What In The Hell Is "Porn Brain?"... And Do I Have It?

in #funny7 years ago (edited)


If were are being gut level honest here Steamians, we know that 99.999% of Americans indulge in the "erotic arts" ... or if we're just being blunt...

And if we're being even more honest, we know that we probably spend way too much time viewing porn. I mean, A LOT...

On the surface, it seems like a pretty harmless outlet right? You're just watching a little "girl on girl", rubbing one or two out, then you're on about your day. Nobody is getting hurt. You haven't broken any laws. You just gave yourself a little "pick me up."

But at some point, I think we need to ask ourselves:

"How much porn is too much?"


Well that's the big question isn't it? See back in my teenage days (and by that I mean the early 90s), we didn't have the "internet." We had to rely on magazines like "Playboy," "Hustler," "Penthouse,"you know, the classics.

And if we were really desperate (and we were), we sat in front of our TV's trying to make out boobs on the naughty channels that were blocked:

Then we had the local video store. I'm not talking about the classy joints like "Blockbuster" or "Hollywood Video," I'm talking about the creepy spots that were always right next door to a liquor store or a laundromat. (Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about!)

And the worst thing about these places were the shame of going in there, and heading straight to "the red curtain!" The red curtain is what separated movies like "Robocop" from "Squirt till it hurts"

And once you were beyond the curtain, you were in the "land of pervs!" Bumping elbows and trying not to make eye contact.


And then once we got the damn video, we had to deal with the slimy clerk with the abundant chest hair and fake gold chains, taking his sweet time ring us up. All the while giving us that creep-ass smile to signal, "I've seen this one before, good stuff!"

Finally we get home, only we can't watch it right away, cause we have to wait till everybody is out of the house or asleep!

So believe me when I say, getting access to porn was NOT an easy task. Unlike you kids today, we had to "earn our porn" goddamn it!

And because of the trouble we had to go through just to watch porn, we didn't consume it all that much.


Now porn is at our fingertips! Not only can we watch porn at any time we want, we can open a browser with unlimited tabs of porn. We have phones that stream it. There is literally no where we can't get porn!

It's like being in "Willy Wonka's sleaze factory!) The sky's the limit! And we no longer have to worry about shame cause:

1. No one know's we're watching it.
2. They are probably watching it too.
3. It's become a societal norm.

But is everything really as "hunky-dory" as it seems when it comes to "the arts?" Or do we have a new problem to worry about?


It can be said that porn is harmless fun, and for the most part I would definitely agree with this. It's not like shooting black tar heroine in your toes, doing a bump of cocaine, or punishing your liver with fortified wines.

But here's where it does get interesting:

Just like those other vices, porn actually does cause brain damage and makes changes in your brain chemistry.

Here is a video that explains this further...

But this is just the "physical damage" that too much porn can produce. There's an even deeper problem if you can believe that!


The other problem with porn is this, much like any kid having played Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty for thousands of hours, it desensitizes us in a very sneaky way.

Too much of it takes away our ability to get aroused in a normal sexual situation with women. We develop problems like ED (erectile dysfunction), premature ejaculation, and low energy. This is because our brain is now wired to only be overstimulated by the sexual insanity of a porn vid. So "normal" sex will no longer cut it for us.

Part of the reason for quitting porn is so you can perform sexually when the time arises (no pun), but the other part of it is, so you can learn how to have a realistic relationship with a woman (or guy, if that's your bag).

If every time you see a woman, or you're around women, and all you can think about is how a threesome would be with her mom, or how she would look with an anal plug with a horse tail (don't judge me), you will never, I repeat, NEVER be able to have a satisfying experience with her.


Like the saying goes "everything in moderation" right? But with access to porn at our fingertips, how easy is to refrain from giving in every time we are "in the mood" or worse... just bored? Remember, too much ANYTHING can be a bad thing!

I'm not saying that because you watch porn you need to check yourself into the nearest group for sex addicts. But maybe there should limits we put on how often we partake?

Anyway, hope this was entertaining as well as "educational" boys and girls. Let me know what you think!


Perhaps we can also get a Steemit brain. Negative effects of this can be refreshing your wallet every 10 seconds hoping for new income, refreshing your posts every 10 seconds hoping for new upvotes and trying to post whatever just to have as much content out there.

I'm sure that topic's been covered already. Seems like that happens pretty often.

Addiction to porn has been known for years. Many people have gone to special therapy and talking groups for it. Let's not forget sites like redtube, xhamster and pornhub exist many years already.

But what's remarkable is that all this free porn so easily available doesn't seem to negatively affect the age at which teens have sex for the first time for example.

I agree. I wasn't debating how either. It's just a funny commentary on some of the negative affects too much of can have. Nothing ground breaking. Just a different topic on Steemit othe than crypto currency post.

Porn is goood , helps teach new things in sex . Amateur sex tapes are sooo arousal inducing. Helps mind to sexuly stimulate. Makes you horny and wana have sex or mustrubate. fap fap fap fap fap fap ...... Oooooo Ooooo Ahaaaaaaaaaaah

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