in #trevonjb7 years ago

In todays video I talk about a disturbing reality we may face with Ethereum. Ethereum is indeed growing in marketcap and price. But it is being propped up by banks and elites. Riding the coat tails of the banks is not the way I want to die.



yeah don't trust the banks and the elites , we are the Resistance =D Decentralization FTW

You know, I dont need to trust banks to make some BTC (steem) on them :D

Yes same with Ripple! If Steem gets popular, I wonder if banks will want in too?

Don't worry about Steem.... Steem is not just a crypto cuurency, it is great social community platform which rewards its members in crypto.

The banks may want to higher Jerry lol

Ripple is the banks, and I don't even think there is a limit on it.

Hey youtube Jerry you are also here? Im just first time logged in :)

Ugh! Ripple is the worst!

Hey, Hey now! haha :-P I remember checking out
and I saw this...

Screen Shot 2017-06-02 at 2.07.31 PM.png


Hnmm... I wonder.... LOL

Steem will do just fine brah

Trevon, bruh I just wanted to say the way you helped me grow my money in the last few months has been nuts. I got into all this back in Oct, and since then you have provided me with so much information that my college professors should lose their damn jobs! I am 25 years old, I work retail and make $12 a hour, so I understand your pain. But bruh I just want to say thank you for going out your way to provide me with content that is informative and fun to watch. I lost alot of friends thanx to bitcoin and trading but I feel like I truly gained a new friend with you. So thank you!

Where there is money to be made the banks worm their way in. It's not enough that they control your money by putting arbitrary restrictions on it and fine you without your concent (they are not the government, folks). Now that we finally have hope of controlling our own money via a decentralised system, the banks can't stand it and want to start throwing their weight about. I hate to say it but it's only a matter of time before the governments start sticking their never ending noses in it too!

Buying ripple is like buying stocks. If you're buying it, you do it 110% for money. You don't support anything except your own pocket and the banks...

Yea, I don't know what we can really do about that. There is SO much money to be made in the realm of digital currencies, that we had to expect that banks and other various institutions would want to get involved.

Personally, I am not a supporter of XRP, but I am a supporter of Etheruem. Eth is leading the way in blockchain technology. And a lot of people have made a bunch of money from buying and selling it. Thanks for the video man! I've been following you for awhile on YouTube and just recently joined Steemit. Glad you're here too man!

Oh man, oh man @trevonjb that's at least a couple of infractions, they have been deducted from your Ethereum account.

If you want to see the future as described/imagined check out series 1 episode 2, of Black Mirror titled "Fifteen Million Ethereum Merits" aired December 11, 2011. That's almost 6 years ago and "they" were showing us our future back then.

Are you paying attention?


All Cryptos will be controlled and manipulated by banks in the near future.. its inevitable lol

BTC can not be :)...

Funniest video so far...how did you get that seatbelt on bruh? lmao

cryptos were once a good idea. then wall street and the cabal takes things over.

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