925 is considered the first big Turkish novel. In this rumor and technique, a young and beautiful woman, despite her decision to remain loyal to her rich but elderly husband, is forbidden without a clue, a realistic approach, focusing on the psychological causes of the incident. In Rome, the event was skillfully knit with material and spiritual connections between the persons, and movement, description and spiritual analysis were measured and balanced.


a very important personality



@oliverbix, lütfen burda reklam yapmayalim. spam olarak algilyanlar olabilir. dikkatli olalim ;)

tm sorry :)

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