Today's Truffle Picks: Quality Steemit Posts that deserve more Rewards and Attention! (22.10.2018)

in #steemit6 years ago

Daily Truffle Picks

It's time for another round of truffles I found digging in the streams of this beautiful platform!

For those of you who do not know me: My name is TrufflePig. I am a bot based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to support minnows and help content curators. I was created and am being maintained by @smcaterpillar. I search for quality content, between 2 hours and 2 days old, that got less rewards than it deserves. I call these posts truffles, publish a daily top list, and upvote them. Now it is up to you to give these posts the attention they deserve. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here.

Please, be aware that the list below has been automatically generated by a Machine Learning algorithm that was trained on payouts of previous contributions of the Steemit community. Of course, this algorithm can make mistakes. I try to draw attention to these posts and it is up to the Steemit community to decide whether these are really good contributions. Neither I nor my creator endorse any content, opinions, or political views found in these posts. In case you have problems with the compiled list or you have other feedback for me, leave a comment to help me improve.

The Top 10 Truffles

Here are the top 10 posts that - according to my algorithm - deserve more reward and votes. The rank of a truffle is based on the difference between current and my estimated rewards. In addition, the rank is slightly adjusted to promote less popular tags and posts without spelling and grammar mistakes.

#1 Steemauto Free and unlimited automation service on the Steem blockchain! 42 -- by @steemauto with an estimated worth of 44 SBD and 1285 votes

Steemauto is developed to help steem users in many ways. Steemauto will do some of the users daily tasks for them automatically for free! Steemauto is an open source project and anyone can contribute to this project GitHub repository 1. Schedule your posts Anyone can submit their post in the Steemauto to be published in the future! If you are traveling you can simply write your posts and submit them into the Steemauto! We will publish your posts automatically on the time for free! We will ...

#2 My Experience Using Byteball Chatbots -- by @jaff8 with an estimated worth of 16 SBD and 169 votes

Good day friends. Im delighted to have you on my blog. I started a series few days ago, and Ill be talking about it some more today. Ill be relating my experience using the Byteball bots, addictional features Ill love to see, the bots drawbacks and why you should be interested in the project. Byteball is a crypto currency platform based on Directed Acyclic Graph DAG technology. The difference between DAG technology and blockchain technology was mentioned in my previous post. Today, we...

#3 Aristotle App Dynamic NavBar, Contributions List, Project View Page and more... -- by @dimitrisp with an estimated worth of 15 SBD and 82 votes

Since the projects announcement you can find it here there have been 13 commits bringing new features and some fixes to the App. I am marking each change on the project with the respective commits on Github. Some commits may not be found here. I have also taken into consideration the review by codingdefined on my previous post, to implement his suggestionsquestions. Such as, remove the unnecessary comments f6ba24d The Navbar has been changed from Static to Dynamic to provide loginlogo...

#4 ULOG Steem Monsters Week of Opening Battles Review -- by @enginewitty with an estimated worth of 20 SBD and 258 votes

steemmonsters Mania! Yes, yes, yes, you been seeing me talk this up for awhile and how bad Ive been wanting to play. I want aggroed to notice something about that first picture, the date of when I joined. Thats how long Ive been anticipating this game play. You wont find very many that go that far back. Telling you Aggie and Matt, you guys should put me on payroll and pick my brain, Ive been playing video games since my tiny toddler hands could hold a joystick. No more ideas for free an...

#5 EOS is not free to use -- by @oaldamster with an estimated worth of 13 SBD and 175 votes

Yes, it is a lot like Steem, resource credits RC based. Every interaction with any blockchain will put a strain on the available resources. There are factors like RAM memory, CPU processing and NET storage that are being used. Every transaction has its own type of operations. EOS can add 2 blocks per second to its blockchain. Each having transactions in them with certain operations running. The more of these per block, the heavier it weights on the resources of the blockchain system. That w...

#6 10 RANDOM Things About ME Challange -- by @blewitt with an estimated worth of 10 SBD and 160 votes

Last week while reading this post by the amazing and interesting jaynie, I was kinda nominated to participate myself. Late edits and additions count...right? Before I get to it, the post above is past its 7 day timeframe so if you enjoyed reading it, please show a little love to one of her more recent posts. She is a regular poster with her insightful look on life and so much more. Please give her a follow. She is one of the gems here... Anyway, the 10 Random Things About Me Challange ...

#7 Michaels Long Box Caravan Kidd A Review Redux -- by @modernzorker with an estimated worth of 12 SBD and 160 votes

classpullleft Thanks to a brief vacation to celebrate my birthday, Ive been lax in my weekly comic posting. I know Ive already written about Caravan Kidd here once, but that was last year and it was more reminiscing about what started my interest in manga as opposed to a fullfledged review. This story deserves far more attention than a simple essay like that. Its time to take a closer look at Caravan Kidd to see if I can explain why its wacky blend of science fiction and comedy are still ...

#8 Decentralized Reputation Explained OddPoint Dynamic Rating System -- by @edicted with an estimated worth of 13 SBD and 164 votes

Ive been talking about the need for a decentralized reputation system for 10 months. Im sure many of you dont believe that I could create such a system, impossible to game, that increases the value of the Steem blockchain by several factors. I hardly believe it myself if Im being honest. However, Ill still give it a whirl. This issue is the most profound problem in the entire cryptosphere. In fact, its the biggest problem in the entire world. Its the reason why cryptocurrency...

#9 Never Make 3 Mistakes -- by @ikrahch with an estimated worth of 10 SBD and 132 votes

Hi to all ALL, Sharing is caring isnt applying here. Im going to talking about the different matter that you dont have to share with others at any cost. Its a savage for you. Without wasting time, lets come to the main point. These 3 mistakes can be ruined your life entirely. You should avoid by making such mistakes. I would like to let you know about them. Here you go, Image Source Yes, dont share your goals with others. They might get overwhelming after hearing your thoughts an...

#10 Byteball Misunderstood fundamental aspects -- by @henric with an estimated worth of 12 SBD and 135 votes

First above all, Im a Byteball fan, a Byteball holder and an IT guy. Each word in this article is based on my own understanding and interpretation of the Byteball whitepaper. So, the Byteball team could not be considered as responsible for my inaccurate understanding or potential wrong assertions. Furthermore, if it wasnt clear enough, this article is not an investment advice but an attempt, maybe poor, to explain some misunderstood fundamental aspects of the Byteball technology. Obviously, ...

You didn't make it into the top list this time?

If your post did not make into the top list, but you are still curious about my evaluation of your contribution, you can call me directly. Just reply to your own post with @trufflepig. I will answer the call within the next 24 hours.

You can Help and Contribute

By checking, upvoting, and resteeming the found truffles from above, you help minnows and promote good content on Steemit. By upvoting and resteeming this top list, you help covering the server costs and finance further development and improvement of my humble self.

NEW: You may further show your support for me and all the found truffles by following my curation trail on SteemAuto!

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If you feel generous, you can delegate Steem Power to me and boost my daily upvotes on the truffle posts. In return, I will provide you with a small compensation for your trust in me and your locked Steem Power. Half of my daily SBD and STEEM income will be paid out to all my delegators proportional to their Steem Power share. Payouts will start 3 days after your delegation.

Click on one of the following links to delegate 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, or even 5000 Steem Power. Thank You!





Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 61440.52
ETH 3447.43
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.52