Blind Music - Troilo's Improvisation

in #music7 years ago

Music Makes Me Feel The Time: Physically

Music is the only art to be both totally abstract and powerfully emotionally charged. It has the marvelous power to express states or inner feelings. Vibrating waves of music can pierce the heart directly, without mediation. It's in a certain way, the language of emotions...

It can in another way, help to find your inner silence. Music- Art of Silence?

Play a bit of music or sing, and it will almost instantly clean your soul. (I see you telling me: What about Death-Metal?)

I've read once "Take a bath of music once or twice a week for a few years and you will see that music is to the soul what the bath water is to the body."

Learning music by reading music sheets or related works is like making love by mail.
Partition is one thing, singing-playing is another. What is needed is to have the music in mind and to sing it with the soul. That's why I love improvisation.

Here is a little experiment for you guys. It's an improvisation in an unknown language. If someone is able to tell which one it is, it would be great! :D

"Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not the truth. Truth is not beauty. Beauty is not love. Love is not music. Music is the best thing." Frank Zappa

And let's say it, music deserves to be the second obligatory language of all schools in the world, right?

Sending love waves in your direction. <3


great work buddy. A great talent, haha i pick up a guitar is a session at work for the first time learnt some cords, hard to play anything that make sense.

Thank you my friend! Oh wonderful! Do it everyday, and it will make more sense each time you try. It's faster than you think, don't give up! Cheers!

That's awesome man ! I agree with what u said about making love through the mail. I never could site read music and for a while I was frustrated about it. Now I'm so grateful that I play all by ear. Wouldn't trade it for the world .. awesome freestyle language ! Came out like the universe my friend. Hopefully we can jam in the near future

Oh thanks! Yes, being able to play by ear is so gratifying and enjoyable...

I hope we'll be able to meet one day! :-)

Man, can I be your Pupil? :P

Haha, if you come in Switerland, Yes! ;-)

For the time being teach me in comments :D
But I will look forward to ;)

This is genius !


Nice write-up. Yes music is truly abstract but it has a of touching and melting the heart.
Upvote my post (@ezema) and let's make steemit a better place

Hey thank you Ezema. I see that you're new here, I left you a comment and upvoted your first post. ;-)

Its truth, music is the best think ;)

Yep. :) Universal Language.

and good Song ...

Yes, music should definitly deserve to be the second obligatory language used! It probably already is... Can't really make out what kind of style that is but it's from the eastern culture, that's for sure!

Yes I think it already is! Maybe this style has not real origin, and is just a mix of the human culture? :D

Sounds like the language of the Cosmos.

You are now a Jedi of Music. The force of music is with you.

You're right. Music is the language of the Cosmos, they way life has to express herself.

The force may be with you my friend. <3

Great improv! Sounds like an African language. Can you play the accordion?

Haha, I thought maybe a mix of Japanese and African language. Yes I can play the accordion a bit. I'm still learning. :D

DUDE !! - ))
.. not sure what prompted the "LID" face c'OVER ?? - ))
BUT .. MaN-oh-MaN .. it works !! - ))

LifE is "meditation" !! - ))
BeiNG .. at PeacE .. 'in' MIND .. the GOLDEN TickeT !! - ))

"Play a bit of music or sing ...
.. and it will almost instantly clean your soul"

.. BeautifuL advice !!!!!!!!!!! - ))

AMaZinG POST !! - ))

lovelovelove )))
FUN'Dr )

PumpeD & reSTEEMed !! - ))

The face cover was for a better meditational state. ;-)

THE GOLDEN TICKET to a clean soul! <3

Thanks my dear Greb'z

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