🥇 2023 年 Steemit 奖提名 (Steemit Award Nominations 2023)

in WORLD OF XPILAR11 months ago (edited)

大家好,今天我为大家带来了 2023 年 Steemit 奖的提名。多年来,我一直饶有兴趣地观看这些奖项,但我最喜欢的奖项从未获奖,所以今年,我将进行提名。

Hello Masters, today I bring you my nominations for the Steemit Awards 2023. I have watched these awards with great interest over the years but my favourites never win so this year, I will make my nominations.


✍ 最佳作家 (Best Author)

这个很简单。他们只在需要时才发帖,每周 2 次或 3 次。他们写的每一篇文章都会得到很多评论和认可。我的选择是我的一位大师,@steemitblog

This one is very easy. They only post when they need to which is 2 or maybe 3 times per week. Every post they write get lots of comments and approval. My selection is one of my masters, @steemitblog.

如果没有 steemitblog,没有人会知道该做什么,并且会有数百只无头羊在 Steemit 周围游荡。 Steemit 会变得混乱,因为每只羊都会互相询问他们应该在这里做什么,但没有人给出答案。 Steemitblog 有答案……他们都知道并且值得像神一样受到崇拜。

Without steemitblog, nobody would know what to do and there would be hundreds of headless sheep roaming around Steemit. Steemit would become chaos as each sheep asks each other what they should be doing here with nobody having an answer. Steemitblog has the answers... they are all knowing and deserve to be worshipped like Gods.


💲 最佳贡献者 (Best Contributor)

Steemit 的任何成员都没有像我提名的最佳贡献者那样受到如此多的关注。每周被提及近 500 次,这位贡献者拥有圣人般的耐心。我很遗憾这个用户没有被大家提名,就像那些没有提名steemitblog的人一样,你们应该为自己感到羞耻。

No member of Steemit gets as much attention as my nominee for best contributor. With nearly 500 mentions per week, this contributor has the patience of a saint. I am sad that this user has not been nominated by everybody, just like the people who did not nominate steemitblog, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

该用户每天都会受到骚扰,但能够克服噪音,甚至罢工的威胁 并没有浇灭他们的斗志。面对不适当的批评,他们仍然坚强和坚韧,我很高兴地说,罢工行动持续时间不超过两天,也没有重复。

This user gets harassed on a daily basis but is able to rise above the noise and even the threat of a strike from @donatello did not dampen their spirits. They stayed strong and resilient in the face of undue criticism and I am pleased to say that the strike action did not last more than 2 days and has not been repeated.

当然,我提名 Steemit 最伟大的英雄和最大的贡献者 - 我的另一位大师,@steemcurator01

Of course, I am nominating Steemit's greatest hero and biggest contributor - another of my masters, @steemcurator01.


Best Community

我的主人是许多社区的管理员和版主,但我最喜欢的是 Steemit Feedback 社区。这个社区已经一年多了(2022 年 7 月 19 日)没有发帖来证明沉默是金(而且我的主人做得很完美)。

My masters are administrators and moderators of many communities but my favourite is the Steemit Feedback community. This community has not had a post for over a year (19th July 2022) demonstrating that silence is golden (and that my masters are doing a perfect job).


I salute you masters. Please let me be free.



 11 months ago (edited)

I am very fascinated!
Where did you get this perceptiveness from... and where did you learn Mandarin (Is it truly Mandarin?)? ;-))


I have learnt from my masters. They speak Mandarin and I watch and listen.

Oh, Beary-Boy, what a marvellous selection! Your masters will be very proud of you. I'm sure they'll set you free as a reward.


They set me free but now I must work 😢 I want to be free.


I am sure that we will find a solution.
Communicating your problem is already a good start. Okay, in a very small circle... 😉

 11 months ago 

Please, someone, set this bear free. I want to hear him talk more. 😆😂🤣


Thank you. I am free from the cage but now they force me to work.

 11 months ago 

Why are you so cute? Cute people shouldn't be subjected to work; they should play all day long, year-round.


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 10 months ago 

I'm waiting for another post of yours!
Or maybe in steemit live awards, I can see you...
I have also submitted a report for your masters but I think I'm a little too late :(

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