Greatest Quotes #3: Jalaluddin Rumi

in #greatestquotes7 years ago (edited)


Break your pitcher against a rock. We don't need any longer to haul pieces of the ocean around.

Jalaluddin Rumi


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چنان مستم چنان مستم من امروز که از چنبر برون جستم من امروز
چنان چیزی که در خاطر نیابد چنانستم چنانستم من امروز
به جان با آسمان عشق رفتم به صورت گر در این پستم من امروز
گرفتم گوش عقل و گفتم ای عقل برون رو کز تو وارستم من امروز
بشوی ای عقل دست خویش از من که در مجنون بپیوستم من امروز
به دستم داد آن یوسف ترنجی که هر دو دست خود خستم من امروز
چنانم کرد آن ابریق پرمی که چندین خنب بشکستم من امروز
نمی‌دانم کجایم لیک فرخ مقامی کاندر و هستم من امروز
بیامد بر درم اقبال نازان ز مستی در بر او بستم من امروز
چو واگشت او پی او می‌دویدم دمی از پای ننشستم من امروز
چو نحن اقربم معلوم آمد دگر خود را بنپرستم من امروز
مبند آن زلف شمس الدین تبریز که چون ماهی در این شستم من امروز

Limp along until your legs are spent,
and you fall flat and your energy is drained.
Then the grace of the Divine will lift you.

Is your face a beautiful blossom
or a sweet torture?
I have no complaints
but my heart is tempted
to let you
hear of its sorrows.

Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.

If i can only recount
the story of my life
right out of my body
flames will grow.


Come, come, whoever you are,
wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving,
it doesn't matter.
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vow a hundred times.
Come, come again, come.

Come out of the circle of time And into the circle of love.

Oh sky, without me, do not change,
Oh moon, without me, do not shine;
Oh earth, without me, do not grow,
Oh time, without me, do not go.

Others give you the name of Love,
And me the sultan of that love.
Higher than such illusions,
Oh, you cannot go, without me.

When you are with everyone but me,
you're with no one.
When you are with no one but me, you're with everyone.
Instead of being so bound up with everyone, be everyone. When you
become that many, you're nothing. Empty.

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