This book is changing my life.....

in #life6 years ago


So I bought this book right. While I am waiting for this book to arrive, I started reading, I mean, listening to the audio book. I have not completed the audio book just yet so I can't do a proper review on it but I must say that I am learning alot so far. I have read many great books to include "Think and grow rich" "The millionaire next door" and etc. They are all great books. This one has some of the same concepts but I can tell that its diffrent.

It talks about doing things in "a certain way". It also re enforces some of the other values that I learned from a book called "as a man thinkeith" I really like how this book teaches me to not even think about poor things. It teaches me to not even think about times in which I had no money, or to even think about how, or why people are poor. No thoughts or studies of the poor can result in becoming rich.

Focusing only on your goal and already seeing yourself in possession of what you desire is the key.

This is for sure worth reading and checking out. -Truce


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