Fidget Spinners Have a Speed Limit

in #spinner7 years ago (edited)

Fidget Spinners Have a Speed LImit

Fidget spinners. The latest craze to hit the world. Everyone sells them or knows someone that does (I sell them and know over 10 other people that do). They are more annoying at this point than they are useful for their intended use (to control ADHD outbreaks). They come in many shapes, sizes, colors and the like also. I personally sell glow in the dark, tie-dye, light up and even ones that say things as they spin (in lights). What I have never done is have one, or hear of one, explode. That is until I read this article by Newsner.

Don’t be stupid like this guy
Alexander Dogl, 25 years old, bought himself a fidget spinner. After a bit of play with it, he felt it was spinning too slow.

"I looked down and there was blood everywhere," Alexander told Expressen.

In a competition with two other employees, Dogl attempted to make his fidget spinner spin faster. This is where things get stupid, folks.

Using a compressed air gun, Dogl was able to make his fidget spinner go faster alright.

"I held it in my hand and sprayed air on it. It started to go faster until fumes started to come out of it. Then it exploded," he told local media.

Blood was allegedly gushing out of Dogl’s thumb.
fidget spinner gone wrong.jpg
Image source:

Um, yeah.

"I was sent for X-rays, and they saw that I had a fracture in my thumb and the tendon had also been damaged."

Dude got it spinning so fast that it was emitting fumes. Fumes, folks. He saw nothing wrong here, even at that point.

So, don’t be stupid like this guy.



Oh my... My kids have these and I have read some pretty scary stuff about them!

Under normal use, they are fine. It is when people get stupid with them that we begin seeing these types of stories.

this one girl (9 yrs old) chocked on a piece. normal spinning fell apart and went flying to her mouth.

Not saying it didn't happen but is there a news source for this? I have heard of children getting pieces (such as the outer ring black pieces) in their mouths and choking but have not found a news source for it.

Considering how hot these things are and the interest of news stations in covering hot topics, it is an easy conclusion to make that there would be sources for these things.

Awesome. Thank you for the video. Up till now I figured it was an urban legend type thing.

there have been several in my house that randomly have broken
no choking yet

What brand are you getting, if you don't mind me asking. The ones I sell come in a white box and such.

cbs news in miami did a report


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